Barbara Shlenina - biography of the show "Dancing on TNT", personal life, photos, dancing and last news 2021



Varvara Shlenina, one of the most striking participants of the 3rd season of the project "Dancing on TNT", claims that when dancing, feels free.

Varya was born in Moscow in September 1996. Dance start, barely learned to walk. At first, the girl studied by ballroom dancing in the metropolitan House of Culture "ZIL". But after two years of classes she wanted something more. At 10, she was accepted in the friendly family "Todes" Alla Dukhova. Here, the dancer received the basics of choreography, thanks to which it was later not only hit the popular project "Dances", but also could become the most noticeable participant.

Varvara Shylenyna

After receiving the school certificate, the girl decided to get a higher education. Thanks to the excellent knowledge gained at school, she entered the prestigious MGIMO, choosing the Faculty of International Relations. But the dances did not let go of Barbar Shlenin. In his dreams, she saw herself not on the political scene as a diplomat, but on the one that the sophods would illuminate.

Varvara Shylenyna

Favorite Vari styles are hard and contemporary. She claims that in order to become a professional, you need not just technically correctly moved to the music, but also learn how to express emotions by means of plastics, "speak" the body.

It seems she learned this. The proof can serve dozens of competitions and dance festivals, from which the Muscovite brought home prizes and major awards.


The first television show, which shone the MGIMO student's talent, was the rating project "Dance!", Which was broadcast by the first channel. The girl managed to enter the top of the best dancers. Such success was preceded by titanic work on himself: every day the dancer spent on training at least 8 hours.

Varvara Shylenyna

On the 3 season "Dancing on TNT" Varvara Shlenina decided not to come immediately. She missed the first two seasons, because he was not confident in his abilities. But in 2016, she gained courage, prepared dance and came to casting.

Debut Shilhenina turned out to be successful. She fell into the team of Miguel, although she planned to try his hand in the team of Egor Druzhinin. In Miguel, the dancer "Todes" saw, above all, a friend and a colleague, not a mentor. Barbara says that her goal that she pursues on the project is not only the experience and further improvement of skill, but also new acquaintances and media. After all, every dancer goes to the stage not only for himself, but also for the audience, from which he gets a feedback in the form of admiration and applause.

Varvara Shlenina and Danyan

A considerable army of fans, which "sick" for the Muscovite, gladly looked at the room, which prepared Barbara Shlenin and Dan. The guys danced so penetrating and sensually that it was difficult to tear the eyes from this pair. This number was prepared by the famous choreographer Alexey Karpenko. Sergey Svetlakov was pleasantly surprised not only by the skill of the duet, but also the fact that the dance was filled under the soundtrack of his film "Groom".

Varvara Shylenyna

No less bright was the number that was submitted to the jury and the audience Varvara Shlenin and Dmitry Twitter. This is a scene from the life of students. Varya played a professorship daughter whose favor is achieved by a student. The dance turned out not only cheerful, but also brilliant from the point of view of choreography. Possed the number Ekaterina Reshetnikov.

Personal life

The girl has a young man with whom she seems to be a romantic relationship. Their photos of the fans of contestants are viewed with special addiction. But the personal life of Varvara Shlenina is not a favorite topic for a conversation with unauthorized people.

Barbara Shlenina with a guy

At the project, Varya supports particularly warm relationship with Keiko Lee and Stas Litvinov. The guys are friends and outside the project.

The girl has a domestic favorite - a cat. Photos with it too often appear on the pages in the social network.

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