Peter Peng (Peter Pen) - Character Author, Story Story and Actors


Character History

Often, children become the main actors in the works of writers. But this does not mean that such books are designed for the category of young readers, for example, in the same "Harry Potter" Joan Rowling can be traced political subtext.

Peter Peng and Wendy with brothers

That's forever young Character Peter Peng needs to show parents to parents the classic problem of fathers and children. But this fairy tale is suitable and small lovers of books: the children will dip in the magical country with Nalanden, which is opposed to the boring and prosaic weekdays of adults.


Peter Peng became the same cult character as a girl from Gansa's fairy tale Andersen "Thumbelina". Few think, who wrote about a funny boy with milk teeth. But he first appeared not in Walt Disney cartoons. A small story of six chapters "Peter Peng in the Kensington Garden" (1902) was part of the novel of the Scottish playwright James Barry "White Bird".

James Barry

The author of the work has invented an unusual concept: there is a bird island in the world where the winged warm-blooded animals are born, later turning into children. If parents decide to have a child, they send a note to this paradise, and then wait for parcels with a boy or a girl.

But the freedom-loving Peter Peng did not want to stay under the care of his parents, so I found a way to stay in the garden, where the elves, fairies and wise raven Solomon live. The work of James Barry was in demand, so the Genius of Literature Already in 1904 he put on the stage of the London Pieces Theater called "Peter Peng", and then from the writer's feather the writer began to go out and other works about the radiant boy.

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In 1953, the Cartoon Studio "Disney", who gave the world of Mickey Maus, was engaged in James Barry's character. The role of the main character voiced Bobby Driscoll. In the first cartoon, which came out in 1953, the brave Peter Peng met the girl Wendy.


Who is Peter Peng, tells on the first pages of the work. James Barry mentioned that all the born children initially know how to fly, so they only think about shooting from the house, like birds, which are easily sitting in an iron cage. That Peter Peng did not exception: as soon as the boy had the opportunity, he immediately flew out the window, remaining because of his act man only half.

The first image of Peter Pan

It is noteworthy that the "Disney" artist Milt Kalya sometimes complained by the bosses of the animation studio: if you do not care about the usual flight, then you can animate Peter Pan, soaring across the sky in weightlessness, it was really difficult.

James Barry made the will of the imagination of readers: the writer did not describe the appearance of his character in detail. It only knows the fact that the pearl-white dairy teeth did not fall out of the invalid adventure lovers.

James also gave a hint that the child appeared on the pages of the book in clothes from dry leaves and transparent resin, while in Disney cartoon, Peter Pan's costume reminds the outfit of defender of disadvantaged people Robin Hood. Although others see in a boy with pointed ears and in a green hat with a red feather of a curious elf.

Peter Peng in Walt Disney Cartoon

It is worth saying that in theatrical productions, where the role of the hero was delivered to representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, the resin was replaced by spiderpie.

Not all readers guess that Peter Pan had real prototypes. After death from cancer of friends of the writer of Silvia and Arthur Davis, James became an informal guardian of five boys, the so-called "Davis Boys". The writer became close to the orphans, having made them a native man. It was not even frightened by the media outputs, hiding at an intimate connection.

But when the young men bulk the features of childhood and stepped into an adult world, the joy was replaced by sadness. Two died at a fairly early age: one drowned, the other died in the war. The third imposed hands on 63 years old. That is why James Barry did not want a carefree youth to end, and tried to stop the time at least in his work.

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As for the true age of Peter Pan, this is a mystery for seven seals. A possible prototype of the character is considered the 13-year-old Brother Barry, who died the day before the day before the day, remaining in the hearts of the parents eternally young Son. The writer hinted in the "white bird", that the hero is seven days, but in other books it has become older, and the pennipment of Pan from 10 to 13 years.

James Barry, who knows about the difficult character of children, endowed Peter Pan with contradictory qualities: On the one hand, the boy is a faithful friend, ready to give a hand of help, and on the other - Bouncen, personified children's egoism.

One day, Peter Peng faded the desire to return to his mother, so with the help of pollen of the wings Fay flew home. Despite the fact that the woman walked on his son, the young man did not seem to her. When Peter Peng brought up courage and again came to his native housing, the window was closed, and another child slept next to Mom.


The famous director Stephen Spielberg was freely interpreted by the story of James Barry "Peter Peng and Wendy", published in 1911. The plot of the film "Captain Hook" (1991) talks about Adult "Peter Pen" - Peter Benning (Robin Williams), who is so fascinated by the work that it cannot give time to raising children.

Robin Williams as Peter Pan

A forty-year-old man lives everyday life, while at one fine moment in his adult world fairy Din-Dilin and does not convince Peter to return to his native Naland. The boy grew up, but the old enemies did not cut the ax of the war: the chief hero will have to meet with a cunning pirate by captain by the hook. The brilliant cast was included in the Guru of Cinema: Dustin Hoffman, Julia Roberts, Bob Hoskins, Maggie Smith and other stars.

In the picture "Peter Peng", which was released in 2003, the major role was performed by Jeremy Sampter. According to the plot, the everlasting boy is fighting the villains pirates who want to capture the magic country with Nalandund.

Robbie Key as Peter Pan

In 2011, the series "Once in a fairy tale" came out, in which you can find anyone: be it snowball, Pinocchio, a red hat or Cinderella. In this multi-seater film, Peter Pan's role performed Robbie Kay, and the directors showed it as a negative character.

Levi Miller as Peter Pan

In 2015, the image of Peter tried on Levi Miller in the film "Peng: Journey to Netland." A young man worked on a single set with famous colleagues around the workshop: Hugh Jackman, Garrett Hedlund, Runes by Marà, Kari Melowin and other actors.


"And the mother was in the character of something like that ... well, rightly striking, almost magical. I will try to explain to you now. You know, there are such boxes. Open one, and in it - the other, and in the other - the third one. And there is always another drawer about the reserve, how much you open. " "You just think about something good, your thoughts will make you lungs, and you take off." "Die - this is also a big and interesting adventure." "He even seem to like them. What do they like it? Maybe he is in the form? Bottches was always in good shape, although he himself did not guessed it. And not guess - this is the best form! " "Strange things happen to us sometimes in life. And we do not even notice what they occur. "

Interesting Facts

  • Full Johnny Depp played James Barry in the Biographical film "Magic Country" (2004), which tells about the relationship between the writer and boys Davis. The painting also played Kate Winslet, Freddie Haymore, Julie Christie and Rada Mitchell.
  • Artists of the Disney Studio often referred to their characters with live actors. The prototype of the Fairie Blonde Din-Dilin became a typical "girl with covers."
Monument to Piter Pan in Kensington Gardens
  • James Barry's relationship with adoptive boys were not always smooth. George, Michael and Nicholas adored the writer, but the rest were feeding toward the guardian of dislike.
  • On the night of April 30, 1912, a monument to Peter Pan, ordered by the writer at the sculptor George Frepton, was installed in Kensington gardens.

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