Ekaterina Raikina - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Ekaterina Arkadyevna Raikina - Soviet and Russian actress of theater and cinema, daughter Arkady Rykin. In the piggy bank, the actress signs the roles in the movie "Sophia Persian", "Piece of March", "Women's Club".

Catherine was born in April 1938 in Leningrad. Her parents, actors Ruth Markovna Ioffe and Arkady Isaakovich Raykin, adored daughter. But the time to constantly be with her next, there were no artists.

Ekaterina Raikina with parents and brother

And when the daughter turned 3 years old, warped war. But this circumstance did not lead to the fact that Katya began to see more often with his parents: Raikina went around the country even more, giving concerts throughout the front line. And a tiny daughter was sent away from the blockade Leningrad, deep into the country, in a hot tashkent. There Mom found a woman who agreed to take a little Katya in his house. For this Ruth Markovna regularly sent her products and money.

Ekaterina Raikina recalls that he almost died of hunger from Tashkent "Nanniki". As it turned out, the woman was hiding at home from the mobilization of her husband and two adult sons, which it was necessary to feed. Therefore, the kate fell only to crumbs from the table.

Catherine Raikina in youth

After the end of the war, the family finally reunited, but not long. Already a year later, parents were again in tour, leaving the daughter on the care of her beloved grandmother. Probably, feeling guilty for the fact that so little attention is paid to the younger kate, parents took it in Sochi, where they went to work in 1945. Again, the girl bathed in love Pope and Moms for a whole year. But she needed to go to school, and Catherine was sent to Leningrad, where she lived in a communal with her grandmother and went to school.

At most - it is three months a year: so much daughter saw the dad and mom, whom the touring fate threw across the country. But each meeting was an incredible holiday.

Full Ekaterina Rikina

Catherine's creative biography began when she turned 12 years old. The girl went on stage together with the actors of the famous Wakhtangov theater. This "random debut" took place due to the disease of the actress, who played the goat in the formulation of "rejected". The director Nicholas Akimov, who rushed with his troupe on tour to Leningrad, asked his fellow travelers, could not play a goat to play their daughter.

When the parents at home asked Katya on arrival, she gathered in a second and rushed to the rehearsal. Since then, the theater tightly and forever entered her life.

Ekaterina Raikina in the theater

Two years later, Ruben Simonov, at that time, Heruduch of the Wahtang Theater, arrived at the tour in Leningrad. Ironically, he brought "rejected". And again, Catherine Raikina was lucky to reach the layout as Kozlets. Her game was so liked Simonov that he advised the girl to study in Moscow, promising that after the end of the university would certainly take the actress in the Wakhtangov theater.

Soon raykin moved to Moscow. Catherine was 17. She was 17. She was easily entered in the Schukinskaya school and after his ending really fell into the body of the theater named after E. Vakhtangov. At that time, Rykin was already held by the actress, because it began to play more from 2nd courses "Pikes". By the end of her studies, she already had two main roles in performances.


The recognition came to Ekaterina Arkadyevna after the appearance on the screen, although she did not particularly complain about the movie: he always considered himself more theatrical artist.

For the first time, the actress appeared on the screens in 1962, while playing the episode in the film "Western". In the same year, she was involved in the films "My White City", "Wedding Travel", "Fathers", also in episodic roles. A year later, Rykin appeared in the acting composition of the musical comedy "Short History", where Lilia Trunin also played, Evgeny Leonov, Mikhail Pugovkin, Anatoly Papanov. Soon followed another role in the comedy "Kapa Collection". In the film, the actress reincarnated to the girl, in love with the museum worker, whom Rostislav played the dice.

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Soon the repertoire of Catherine was replenished with collaboration with Arkady Raykin. Father and daughter appeared on the screen in the New Year's Music film "Two hours earlier," where Leonid Kanevsky, Marcel Marso, Valentina Tolkunova, Ekaterina Shavrina also participated. Catherine Raykina was able to fulfill the Vocal Room "Cinderella" in the film, which was warmly perceived by the viewers.

A noticeable work in the cinema came to her in 1967: Raikina played Hesy Gelfman in the art film Leo Arshstam "Sophia Pepovskaya". The film was discussed about the Russian revolutionary, which was part of the underground organization "People's Volia". The heroine participated in the attempt on Tsar Alexander II, after which was convicted and executed. In the film, in addition to Catherine Raykin, Alexander Nazarova appeared, Viktor Tarasov, Boris Khmelnitsky, Georgy Tarautkin, Alexander Lukyanov. The role of Alexander II executed Vladislav Stroelchik.

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A year later, an adventure picture was published on the revolutionary topics "... and again May!" The film became the debut for Nikolai Karachentsov. The fascinating plot of the film was devoted to the work of the revolutionary printing house in police surveillance.

Then there was a number of TV links to them. E. Vakhtangov, in which Ekaterina Raykin played. In the comedy "Ladies and Gusara", the actress performed the role of Sophia, in the "princess of Turandot" reincarnated in Slame Selim. In the adaptation of the play of Bernard show "Millionaire" Raikina played the role of Miss Smith, and in the social drama "Situation" appeared in the image of the heroine of Zinaida.

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The most vivid work actresses followed in the 80s. Ekaterina Raykin appeared in the TV except "Anthony and Cleopatra" in the role of servants of the main heroine. Then starred in the film adaptation of Tirsco de Molina "Piecely Martha" as Dona Ines. Yana Frida's film brought the popularity of the whole acting, which included Margarita Terekhov, Emmanuel Vitorgan, Nikolai Karachentsov, Svetlana Toma, Vladislav Stroelchik.

The next significant work in the filmography of Rakein became the main role in the melodraman Vladimir Fokina "Women's Club". In the film, we were talking about friends, which recently retired and decided to start a new life. The spouse of Heroine Catherine Raykina played Igor Kvasha.

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In the new century, actresses managed to appear on the screen only once. In 2003, the actress starred in the episode of the melodrama "I intended the escape." The theater still remained priority in her work.

The famous Father has never enjoyed his influence to help his daughter make a career. He was always ashamed of this. However, his protection and was not needed was Catherine Rykina. She perfectly coped with her own. But after the death of parents, who in the last years of life he had a lot, career actresses began to go to the decline. Roles were less and less. In the end, the actress left the stage.

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Again, feel the taste of glory and the audience admiration of Ekaterina Arkadyevna was able in old age. She was invited to play the performance of "Indian Summer" play in the Montreal Russian Theater named after Leonid Varpakhovsky. Raikina moved to Canada, where she rehearsed, and then toured in the cities of Canada and America, where there were large Russian diasporas. Theater came to Russia and Ukraine, where the production was enjoying tremendous success.

Personal life

Love, like the theater, occupied an important place in the life of Catherine Raykina. For the first time, the girl married early - in 19 years. Her husband became his handsome Mikhail Derzhavin. This event happened on the 3rd year of the theater university. As the girl seemed like a girl, she madly fell in love with Misha older for 2 years. Parents warmly took the choice of her daughter and did not prevent him. Women were settled together with the family of duspins in a 2-bedroom apartment.

Ekaterina Raikina with parents, brother and her first husband Mikhail Derzhavin

Two years later, Raykin was overwhelmed with a new feeling. In the theater, Catherine was fascinated by a colleague Yury Yakovlev. The future star "Irony of Fate" also fell in love. On the way to his happiness, all obstacles were demolished: the two previous marriages - Raykina and Yakovlev were destroyed to create a new union. Yuri for Catherine left a pregnant wife. After the birth of the daughter, according to Catherine Raykina, Yuri Yakovlev showed a photo of the girl and assured that she was not his child. Later, the actor changed his mind.

Unfortunately, the married life of two artists was short-lived. According to Ekaterina Arkadyevna, everything was the fabulous addiction of Yakovlev to alcohol. Once the artist sat down behind the wheel drunk and fell asleep. Avoid a terrible end managed only by a miracle. At that time, Rykin was already under the heart of Son Alyosha. Fortunately, everyone remained alive. But the husband did not stop drinking even after a barely not happening tragedy. They broke up when the son of Alyosha turned 3 years.

Yuri Yakovlev and Ekaterina Raykin

Personal life Catherine Raikina went to a new round after meeting with actor Vladimir Koval. But two creative agents, bright artists, turned out to be too closely in the same house. After several years, the spouses were drove, but officially did not part. Unlike previous husbands, with Vladimir Actress, she talked for many years. They were convened almost every day, worrying about each other's health.

In 2013, Vladimir Koval was not.

Alexey Yakovlev with his daughter

However, in the life of Catherine Rykina, love remained. She has a son Alexey Yakovlev. In 2003, the granddaughter of Lisa appeared, which Grandma loves. And also there is Brother Konstantin Rykin, a talented and famous, who is proud of the sister for 12 years.

Ekaterina Raikina now

Now Ekaterina Rykin, due to age, is on a well-deserved rest. Actress gives family all the time. In 2018, after the death of Mikhail Derzhavin, Ekaterina Rykin in an interview expressed regret for the departure of the first spouse from life, because throughout the years the actors supported warm relations.


  • 1962 - "Western"
  • 1962 - "Wedding Travel"
  • 1962 - "My White City"
  • 1962 - "Youth of the fathers"
  • 1967 - "Sophia Pepovskaya"
  • 1974 - "Millionaire"
  • 1976 - "Ladies and Gusara"
  • 1979 - "Cat in boots"
  • 1980 - "Piece March"
  • 1987 - Women Club
  • 2003 - I knead escape "

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