Yves Montan - Biography, Personal Life, Simon Signore, Photos, Songs, Filmography, Death and Latest News



Ivo Livi was born in October 1921 in the town of Monsumman-Terme, which is in Italian Tuscany. At that time, Zhuzppppina and the Jewish of Giovanni Livi had already grown up with the origin of Giuseppin and the Italian.

Yves Montan.

When fascists came to power, Livi moved to France, although initially they were going to immigrate to America. Waiting for a visa, they settled in Marseille. There were staying there.

The childhood of the future actor and chanson cloudless is difficult to call. His older brother and sister threw the school to help the family. At 11 years old Ivo followed their example. In the afternoon, he worked at the factory, and in the evening, the cinema ran into a pending minor money. It was that outstand in his life, without which he had no existence. Liwi revised all the Hollywood paintings that were brought to the city.

Yves Montan.

But the guy had another passion - singing. Ivo had an excellent voice and pleasant appearance. When he entered, he began to help her senior sister in her hairdresser. At the same time, the young singer first went to the scene. He came up with his creative pseudonym Yves Montan, remembering how once his mother, mixing French and Italian words, called him home: "Ivo, Monta!" (Translated - "Ivo, Raise!").

Under this pseudonym, the creative biography of Iva Montana began.


At first, the parents skeptically perceived the speeches of the Son. But when he began to bring home considerable money at that time, about 50 francs per week - they realized that their boy was really talented and his singing likes.

It is noteworthy that at that time a certain stage image of the chanson was formed, which can be designated as a "singing proletarian". In addition, the heroes of his songs were a seasonal worker, hammer, soldiers and boxer, Montan and worked as a hammer.

Yves Montan.

During this period - the final of the 1940s - the singer met the musicians with whom his entire further creative biography will be connected. This is a pianist Bob Castell and guitarist Henri Rabl. Soon Iv Montan meets with Prancis Poets, Francis Lemarcom and Jacques. After some time, their joint creativity will bring beautiful fruits.

In 1944, Iva Montana called on an alternative service - the so-called "youth construction". In the same year he met with the legendary Edith Piaf. She was a rising star of the French scene. The couple met in Moulin Rouge, where both performed in one concert.

IA Montan and Edith Piaf

A novel broke out between the 23-year-old Yves and 29-year-old Piaff. But it was not only a love, but also a creative union. Edith helped his beloved to find his style, wrote new songs for him, who became hits and, by and large, brought him to the scene. Over the years of their close relations, the singer shaped his repertoire and turned into a professional. They often performed in a duet. After the break, Iv Montan went to "free swimming" by another person - recognizable and mature.

His singing career from time to time is moving out with the work in the cinema. But it seems that the artist himself is equally loved in both classes: shooting alternate with concert activities.

The appearance in cinema is the children's dream of Iva Montana. And helped her, too, Edith Piaf. Chance debuted in the picture "Star without Sky". Immediately at the first film followed the second - "Night Gate." In the third, "idol", he appeared in a year.

But if the first roles of the novice artist of film critics are invisible, then the next difficult to criticize. Yves Montan quickly acquires skill and opens in front of the audience with new edges of the talent.

In the early 1950s, chanson came many. He makes large solo projects. His concerts gather anchlags. At the same time, the paintings "Lost souvenirs", the "Red Tavern" and "Paris always sings!". All films warmly accepted critics and viewers.

And in 1953 Yves Montan pleased his fans with a new ribbon called "Fee for fear", which was noted in Cannes. Now the Italian is called a dramatic actor.

In the same 1953, the singer with Triumph performs on the stage of the theater "Etoile". For six months, he managed to give 200 concerts, each of which was completed by ovations.

Yves Montan in the film

In the mid-1950s, Iv Montan tours a lot. He visited the USSR, where it was very warmly accepted as singer and an actor. Then the artist went to tour in Eastern Europe and America, where he was also waiting for a deafening success. In the US, Iva is called a sex symbol that he pushed the Hollywood director George Kickor to give him a role in the painting "Let's do love" with Marilyn Monroe.

Yves Montan.

In the late 1960s, the actor takes the top of the performing activities. The Frenchman of Italian origin is removed in the films "War is over", "a big prize", "live to live" and others.

Each year before the early 1990s, Montan appears in a new picture. Now he is invited only by famous directors. "Women's light", "Red Circle", "Cesar and Rosalie", "Savage", "Light Women" and many other films with a star become events in the world of cinema.

Personal life

Handsome-chanson, as his brother later admitted, was a real Italian macho. Personal life Iva Montana is a lot of novels with women. After the young lover put up the door Edith Piaf, Montan did not die at all from loneliness.

Yves Montan and Simon Signore

In the summer of 1949, he met Simon Signore, the famous French actress and beauty. At that time, Simon was married, but she could not resist the star charm. Signore threw her husband and at the end of 1951 married chanson.

Their wedding took place on the Cote d'Azur in the famous Golden Golube Hotel. This beautiful couple did not go with the covers of fashionable magazines and was constantly in sight of the press.

Yves Montan and Merilin Monroe

But Yves Montan and Somon Signore, alas, were not a sample of loyalty. In the 1960s, when the actor was filmed in Hollywood with Marilyn Monroe, he had a novel with a Hollywood diva. It is noteworthy that this stormy romance developed in front of the spouse, who was also present at the shooting.

It seems that at some point the Italian was ready to stay with a star in the United States, but soberly weighing his chances of his career in Hollywood, returned to France with his wife.

Yves Montan and Simon Signore

Simons did not become in 1985. And a year later, the actor and singer happened to the novel with the secretary of Karol Amiel. A woman gave him the only child - Son Valentine. But it seems, Montan did not at all delighted his appearance. At first, he fiercely refused the child, claiming that this was not his son. But the next negative reaction of the public and the press forced the star to change his mind: Iv turned into a "loving father."

And in the late autumn of 1997, after 6 years after the death of the stars, the actress Anna-Zhilbert, Drozersar stated her daughter Aurora - Montana's child. The court decided to hold exhumation and make a DNA analysis. As it turned out, Aurora was not a daughter singer.


Yves Montan died on November 9, 1991. During the shooting of its last picture "IP5: Tolstocky Island" he went to the ice lake several times. The following inflammation of the lungs of the artist in the grave.

It is noteworthy that the film tells about the old man who died from a heart attack. The role of the old man went to Montana. He repeated the fate of his character: died of a heart attack caused by pneumonia.

Mogila Iva Montana and Simon Signore

I buried the artist next to the wife of Simono on the famous cemetery of Per Lashhesis, where his first love was resting for a long time - Edith Piaf.


  • "Star without sky"
  • "Lost souvenirs"
  • "Red Tavern"
  • "Paris always sings!"
  • "Fee for fear"
  • "Cesar and Rosali"
  • "Savage"
  • "SuperWll"
  • "Light women"
  • "IP5: Tolstocky Island"

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