Catherine Denovev - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Biography Catherine Denev is interested in people around the world. The fact is that this actress in the 60-70s of the 20th century has become the personification of the real Frenchwoman. For its strict beauty, Catherine received the nickname "The Snow Queen of the French Cinema". As one colleague said about her, "Denev - not just a legend, she is ideal."

Photo Catherine Denovev adorned not only albums of hunters for autographs, but also billboards in Europe and North America: she at one time was one of the main advertising models of perfumery "Chanel No. 5". The significant roles of Denwev fell on the films "Cherbourg umbrellas", "Girls from Rochercha" and "Indochina".

Actress Catherine Denev

The real name of the actress - Catherine Fabien Dorleak, and the pseudonym "Denen" she took her later when he began to film. The girl was born in Paris in the family of the famous theater couple Maurice Dorleak and spouse Rene Zhanna Simono. Catherine has native sisters Francoise and Sylvia and sister from the first marriage of the mother with actor Eme Clarion, Daniel.

Despite the fact that in the evenings, thousands of Parisians were applauded in the evenings, Catherine grew at all in the bohemian situation. The mother itself led the economy and talked daughters to work on the house. But it is quite natural that four girls went in footsteps of parents. They starred in the cinema and played theater from ornamental years. All, except for the future legend of world cinema. The fact is that Dennev since childhood there is Peyrafobia, that is, the fear of the scene.

Catherine Denev in youth

The girl studied in the prestigious lyceum "La Fontan", but even then knew surely that would connect her life exclusively with acting skills. Creative biography of Katrin Denovev begins in adolescence, because the debit of artists on the set of the painting "Gymnasics" took place for another 14 years.


In his first film, Catherine Denev appeared under the real name of Katrin Dorleak, but later, when the older sister of Francoise became famous in France, the girl decided that one dorleak for the movie is enough. She chosen her grandmother's name with his grandmother's name - Denow. The actress became famous for the whole world in 1964, when the musical "Cherbourg umbrellas" became the triumphant of the Cannes Festival. Interestingly, she had roles, including the main, for example, in the criminal drama "Satan there ruled the ball", but these works did not attract special attention.

Catherine Denev in the film

Later had a grand successful success, such films like the horrors "disgust", the melodrama "Girls from Rochefor", the comedy "April madness", the colorful fairy tale "Oslay Skura", the mystical picture "Siren with Mississippi, Tristan tragedy. The role of Severina seriali in the frank tape "Day Beauty" is considered to be a bold work of Dennev. The French cinema to surprise the scenes with nude actresses was already impossible, but the fact that the film was filmed in a real public house, attracted everyone's attention.

Success accompanied Catherine throughout life. Oskarone military drama "Indochina", the historical and social tape "East-West" and the comedy "Desperate Housewife".

Catherine Denev in the film

An interesting role was given to the artist in the drama "Wind in the night". The actress appeared in the image of a woman named Hallene.

According to the plot of the floor and Hallene share age and social position, but despite this, they have long been in love with each other. As a result, the woman does not withstand pressure and marries another. Paul, trying to cope with despair, rushes to Italy. There, a young man meets Serge, whose fate turns out to be similar.

It is also worth noting the melodrama "The man who loved too much", the youth psychological film "Young Blood" and the underground parable "The Newest Testament".

In 2003, the audience saw the favorite actress in the role of Marquise Isabel de Marti in the mini-series "Dangerous relations". She played a tricky person who decided to revenge the former beloved to take revenge on the sophisticated way. The story of the writer Skodero de Laklo is taken as the basis of the story.

The significant and memorable roles got Catherine in the paintings "Breakfast with a stranger", Asterix and Obelix in Britain and the "Newest Testament".

Few people know that Denwev also singer. Actress's vocal data demonstrated in a romantic comedy "I love you", where I performed the song "Dieu Est Un Fumeur de Havanes ..." in a duet with Serge Gensbar, I performed the song "Joyeux Anniversaire Maman", and Hit "Ho Capito Che Ti AMO "In the version of the star sounded in the Drama" Hero of the Family ".

And in the detective water waters of "eight women", the actress sang and herself, and together with the rest of the partners, the voice of the artist can be heard in the Hangger of the Old Years "Ti Jamais." By the way, I produced Catherine Denen songs and in the format of a full-fledged studio album. And these compositions have no relation to the films. We are talking about the plate "Souviens-toi de M'oublier", seen the light in 1981.

Personal life

The director of Roger Vadim, who was filmed in the film "Sin and Virtue", became the first love in the life of Catherine Denöv. At that time, the girl was barely 17, and the actress partner turned out to be over 15 years old. Catherine lost his head, escaped from the house and moved to the apartment of his beloved. Denen gave birth to his son Christian. After that, the director made his child's mother's proposal to marry. But the girl was already disappointed in this relationship and refused to him.

About two years later, the actress marries the British photographer David Bailey. According to the documents, they remained her husband and his wife seven years, but in fact they lived together no more than a year. It's funny that, remembering your only official marriage, Denovev stated that the best in it was the opportunity to learn English.

Staying Mrs. Bailey, the actress tied a serious affair with an Italian actor and director Marcello Mastroanni. Together with him, she was filmed in the film "Lisa" and gave birth to him the second child, the daughter of Chiara. Marcello, like Roger Vadim, wanted to see Catherine his wife, but she again refuses his beloved man and retains freedom in relations. And after three years, the woman altogether declared Mastroanni that now they are only friends.

Catherine Denev and Marcello Mastroanni

In the following years, the actress held long-term novels with director of Francois Treiffo, actor Gerard Depardieu, the head of the channel "Canal +" Pierre Lestelter. But Dennev remained true to himself: she retained freedom, lives in one of the fashionable regions of Paris and herself chooses to himself.

It costs that children Catherine Denovev went at the footsteps of the famous mother. The son became a star of the Drama "Different Time" and plays a lot in theaters, and Chiara Mastroanni is huge at all. Known the roles of the girl in the paintings "Nice bastards" and "My girl does not want ...". Thanks to the children, the actress has already become a grandmother six times: she has four granddaughters and two grandson. Another Catherine Denoven visits several times in Russia: at the Moscow presentation of the biographical book of Andrei Plakov about actress and in Vladivostok, where he participated in the international film festival "Meridian of the Quiet".

Catherine Denev and Gerard Depardieu

In the social network "Instagram" you can find a profile with photos of the artist. But it is not known whether this is official or fan page.

Catherine Denovev now

At the end of 2017, a scandal with the participation of the producer Harvey Winestein occurred in Hollywood. Dozens actres accused a man in sexual harassment. As a result, the figures distributed a campaign called #Metoo. Catherine and about a hundred other famous women wrote an open letter that were placed in the LE MONDE newspaper.

According to the authors, the right of men to pester women is part of sexual freedom. And the clumsy flirting can not be equal to violence.

Catherine Denev

A few days later, the Frenchwoman apologized to victims of sexual harassment. An apologies were still aimed at those who have indignant support for Catherine's rights of men accused of stickies. But despite this, the actress remained with her opinion.

In February 2017, Dennev appeared in the drama "I and you". This is a tape of two women - Magic Beatrice and Padherce Claire. Beatris escaped 30 years ago from the girl and her father, and now returned to ask for forgiveness and help.

In October of the same year, a thriller "Everything shares us" with Catherine Denovev and Diana Kruger starring. In 2018, the artist as a central character will appear in two pictures: "Le Dernier Video-Grenier de Claire Darling" and Mauvaises Herbes.

In January 2018, it became known that Denovev would take off in the new film of the Japanese director Hirokhadz Koree. Colleagues on the site of Katrin will be Juliets Binosh and Itan Hawk. According to Juliet, the director wrote a script under these three artists.

Actress Catherine Denev

The official name has no official name. The plot also keeps secret. It is only known that Catherine will play an actress, and Binos will play the role of daughter-Writer Denovev.


  • 1964 - "Cherbourg umbrellas"
  • 1965 - "Disgust"
  • 1967 - "Day Beauty"
  • 1970 - "Tristan"
  • 1977 - "Lost Soul"
  • 1992 - "Indochina"
  • 2003 - "Dangerous connections"
  • 2010 - "Desperate Housewife"
  • 2012 - "Asterix and Obelix in Britain"
  • 2014 - "A man who loved too much"
  • 2015 - "Young Blood"
  • 2017 - "I and you"
  • 2017 - "Everything shares us"
  • 2018 - "Le Dernier Video-Grenier de Claire Darling"
  • 2018 - "Mauvaises Herbs"

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