Robert Carlisle - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Critics are extolled by this brilliant actor for universality: he plays a priest with the same skill, and cannibal. And the female half of the audience considers an artist with one of the most attractive stars, a real sex symbol, although he has neither the classic beauty of George Clooney, nor the American gloss Brad Pitt.

Robert Carlisle star after the release of Kinobestsellers "on the needle", "Male Striptease" and "and the whole world is not enough." But he traveled to Olympa for a long time. Behind the back of the man difficult childhood and stormy youth.

Actor Robert Carlisle

Robert Carlisle was born in April 1961 in the ancient district of Scottish MEGAPOLIS Glasgow - Merihill. Family life of parents, Scots Elizabeth and Joseph Carlisles, did not work out. Joseph was not adapted to the surrounding reality and interrupted from earnings to earnings. Family lived on the verge of poverty. Elizabeth did not stand the severity of being and escaped from the house, leaving a three-year-old Robbie Carlisle to the care of his father.

When the boy turned 7, Joseph jokes to the hippie commune. This is a friendly community to the city in the city, occupying empty houses (the so-called squatting). For several years, Carlisyla lived in an abandoned house in Chelsea. And when they were expelled from there, a year and a half were interrupted on the beach pier in Brighton, which in East Sussex England.

Robert Carlisle in youth and now

Nevertheless, Robert Carlisle recalls children's and youthful years with trepidation, and the father always remained if not the idol for him, then to whom he imitated and thanks to who came to cinema. After all, Joseph turned out to be a creative man. He not only painted well, drawing up showcases and signs, but also showed real artistism and turned into chameleon when he needed to get a client. Robbie was oblivioned by his father, when he was started to talk about his adventures: he turned out to be a ready-made actor, the will of the fate did not fall on the scene.

The desire to become an artist came to Robert Carlisle not in orphanage, but a little later. In 15, the guy threw school and began to earn where he would have. The first money and dubious friends turned Robbie in a difficult teenager. He rapidly rolled into the abyss, but the death of a close friend from the overdose of drugs in time stopped Robert. He went to the evening school and discovered the world of books. I read the poverty. And for the first time came to the theater scene.

Robert Carlisle

Artist Plays Arthur Miller played a decisive value in the carlisle solution. Reading works, Robert caught himself at the desire to play all heroes.


If in the youth, Robbie was passionate about the amateur scene, then at 22 he came to the theater studio of the Glasgow Arts Center. After a year and a half, he with brilliance surrendered exams and became a student of the famous Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Dramatic Art.

In the 1990th, the future star of British cinema, together with his colleague, Alexander Morton founded theatrical troupe, calling the team "Raindog" in honor of one of the albums of his beloved Singer Tom Wates. In Troupe, Robbie was not only an actor. He built scenery and even remembering the lessons of his father, tried himself as an artist-designer.

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The debut performance "flying over the cuckoo nest" brought Carlisle recognition and victory on the competition of novice directories, who every year holds the Royal Academy among his graduates.

Robert Carlisle's cinematic biography began in 1991. The debit of the artist in the painting "Society of Society" is attributed to the attention of directors and viewers. Rob was so convincingly played a construction worker that many wondered at what construction site the director found this artist. At the same time, no one believed that Carlisle is a graduate of the Scottish Royal Academy.

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Brilliant reincarnation - a distinguishing feature of the actor. But here the role was played not only talent, but also a considerable work that stood for every role. Carlisle, getting ready to play Adolf Hitler in Ribe "Hitler: Climbing the Devil", listened to Wagner and watched the films of Lie Ryphentstal. Before reincarnated in the homeless, Robert lived in the village of Waterloo for some time, where the shooting was planned, as a homeless.

The same story with the film "Stargate. Universe, "where the actor entrusted the role of a fanatic scientist. To enter the image, he visited lectures at the University of British Columbia. Robert so conscientiously approached each of his work, that even playing the bus driver, he received the right to the corresponding category.

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The real loud glory came to the Scots after the Riff Raff films, "on the needle" and "Male Striptease". For the last ribbon, Robert Carlisle was presented by the BAFTA Award.

However, even world popularity did not make the artist to be filmed in the projects that he did not like. Exceptions he did not even do for high-budget films. Carlisle and today prefers only the original projects in which the acting acting game is in the first place, and not butaforia and special effects.

Who only he did not happen to play: Gay-priest, Stewalear, Correction, King and Tirana, homeless and cannibal.

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In 2005, the fans of the Scottish Star saw a favorite artist in the role of mafiosi and trader people Sergey Karpovich in the picture "Living Goods". For this brilliant work, Carlisle got a nomination for the "Outstanding Actor of the Second Plan".

And in 2006, Robert appealed to fiction for the first time and filmed as a sorcerer Darza in the film "Eragon". At the same time, the artist played this character as it was considered necessary. In the author's "reading" hero, Carlisle moves little. Most emotions he transmits facial expressions and intonation. For greater realistic image of the actor, the actor did not part with a stage suit, so that even the folds of the clothes looked in real.

Robert then appeared in the mini-series "Last Enemy", where Benedict Cumberbatch, Anamaria Marinka, Max Bisley and others were partners around the artist.

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Since 2011, the actor entered the main composition of the fantastic series "Once in a fairy tale." High project ratings pushed the creators to remove 7 seasons of the multi-sized film. In all, Carlisle appeared. Interestingly, Mr. Gold's role is written specifically for the brilliant artist. And to create a character's voice, the actor filed the idea of ​​the younger son of a man - Percy. Robert appeared in front of the audience in the role of the wizard of the dark name of Rumbelstiltshen. In the plot, no one should know the real name of Clavius, otherwise he could demand any desire from him.

Initially, the tiller was a conventional peasant, quiet and calm, who lived with his wife and his beloved son, and after a series of events turned into a cunning and cunning magician. However, the feelings for the princess Bell, which for the sake of salvation of the kingdom of his father voluntarily became a darkening darkening, turned the life of a man. The role of the lover of the wizard performed the actress Emily de Ravin.

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Gradually, the veils of the mystery of the tape opened in front of the audience. The audience understood why he became such. And the pair of Rifel-Bell appeared many fans.

And in 2014, Robert first tried his hand as director. He removed the full-length picture of the Legend of Barney Thomson. It was created in the genre of the Black Comedy. The main role, Barney hairdresser, who became a serial killer, Carlisle took himself. Emma Thompson played in this film, Ray Winston and Tom Courtney. The premiere took place in the summer of 2015 at the Film Festival in Edinburgh and was successful.

In the spring of 2016, in his native Scotland, the actor returned to the image of the psychopath of Francis Beby. This role in the cult film "On the needle" 20 years ago brought carlisle world success. And in 2016 it was decided to remove the continuation, which was called "T2: Trainspotting".

Personal life

At the shooting of the film "Cracker's method" in 1994, the artist met the charming artist Grimer Anastasia Shirley. It turned out to be love at first sight and forever. Personal life of Robert Carlisle has since been connected only with this woman.

Beloved in January 1997 became her husband and wife. Three children were born at the couple: Harvey's sons and Percy Joseph and Daughter Ava. The family lives in the hometown of the star actor - Glasgow.

Robert Carlisle with his wife

Robert - the fan of the Scottish Football Club "Rangers".

In 2006, the favorite Father of the Artist left his life. At that time, Carlisle stopped public activities for some time and left the film "Real North", in which it turned out to be involved in the lead role.

Actor Robert Carlisle

For the artist, thousands of readers in the Twitter social network are observed. There the actor regularly tweets records. Once in the microblog, Rob admitted that before joining the acting profession he dreamed of a football player's career.

Fans of celebrities created a fan profile in "Instagram", where the photos of the beloved stars are laid out on the Internet.

Robert Carlisle now

In January 2017, the premiere of the film "T2: Trainspotting" took place. In this part, Robert's hero appeared in a different light. Now the audience saw that Francis Beby could experience, in addition to rage, also other emotions.

Critics warmly accepted Sicvel, and Robert Carlisle hinted to the third part of the film in an interview. And although some noted that the picture was not so beautiful as the first part, but Sicvel has the same mad energy, which was noted earlier in the previous picture.

Robert Carlisle

For December 2018, the release of the mini-series "War of the Worlds" is scheduled. The artist is involved in the project in one of the main roles. The multi-ribbon tells about the growing horror overtaking society after the invasion of aliens. Robert Carlisle will appear in the form of oligvi - scientist and astronomer. Colleagues on the shooting area of ​​the artist became Rife Spoll, Eleonor Tomlinson and Rupert Graves.


  • 1991 - "Pure English murder"
  • 1994 - "Priest"
  • 1996 - "On the needle"
  • 1997 - "Male Striptease"
  • 1999 - "And the whole world is not enough"
  • 2000 - "Beach"
  • 2001 - Formula 51
  • 2003 - "Hitler: climbing the devil"
  • 2005 - "Living Goods"
  • 2006 - "Eragon"
  • 2008 - "The Last Enem"
  • 2009-2011 - "Stargates: Universe"
  • 2011-2018 - "Once in a fairy tale"
  • 2017 - "T2: trainspotting"
  • 2018 - "War of the Worlds"

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