Alexander Zddostanov ("Surgeon") - biography, photos, personal life, news 2021



Alexander Zddostanov, also known for the nickname surgeon, is the Soviet and Russian biker, who founded the first nightwolk club in the country, and later became the President of the Russian Association of Bikers and the director of the Bike Center and the Sexton Club. Beddowanov demonstrates the whole country that it may not be just a profession from a favorite hobby, but a full-fledged lifestyle, which will eventually lead to success.

Alexander Zaldostanov

Alexander Zadostanov was born in the city of Kirovograd, in the family of hereditary doctors. Father was a surgeon and passed the whole of the Great Patriotic War. Mom was engaged in resuscitation. Also, the native sister of Baiker is connected with medicine, which works by a doctor in one of the Western countries. Actually, their son went in the footsteps of the parents. After school, he goes to the capital of Russia and enters the 3rd Moscow Medical Institute for the Dental Faculty, where he receives a specialty "Maxillofacial Facial Surgeon".

Alexander Zddostanov in youth

It is from the official profession in the biography of Alexander Zaldostanov a nickname "Surgeon" appears. However, in the specialty young man worked extremely few. He heard heavy rock music, was the so-called "Metalist", which eventually led Zaldostanov to motorcycle hobby. In 1983, Alexander acquires its first two-wheeled friend of the Czechoslovak firm "Java", and later forms the youth bike group "Surgery", which had a reputation of malicious hooligans. Also, casualties also dealt with law enforcement agencies many times, as he regularly traveled on a motorcycle without a helmet than violated the rules of the road.

In addition to Bikeria, Alexander Zddostan tried himself as an actor. He appeared in small roles in such paintings as the social drama "Accident - Daughter Manta", the comedy "Dancing Ghosts" and the Moon Park Youth Tape of Joint Russian-French-made.


Later, the guy leaves to Germany, where he ranked the bouncer in the Berlin Punk Rock Club "Sexton". It was there that Alexander plunges into the Biker subculture and meets the "Angels of Ada" grouping. Upon returning to his homeland, the young man organizes the first Biker club "Night Wolves" in Russia and becomes his chairman. After a few years, this organization will hold annual international bike shows that exist today. By the way, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, whose nasalovanov calls his friend, patronizes "Night Wolves".

After the events in Ukraine related to the so-called "Maidan", the surgeon along with the actor Mikhail Porechenkov, as well as athlete Yulia Berezicova and the deputy Dmitry Sablin, initiated the creation of the Russian Movement "Antimidan". They consider the purpose of opposition to all attempts to overthrow the current power. Prisoners publicly stated that it did not even exclude the use of force for the sake of ability to stop anti-government protests. By the way, in this regard, Alexander signed a petition about the recognition of the unwanted organizations of the two other biker clubs, "Hell's Angels" and "Bandidos MC".


In the spring of 2015, "Night Wolves", led by Alexander "Surgeon", Zaldostanov were going to carry out an unusual campaign in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory Day. It was supposed to be a large-scale motorcycle race "on Berlin!", In which bikers would cross the city of Belarus, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria and Germany. But many members of the organization, including Alexander Zaldostanov, was denied a visit to the EU countries, so the action was broken. By the way, the famous biker is also forbidden to cross the borders of the United States and Canada.

The open statement of his own opinion of the leader of bikers has already become familiar to Russians. Nevertheless, his insult to the actor and director Konstantin Raykin, who spoke out of the inadmissibility of censorship, had a great resonance in the country. For example, a politician Maxim Reznik and a press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin Dmitry Peskov were opposed to the surgeon's opinion. The first one called the controversy of Raikina and Zaldovanov "Discussion of Professor Preobrazhensky and Sharicov" from Roman Mikhail Bulgakov "Dog's Heart", and the second strongly recommended Alexander to bring his apologies, but the surgeon not only refused, but also stated that he plans to continue to fight freedom of creativity .

The most last shocking project of Alexander "Surgeon" Zaldostanova is the idea of ​​replacing the national coat of arms of Russia. The Podataya Biker suggested that the president of the country combines the imperial and Soviet symbolism, adding a red star to the double-headed eagle and ears, and also reflect the fact that the Crimea is now located in Russia.

Personal life

Alexander Zddostanov very much does not like to exhibit his personal life. As soon as journalists raise the questions of his romantic relationship, "Surgeon" immediately translates the conversation to another topic. Nevertheless, it is known that Biker was married to Nheme named Matilda. They met during the interview, as the girl was a journalist, which came from Stuttgart to write an article about the informal movements that were nascent in the Soviet Union. By the way, there is a version that Matilda was a daughter director of the Mercedes-Benz plant.

Alexander Zadostanov and his girl

However, together Alexander Zddostanov and his wife lived for a long time, but precisely thanks to her, the surgeon got to Germany and found out about the biker movement. Only on the basis of rumors, you can speak about further girls and wife Alexander, as the man himself has not confirmed a single novel and did not comment on information.

According to some journalists, in the personal life of Alexander Zaldostanov there was relations with Ballerina Anastasia Volochkova and TV host Renat Litvinova, but again, it is not a reliable fact. The man has at least one son, whose name is George. The father tried to teach the boy to his hobby of motorcycles, but suffered fiasco.

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