Irina Pechechennikova - biography, photo, personal life, news, cause of death



After the release of the cult painting "We live to Monday" the actress Irina Pechechennikov woke up famous. Its popularity came far beyond the borders of the Soviet Union. Abroad, Pechersnikov called "Soviet Audrey Hepburn with the eyes of a deer". Probably, it was then that the young artist realized that her children's dream came true in full.

Childhood and youth

Irina Viktorovna Pechechennikova was born in Grozny in early September 1945. Shortly after the birth of the daughter, the family moved to the capital. In Leninsky Prospekt, where Pechersniks settled, the famous actress Rufin Nifontova lived. Already then, the future star of school saga dreamed of the scene. She secretly wore flowers famous nifionta, but could not decide to give a bouquet to her in hand. Therefore, Ira quietly put flowers under the door and ran away. But once decided. When an inaccessible star opened the door, the girl was sled, which also dreams of becoming an actress and asked what was needed for this. Rufina Dmitrievna, thinking, briefly answered his rudely hoarse voice: "All". And closed the door.

After such an exhaustive response, Pechecchnikov was recorded in all the mugs at once: on gymnastics, figure skating and even fencing. But the main thing, began to visit the drama, which led a student of the great Vsevolod Meyerhold. It was she who managed to prepare Irina to enter, and chose her university: certainly MCAT.

However, confidence that she will do, Irina Pechechennikova was not. According to the actress, she arrived by chance. I decided that at first a year will work in the theater named after V. Mayakovsky, take a look at the artists, and will take the next year.

And Irina looked at the Irina Studio School only then to see how others come. Opened the doors to the studio, where they took the exam, and was immediately seen. The girl was invited to enter and asked how old she was. She was 16, but she added another year. And on the type of thin and low growth, the girl was not more than 13. On the head a huge kapron bow. From clothes - brown school dress and white socks. Therefore, the answer "17" was met by friendly laughter.

At the request of something to read Pechechennikov, the poem "Setter Jack" faith Inberts and told the passage from the play "Dasha, or the story of the puppy life" Karel Chapeca. And again laugh. Nevertheless, she was accepted.

Personal life

The first husband of the actress became the Polish musician Zbigniew Bizon. Young people met when the actress broke both legs during filming. Friends to shake it, led to the concert jazz group "Bison". Such and saw her zbigniews - with a wand. Roman flared instantly.

The couple has long been calling and rewritten. Then they, not to break between the countries, decided to sign. But together were able to live for a short time: Irina lacked the theater. The actress missed her relatively. It could not continue for so long. The couple broke up.

The second time the personal life of Irina Pechersnikova changed after meeting with actor Boris Galkin. Young people met in a small theater, where the artist served at the time, and Galkin put the graduation performance. At first he fell in love with her portrait, hanging in the lobby, and then in the "original" himself. A couple of months after dating, they got married. But Boris loved Irina, and she only loved the theater at that time.

According to the actress, the real love came to her at 51, when the actress again met with Alexander Solovyov, who played a handsome in the "Green Van". They met in the 1969th. But not then, but much later, in 1986, they realized that between them is not just an attraction, but real love. But at that time, Solovyov smasted a little son. Irina did not want to break the family and build happiness on other people's broken fate.

They met again in the late 1990s. Alexander's son grew and became a student.

In 1997, Pechecnikov and Solovyov married the church on Arbat. The short 3 years gave them fate to huge, incredible happiness. And on the eve of the 2000th, the actor was found with a head injury on the flower bed. He died, not coming into consciousness, in the clinic of Sklifosovsky on January 1. And if the policeman who found the actor did not remember that he saw him in a "green van", Solovyov would have buried as an unknown.

Six months, the actress spent in a hospital with a severe nervous disorder. Then there were many years of terrible depression and reluctance to live and see people. It seems that only the recently famous actress began to see the world in colors and even occasionally appear in public.

It so happened that the actresses did not have their children, but Pechechennikov learned to find harmony in any manifestations of life. Back in the 90s, the actress acquired a village house, where he spent time from May to October. The actress had a small garden, she loved walking through the forest. According to friends, Pechechennikov walked perfectly culinary, Borshi and Pies Irina Viktorovna considered her skate.

In the young years, Irina Pechechennikov easily mastered foreign languages. The French actress learned for the semester at the Studio School MCAT, and the colloquial English mastered the month of stay in London. Until recent days, Irina Pechechennikova spoke well in Polish.

Another hobby of the actress, which she preserved since the time of the student, is the study of the creativity of Leonardo da Vinci. Irina was convinced that she would be something to talk to this person if such a meeting existed.


The creative biography of Irina Pechersnikova began on the 2nd year of the Studio school. She was entrusted with a complex and at the same time an interesting role in the production of the "winter alarm of our". Immediately, a beginner actress learned what theatrical intrigues are. At the thin partition of the dressing room, Irina heard her, quite another girl, who had never had time to kiss, discussed envious senior colleagues. In the fact that a student entrusted such a responsible role, they suspected her love relationship at once with two directories.

Irina cried for a long time, clogging into theatrical scenery. Her sobs with the "subwits" heard the director. Then he gave a beginner artist.

"Remember: If you love you - then you or a woman's unusual, or actress talented. Will you cry when you stop talking about you. "

Since then, such conversations for his back Pechersniki have ever heard more than once. Sometimes rumors had grounds, but no more often.

After graduating from the university, Irina Viktorovna took in Lenk, where she worked for 2 years, until 1968. But then passed to the theater named after V. Mayakovsky, in which he dreamed of getting still in the youth, seeing "Hamlet". In "Mayakovka", the actress was detained for 10 years. From there, she lured into his theater, the Academic Small, the famous director Mikhail Ivanovich Tsarev. True, immediately warned that the two of her "will be" it ", and it looks" edible ".

So it happened. Irina Pechechennikov hated. She was jealous of black envy. After all, "new" selected all repertoire roles. It often happened, she was called before the premiere and injective voices threatened to disfigure the face with acid or to bring a terrible curse.

When there was not the Tsareva, whom the artist is idolized, her life in the theater lost its meaning. The best roles were played. She became boring and uninteresting. In addition, the "dashing 90s" began who broke the career to many actors. It was not the exception and Pechennikov. From hopelessness and unnecessary actress began to drink. Stopped managed only on the edge of the abyss.


The cinematic biography of Irina Pechechennikova was as well as theatrical. This becomes understandable after the listing of its partner movies: Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Oleg Dahl, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Vladimir Vysotsky, Yuri Bogatyrev.

After a successful start in the "Stone Guest" tapes and "First Love", Stanislav Rostotsky offered a young actress the role in his piercing film "We live to Monday." The director searched for a new, "not illuminated" face. The picture came out on the screens in 1968. English teacher Natalia Gorelov Pechechennikova played in one breath. Later, Irina Viktorovna admitted that it was not a game, but a solid pleasure. Because the atmosphere of universal love reigned on the set and respect, which Rostotsky could "introduce" could "implement".

After the film, they spoke about the Roman Pechersnoy and Tikhonov. In fact, no novel was. The young actress is not something that flirting with a master shy, the girl even was afraid to breathe with him. Love was really, but in his memoirs, the artist called her "respectful."

There was no novel and with Oleg Dale, although Irina Pechechennikov really was in love with the Star. In order to be filmed with him, the artist, then the famous for the whole country, agreed to play the episode in the picture "Omega version. But the distance was married. His wife Lisa worked as an editor and turned out to be an interesting and bright person. Couple went everywhere, holding hands. Therefore, in addition to friendly relationships, nothing else could not have anything else.

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Half-truth was also attributed to the Pechennikov Roman with Vladimir Vysotsky. The couple played together in the painting "Tale about how King Peter Arap was married." In his memoirs, the actress shared that at the very beginning of his acquaintance Vysotsky her scary annoyed. The artist often visited and tried to pinch her. Familiarity turned out to be non-standard. Irina, first heard, as Bard sings, quietly said: "It is necessary, the opposite itself, and I wrote such a song!" But in the silence after the performance of the song, Vysotsky, Vysotsky heard these words. It is possible to hide offense or surprise, he looked loudly.

Later, when after a short stay in Poland, the actress returned to Moscow, they met again. The Pechersniki creativity of the famous Vysotsky country was completely unknown. She asked if he wrote something else, except for the "sails". And again it was incredibly surprised and launched a bard.

It seems he really was in love with the actress with the eyes of a deer. Otherwise, I would not ask the father of Ira to let go daughter for 3 days. Having received consent, Vysotsky planted about anything suspected Pechersnik in the car and took to the airport. They flew together into Adler, and from there we went to Gagra. There, Vladimir starred with Oleg Dale in the painting "Bad good man." On the second day, Bard gave a concert in Sukhumi. Like all his concerts, this one has passed with anchlage. Many Vysotsky's songs devoted to the beautiful companion who was blushing when everyone turned around to look at her.

However, Bard loved Marina Vlad. And the Pechersnaya to be mistress did not want.

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The actress calls Maria Tatarinov from the film "Two Captain" with his beloved role in the cinema. Although she almost refused this work. The fact is that the director Evgeny Karelov invited her to the role of Mother Kati. At the same time, Katya played almost the same as Pechersnaya - Elena Prudnikova. Irina was offended that Karelov said to her:

"I invited you exactly because I need a picture of a woman who three men love all their lives."

During these years, the actress did not go from the pages of the Soviet screen, publishing with reviews and numerous photos followed one after another.

Among the memorable viewers of the work of Irina are the main role in the film "At your own". Her partner on the screen was Evgeny Kindinov. Soon the work was followed by the film "Man Changes Skin", where Igor Kostolovsky, Boris Khmelnitsky, Larisa Udovichenko played. In the Drama "Unusual Summer" Irina Pechechennikova performed the role of Lisa Baskov. And in 1981, she was waiting for work in the popular Soviet film-catastrophe Andrei Malyukova "34th Smell". Irina then reincarnated into a fly-flying passenger, and the leaders were shone, Elena Majorova and Alexander Fatyushin.

Another page in the works of Irina Pechersnikova - participation in TV links. The actress represented the heroine of the "Pages of Pechorin magazine", "Martin Eden", "Month of Long Days".

In the 1990s, the actress was almost not shot, but the actress filmography was replenished with a project that was positively perceived by international critics. Irina played in the Dram "Anna Karamazoff", which was presented later at the Cannes Festival. Together with Tatiana Drubich Pechechennikov reincarnated in Uzbek.

In the 2000s, it appeared on the screen twice. Pechecchnikov agreed into small roles in the paintings "Do not leave me, love" and "Last Reproduction". But at the same time, Irina Viktorovna argued that he was completely unwilling about his abnormality in the new century. She said that after the roles played with Dalem and Tikhonov, it is difficult for her to look at what is called cinema today.

The audiences again remembered the legend in 2010, when she was invited to show the "Beauty Formula" show. The Pechersnikova was made by a plastic surgery, after which the actress was surprisingly raging. Next, participated in the programs "Revealing Secrets. Stars, "" autograph on Saturdays "," Indian summer "," Irina Pechechennikov. I do not hurt. " Invited actress in the author's project "Silver Ball" and art historian Vitaly Wolfe.

Later actress more than once became the heroine of copyright. In the talk show "Alone with everyone", Irina Pechechennikova told Yulia Little about the main events of his life. In the broadcast, the actress remembered that at the very beginning of the film director Leonid Gaidai offered her a major role in the Caucasian Captive. The director appealed to the young actress with a proposal to play in the scene with a donkey as a sample to a new comedy, but Irina then worked on the role of Donna Anna in the adaptation of the work of Alexander Pushkin, so he refused such a dubious offer. Later, Leonid Gaidai repeatedly at the meeting he fought over the Pechersnaya.

In 2017, the actress appeared in the Talk Show Boris Korchevnikov "The Fate of Man", where she told in detail how hard her life was evolved.


On September 2, 2020, Irina Pechechennikova was preparing to celebrate the 75th anniversary. However, the day before the significant event did not become. On the death of the Honored Artist of the RSFSR reported her friend Nina Davydov.


  • 1968 - "We will live to Monday"
  • 1968 - "Shield and Sword"
  • 1970 - "Love for three oranges"
  • 1973 - "At your own will"
  • 1975 - "Omega version"
  • 1976 - "Two Captain"
  • 1978 - "Personal Happiness"
  • 1979 - Blue Carbuncoon
  • 1985 - "Nabat at dawn"
  • 2007 - "Last reproduction"

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