Vladimir Skulachev - biography, medicine from old age, personal life, photos and latest news 2021



Dr. Biological Sciences Vladimir Petrovich Skulachev - a person is very famous in the scientific world. He has succeeded in domestic biochemistry. In the mid-1970s, he was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and in the early 1990s became academician of the Academy of Sciences.

Scientist Vladimir Skulachev

In recent years, the academician has gained wide popularity among compatriots due to those discoveries, on the threshold of which it is worth it. The fact is that Vladimir Skulachov old age turned into the main subject of his close attention. It is concerned about the present sensation: allegedly invented Vladimir Skulachov medicine from old age.

The future academician was born in February 1935 in the capital, in the family of Moscow intellectuals. His father was an architect. Parents granted the Son the love of reading books, which in their house there was a premise set.

It is not surprising that the 157th central school of a young man graduated with a gold medal. For further education, he chose the main University of the country - Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov. Exact sciences have always been in priority from Vladimir. But when the question arose that it was necessary to choose one direction with which all further life would be associated, he chose a biological and soil faculty.

Biochemist Vladimir Skulachev

In 1957, the graduate was given a diploma with honors. But the scientific atmosphere that reigned in Moscow State University, so liked yesterday's student, that he decided to stay at the university. Entered the graduate school by choosing his "native" biological and soil faculty.

At the Department of Animal Biochemistry, the young graduate student studied under the ready leadership of the authorities continuously in the scientific world - Professors of Moscow State University Sergey Evgenievich Severin and Vladimir Aleksandrovich Engelhardt.

Scientific activity

Today, the work of the academician focuses on studies conducted by the Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology named after A. N. Belozersky on the basis of Moscow State University, as well as at the Faculty of Biogengery and Bioinformatics of the University.

In the 1965th, a young scientist received a proposal he academician Andrei Nikolayevich Belozersky to take the position of the head of the bioenergy department in the newly opened laboratory, which was to be studied in the field of molecular biology and bioorganic chemistry.

Academician Vladimir Skulachev

In 1973, after the death of Academician Belozersky, Vladimir Petrovich appointed director of the laboratory. And in 1991, the laboratory, whose research successes were not questioned, transformed into the research institutes of the physico-chemical biology named after A. N. Belozersky.

Vladimir Skulachev and today is the director of the Research Institute. But since 2002, he was also appointed Dean the Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics of Moscow State University.

For many years, the academician worked on the study of antioxidants - substances that are able to neutralize the effect of free radicals, "constituting" the body of all living beings. In other words, Skulachyov was present a medicine from old age. And he achieved certain success.

Academician Vladimir Skulachev

Team Vladimir Petrovich has already developed a medicine capable of fighting the aging eyes. Drops are called "Vysomitin". This is the first patented medicine in the world, which can penetrate mitochondria. In the testimony to use the droplets of Academician Skulachev, a common illness called the "dry eye" is indicated. But, as it turned out, with the help of these miracle drops, it is possible to overcome almost all kinds of eye diseases: from banal dryness to glaucoma and cataracts.

The developer claims that Vysomitin is only the first swallow in the fight against aging. The fact is that the development and study of medication for the treatment of eye diseases takes a shorter time than drugs from the ailments of other organs. But it will be quite a bit of time, and drugs from the aging of the whole organism will be developed. At the same time, the academic approves that the price of them will be quite "deocratic" and accessible to everyone. Moreover, these drugs will be used as a dietary supplement.

Vladimir Skulachev and Vladimir Pozner

It remains to wait for the excellent time when everyone who does not want to grow old, it will be possible to wind up the pharmacy and, buying "medicine from old age" Vladimir Skulachev, looks young as many years as not to get tired of living on this remarkable light. In addition, skeptics who call academician charlatan will be loudly posted.

Personal life

Unfortunately, Vladimir Skulacheva's personal life under the vulture "Top Secret." Although, on the other hand, this is understandable, because academician is not a star show business.

Vladimir Skulachev now

It is known that Vladimir Petrovich has four children. Tatiana's daughter is the eldest of them. She was born in 1964. She is also a researcher, but chose philology and linguistics for himself. Son Maxim, born in 1973, like father, molecular biologist.

Vladimir Skulachyov with the son of Maxim

In 1976, Skulachev had two sons - Konstantin and Innokenty.

In his free time, Vladimir Petrovich loves to run on skis or play badminton. On the question of whether he is a believer, he says that rather agnostic.

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