Lyudmila Marchenko - Biography, Personal Life, Tragedy, Photos, Filmography, Death and Latest News



The biography of Lyudmila Marchenko is a ready-made scenario of exciting melodramas. Everything is required for the genre: Unhappy love, bright takes off to the tops of glory, intrigue, gossip, a sea of ​​fans, the secret passion of the elderly powerful patron, who easily breaks the life of an inconspicuous subject of his manic passion, jealousy, which caused the tragedy, a detrimental addiction and Slow stars fading.

Childhood and youth

She really was born actress. I barely learned to disconstruct the words, the girl stated that it would be an artist. No one doubted this. In the 135th metropolitan school, where Luda studied, she was a comment of the amateum theater.

Lyudmila Marchenko in youth

Therefore, after the presentation of the school certificate, she planned, went to the best Moscow theatrical universities. Passed all the famous: VGIK, Shchepkinskoye and Schukinsky schools. But she was advised to stop the choice on Vgika. Marchenko listened and was not mistaken.

Lyudmila is incredibly lucky. She studied at Mikhail Romma. Together with her in his workshop, Andrei Konchalovsky and Vladimir Ivashov were comprehended in his workshop. In 1963, when a young artist was awarded a diploma, she was already a celebrity.


Immediately after the end of Vgika, Lyudmila Marchenko accepted in Ektemim - the experimental studio of the Pantomime, who was led by Alexander Rumbal. Running upwards, let's say that the scene "Ecteme" the actress came out only 2 years. From 1965 to 1984, she worked at the Cinema Studio Theater. Marchenko has always been closer to cinema, not theatrical layouts.

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The cinematic biography of Lyudmila Marchenko began pretty early. Already on the 2nd year of Vgika, a charming girl with a wedged spout noted Grigory Kozintsev. He suggested her a small role in his epochal tape "Volunteers", thundered to the whole country. Luduth got the image of a flame committee, Metrostroy workers.

A year later, in the 1959th, the Trekchisnitz offered a star role in the painting of Leo Kuljjanov "Father's House". Surrounding Lyudmila Marchenko turned into a star. The director did not lose. The young actress was able to convey the entire palette of the feelings, leaning her heroine. Surprisingly, but also pain, and unhappy love she played brilliantly, although nothing of the kind in his life was worried.

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Now she knew the entire Soviet Union. Abroad, it was called "Soviet Audrey Hepburn". It is unlikely that in Hollywood suspected that the star lives in a one-room apartment, where 7 people juts.

Not only innocent fans and enchanted by beauty young colleagues flew to the inner light and the incredible charm of Marchenko. A 19-year-old girl fell into the field of view of a powerful, talented and despotic director of Ivan Pyryev, the creator of the Union of Cinematographers, without a knock included in the office of the state of the state. He was told that he could even make a star to the star.

Ivan Pyriev and Lyudmila Marchenko

It was such a person who drew his closer attention to the young student. It turned out to be the cause of the rapid takeoff of Lyudmila Marchenko until the surrounding heights and at the same time misfortune of her life. 58-year-old Puryev unexpectedly invited a young student to himself.

He saw her in the "free house" and realized that this talented girl, like none other, is suitable for the role of Nastya in the project "White Nights" on the work of F. Dostoevsky. It is rude by tearing a girl over a trunny spout, Pyriev still approved it on a role without a single sample.

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Congenital directorial in the event did not let the Matra. The young actress brilliantly reincarnated into the proposed image. Playing in this film, she was so deeply entered the role that he was constantly crying and often was in the depressed state of the Spirit. With other emotions to play Dostoevsky's images on the screen is difficult.

The actress, who lived on the role, did not immediately hear gossip and peres for their back. The new passion of Almighty Pyriyev noticed everything. Yes, and he was not particularly hiding. Lyudmila, when she understood the reason for the strange views of his colleagues, at first it was funny. She did not believe that the person of her grandfathers really fell in love with her.

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However, the girl was not affected by the passion of the elderly director. She fell in love with his partner on the film Oleg Strizhenova. Their love has flowed into real life. She was little worried that the actor was married and older than her for 11 years. The artist was sure that he would throw a family. Everything else for Lyudmila did not matter.

Perhaps so she accepted the keys to the apartment that Pyriev was removed for her in the Small Demidov's Lane. But when he rubbed his hands, his young beloved met in a love novel with Oleg Strizhenov. When the director was sent to the dwelling, he botted the pair.

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It was a dangerous game. Marchenko did not dare to tell the Almighty Pyriev categorical "no", but also did not speak. It seems that it broke up the director who is not used to failures, even more. Sister Lyudmila Marchenko in his memoirs later will write that Pyriev manically pursued the actress. For example, he suddenly appeared to shoot the picture "My younger brother." Beginner actors Oleg Dal, Andrei Mironov and Alexander Zbruev starred.

At that time, Lyudmila and Oleg Strizhenova's relationship ended. The actress married MGIMO Vladimir Verbenko student. When the husband came to the shooting and saw Dalka, Mironov and Zbruev, circling around his wife, and then, and then she stares Pyrhev, he left the spouse.

Actress Lyudmila Marchenko

The creative biography of Lyudmila Marchenko inexorably moved to his terrible final. Once friends led to the artist of the geologist Valentina Berezina. Serious and courageous man immediately liked her. He played beautifully on the guitar and fascinatingly told about the expeditions. Roman broke out.

Young people began to live together. When Ivan Pyriev reported on this, he in anger forbade all directorists to remove Marchenko. Nobody dared to disobey the Almighty Matra. Leonid Gaidai, who tried the actress to the role of Nina in the Caucasian Captive, took Natalia Valaley. Lyudmila was not allowed into the house of the cinema and at Mosfilm: all of her passes were revoked.

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In the apartment of the artist came the oppressive silence, which no call was disturbed. Rank, when meeting with Pyrievic, Marchenko, angrily declared him to complain. What he laughed in her face: "Where? In Loszaf? ".

Pyriev calmed down only a few months before his death. He married Actress Lionelle Skird. Only then directed by Edmond Keosayan dared to offer Marchenko a small role in the film "Strayaku". But even then the shadow of Pyryaeva flashed over the attacked actress, forever and finally crossed her further career.

Once Berezin, a civilian wife, Lyudmila Marchenko, hinted in a drunken conversation that the cooperative apartment in which they live is a gift of Pyryev. And although there was only part of the truth in this, the jealousie came home and brutally beat the actress.

Actress Lyudmila Marchenko

The doctors of the Sklifosovsky Institute barely rescued a dismissed actress. Lyudmila Marchenko's life was really returned, but terrible scars that could not be hidden even under the thick layer of the makeup, remained for life. A woman did not mention the investigators about who beat her. She stated that he had hit the car disaster.

Nobody wanted to get to the truth, because at that time the almighty Pyriev was still alive. So, at the age of 26, the cinematic biography of Lyudmila Marchenko, a talented actress, which was in the flourishing of their creative forces.

Personal life

After 2 years, the actress learned that her birch had an extramarital child. She silently gathered his things and put out the door. Unfortunately, a woman could not give birth to a child herself. Because of the pregnancy interrupted at home, the actress heard a terrible verdict from doctors: she was fruitless.

Lyudmila Marchenko in recent years

Lyudmila Marchenko's personal life has twice made cool turns. Her third husband was the administrator of Moskoncert Vitaly Voitenko. He tried to help a woman and found a plastic surgeon. But his skill turned out to be dubious. After several operations, the effect turned out to be terrifying.

Nevertheless, a loving husband helped his wife find at least some use of her talents. He organized creative meetings with the audience. And then Marchenko, together with Vladimir Vysotsky, went to the tour of the country. But the main question that Star fans tied, was one who was afraid of the most: "What are you working on now?". And the actress broke down completely. She began to drink and left alone again.

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In 1977 and 1980, Lyudmila Marchenko flashed on the screen. She played in two episodes: In the painting "Service Roman", Eldar Ryazanov gave her a tiny role of Gosti Samokhvalov, and in the film "On the poor Gusar, they will silence the word" she played a provincial actress.

The former star briefly sheltered the Theater Studio of the film actor. Here the artist entrusted to play small roles in two performances. But the head injury began to affect: the woman noticed that hearing worsen.

Lyudmila Marchenko and her husband Sergey Sokolov and sister

Still, personal happiness looked at her again. The artist married the graphic artist Sergey Sokolov. They lived together for 21 years, until the death of Sergey. Lyudmila was his muse. He idolized her. The features of Marchenko appeared in many of his paintings. They were recognized in his princess Mary, Kuprinsky Oles and Sulami.

Sokolov put the maximum forces to heal his wife from alcoholism. Every summer, the spouses left for the village under Ternik, where the artist drew his paintings, and Lyudmila was digging in the garden, fed the birds, read the books and talked to their cats. One hot summer Sergey did not. Buried him in a village cemetery.


A few months after the care of her husband did not become Lyudmila Vasilyevna. She died in winter, January 21, 1997, from banal influenza.

Shortly before the death of Marchenko, with undisguised bitterness, admitted that the cinema did not give her anything. She dies in poverty, without children, with a disheveled face and broken life. Failed in the youth happy ticket turned out to be an empty piece of paper.

Lyudmila Marchenko's grave

It seems the actress, having lived 57 years old, wanted to die. She forbade her native to spend it so that they were not infected with the flu. At the same time did not cause a doctor and did not take any drugs.

The Union of Cinematographers, once headed by Pyreyov, allocated 200 rubles for the funeral.


  • 1958 - "Volunteers"
  • 1959 - "White Nights"
  • 1959 - "Father's House"
  • 1960 - "To the future spring"
  • 1962 - "Without fear and reproach"
  • 1962 - "My younger brother"
  • 1965 - "Strana"
  • 1967 - "A man throws anchor"
  • 1968 - "Scouts"
  • 1982 - "Who knocks on the door to me ..."

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