Juliet - Love Story, Romeo, Photos, Films, Actors, Death


Character History

"But there is no sadness of a story in the world than a story about Romeo and Juliet," William Shakespeare wrote in his work, which, perhaps, is familiar to everyone and everyone.Not everyone read the tragedy of the English playwright of love, but the names of the two main characters became nominated: often Romeo and Juliet called a couple in love, which is hand in hand, despite the difficulties, as a master and Margarita from Roman Mikhail Bulgakov. Shakespeare managed not only to come up with an exciting plot and put this work by philosophical quotes, but also to work out the original characters with a thin soulful organization.


"The excellent and sad tragedy about Romeo and Juliet" officially reached the capital of the United Kingdom in 1599. Before the tragedy, lovers of books enjoyed pirate and defective editions of manuscripts.

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare was not at all the innovator who thought of writing about unhappy love with the tragic finale. The plot of the imaginary death of the girl, provoking the suicide of her beloved, met in Metamorphosis of Ovid. The Ancient Roman author described the suffering of the legendary couple - Pram and Fesba, who, disobeying the ban of parents, agreed on a date at night beyond the walls of the city.

The lovers had to meet near the stream, and while the beauty was waiting for her young man, a lioness appeared with a bloody muzzle. The girl had to escape from the predatory animal by flight, leaving a scarf on Earth, accidentally sleeping off his shoulders. When the femal came to the appointed place, he saw the object of the wardrobe in the bloody subteps, flowing under his feet.

Pirs and Fesb - Romeo and Juliet Previews

Romeo Ovida presented in his imagination all the worst, so I won the sword. FISBA, having seen dead lover, also brought abacus with life. It is noteworthy that the name of the girl rescued from the lioness appears in Romeo and Juliet. Shekespeare also showed this couple from the comic side in his work "Sleeping in the Summer Night" (1594-1596), in the scene, where the actors of the theater are learning the role of two unfortunate.

The Italian writer Luigi Yes Porto first described the images of Romeo and Juliet, and also introduced readers with other characters who were developed on the pages of Shakespeare's manuscripts.

Luigi da Porto

The writer is placed two lovers in the picturesque Verona, and also comes up with two warranty monsters and cabbage clans, which are mentioned in the "Divine Comedy" Dante Aligiery. In the Italian Theologian Dante, these surnames are found on the second ledge of the pre-primary, where the souls dwell, who died for a violent death.

"The story of two noble lovers" Yes Porto was reworked at the homeland of the writer, and then got into the hands of Arthur Bruk, who borrowed the plot and wrote the poem "Romeo and Juliet". Ultimately, this work drew attention to William Shakespeare, who brought some details in the original details and overtakes his colleagues on the workshop: the Englishman's tragedy, developing in the hot veron (the port of action occurs in winter) is still put in theaters and interpreted by directors.


If in the post-industrial society, marriage with a 13-14 year old girl is considered wildness and mesallians, then in the 16th century, which heard geographical discoveries, such a alignment was in the order of things. At the time of Shakespeare, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity were allowed to accept the proposal of hands and hearts from 12 years (although the predecessors of the writer almost 18 were almost 18).

Juliet on the balcony

Therefore, it is not surprising that the main heroine of the Shakespeare tragedy appears in a very young age, which, as they would say now, is suitable for games in dolls. Juliet grew, surrounded by the love of her mother and father, as well as a cousin Tibalt. Parents beloved Romeo occur from the rich merchant surname of Kapulenti, who bought the nobility and titles.

His innermost secrets of Beauty told the Kormilice, who at one time lost the child and, therefore, nourished the maternal feelings to the daughter of Senoras. Juliet, who holds his days is idle, was not a spoiled child: the girl did not bargain with adults and listened to the parents who dreamed of to give a beloved daughter for a wealthy person. She did not care about the female montext: if the parents said so, it means that it is necessary.

Romeo and Juliet

Therefore, when it came to the young column of Paris, she obstacled to the Council of Mother to look at the potential fiance. But after a meeting with Romeo, Juliet in front of readers acquired other qualities: from a naive child, she turns into a loving and loyal woman, which for his own happiness is ready for everything.

The playwright did not describe the appearance of victims of characters in detail, and paid attention to the nature of the main characters, which manifest themselves in difficult situations. But, presumably, Juliet had a light color of the eyes (peculiar to the Italians) and golden hair, as Brooke described. However, residents of cold countries represent Juliet as a girl who grown under the hot sun: some Esmeraldu with expressive features of the face and dark hair.

Love story

Between two families - montextures and cabbage - a long-standing war went. The fact is that the first were noble nobles with many years of history, while the second were merchants who acquired noble titles with a pedigree.

Kapuletsi dreamed of being on a par with their rivals in society. But the true noble dynasty of the Montekki not only kept the appropriate distance, showing the arrogance and vanity, but also burning hate to the "counterfeit class".

Romeo in the bedroom Juliet

Neither Romeo, nor Juliet participated in these "wars", which consisted of numerous moves. The lovers became acquainted with the Ball of the Kapuleti family: Amented by persuasion of friends, the young man penetrated the feast in a mask to see the object of his lust - Rosalina (cousin Juliet). Tibalt will find out in Romeo a leaving from the family of the Montecken, but the Senor Kapuleti stops an angry nephew.

It was worth a romeo to take a look at Juliet, as his heart pierced Cupid Arrow. Young people gave each other an oath of love and loyalty, however, due to their parents, these relationships waited for an unhappy end.

Wedding Romeo and Juliet

Kapuletsi tried to give daughter for Paris. But the priest Lorenzo came up with a tricky plan: Juliet was supposed to have a sleeping pills and lie down in the crypt, in order to deceive parents, pretending the suicide. Lorenzo's father assumed that after waking up the girl in love would escape from Verona. But his note, telling about the secret plan, did not get into the hands of Romeo. The young man, seeing the "dead" Juliet, drank the harvested poison, and the woken girl was embarrassed by a dagger.

Films and actresses

Eminent directors did not pass by the classic book of William Shakespeare. Therefore, there are quite a few cartoons, TV series and filmmakers who will like romantic lovers. Consider the popular creations of the Cinema.

Romeo and Juliet (1968)

In 1968, directed by Franco Dziffirelli presented the film "Romeo and Juliet", which became a cult. The creator of the picture was focused on the text of William Shakespeare, but made small changes in some scenes and monologues.

Leonard Wyting and Olivia Hassi as Romeo and Juliet

Few people know, but this film became the cinematic debut of Olivia Hassi and Leonard Witing, who performed the main roles. Film received enthusiastic reviews reviewers mainly due to acting. 16-year-old Olivia and 17-year-old Leonard were able to transfer the youthful naivety and first love. In addition to others in Romeo and Juliet played: John Makinery, Michael York, Bruce Robinson and Natasha Parry.

Romeo + Juliet (1996)

Australian Baz Lurman presented his vision of Shakespeare's plot, moved the place of action into modernity. Verona became a megapolis, and the noble clans reincarnated in mafia gangs. Swords and daggers were changed by bullets and pistols, but one remained unchanged: Shakespeare's lines sound from the mouth of two adolescent lovers. The main roles went to Leonardo di Kaprio, Claire Danes, Jesse Bradford, Miriam Margulis, Christine Pickles and other representatives of cinematic skills.

Leonardo di Kaprio and Claire Danes as Romeo and Juliet

Also on the role of Juliet, the 14-year-old Natalie Portman was trying, but the director had to refuse her, because the 21-year-old di-caprio, compared to her, looked very adults (according to the film hero 18 years).

Romeo and Juliet (2013)

Director Carlo Carrie also decided to create a picture of selfless love. The daughter of Olivia Hassi was called for the film, who played Juliet in the picture from 1968, but she refused.

Douglas Booth and Haley Steinfield as Romeo and Juliet

Therefore, the role of black-haired beauty went to Haley Steinfield, and Romeo played Douglas Booth. Also in the picture, Stellan Skarsgard, Tom Wisd, Natasha McEllhon, Paul Jamatti and other actors took part.


The performances about Romeo and Juliet did not read, after all, William Shakespeare's plays have been put in theaters around the world for hundreds of years. And the master of sports Ilya Averbukh even pleased fans of figure skating with their ice shows: the main characters of the play were transferred to the "cold scene".

Yuri Zhdanov and Galina Ulanova as Romeo and Juliet

Some viewers enjoyed the musical "Romeo and Juliet": French directors decided to bring music and dancing into the classic plot. In addition, the composer Charles Guno invented the opera the same name in five actions with a choral prolog.

Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev also inspired the tragedy of Shakespeare and composed ballet in 3 acts. The outstanding ballerina who performed Juliet was Galina Ulanova. Since 2010, the role of Juliet Capuleti on the Russian scene performs the actress Elizabeth Arzamasov.

Interesting Facts

  • In Verona attract tourists with houses of the main characters and the tomb of Juliet. It is worth saying that these attractions have nothing to do with Shakespeare characters. There is also a bronze statue of Juliet. Legends say that anyone who touched before the sculpture of the WMIG acquires happiness and love.
Statue of Juliet in Verona, Italy
  • Surely many have a girl leaving a balcony (when her lover performs a serenade or confesses to love), associated with Juliet. However, the English playwright the heroine peeking out of the window.
  • In Italy, the name of the tragedy sounds very unusual, for the name of the girl put on the fore: "Juliet and Romeo".
Balcony Juliet
  • There is an international signals in which representatives of maritime professions are communicated when language difficulties arise. The letters "R" and "J" denote Shakespeare's heroes.
  • The creators of the "Letters to Juliet" painting (2010), where Amanda was played by the Seyfried, three months persuaded Verona's authorities so that those closed the courtyard of the Juliet's house for filming.

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