Maxim Gorky - biography, personal life, childhood, photos, books and latest news



Alexey Peshkov, better known as the writer Maxim Gorky, for the Russian and Soviet literature the figure of the cult. He was nominated five times to the Nobel Prize, was the most published Soviet author throughout the existence of the USSR and was considered a par with Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin and Lviv Tolstoy Chief Creator of Domestic Literary Art.

Maxim Gorky in youth

He was born in the town of Canvino, which at that time was located in the Nizhny Novgorod province, and now is one of the districts of Nizhny Novgorod. His father Maxim Peshkov was a joiner, and in recent years of life he managed a shipping office. The mother of Varvara Vasilyevna died from Chakhotka, so Alyoshe Peshkov's parents replaced the grandmother of Akulin Ivanovna. From 11 years old, the boy was forced to start working: Maxim Gorky was a messenger at the store, a burst bucket, a pacary assistant and an icon painter. Maxim Gorky biography is reflected in person personally in the "Childhood" standards, "in people" and "My Universities".

Maksim Gorky

After a non-successful attempt to become a student of the Kazan University and arrest due to the connection with the Marxist circle, the future writer became a guard on the railway. And at 23, a young man goes to wander around the country and managed to get to the Caucasus. It was during this trip to Maxim Gorky briefly records his thoughts, which will later be the basis for his future works. By the way, the first stories of Maxim Gorky began to be published, too, at about the time.

Maksim Gorky

Already becoming a famous writer, Alexey Peshkov leaves for the United States, then moved to Italy. This happened at all because of the problems with the authorities, as sometimes presents some sources, but because of changes in family life. Although Bitter continues to write revolutionary books. He returned to Russia in 1913, settled in St. Petersburg and began to work for various publishers.

It is curious that with all Marxist views, the October Revolution of Peshkov perceived rather skeptical. After the civil war, Maxim Gorky, who had some disagreements with the new government, again leaves abroad, but in 1932 finally returns home.


The first of the published stories Maxim Gorky became the famous Makar Miranda, which was released in 1892. And fame to the writer brought the two-volume essays and stories. Interestingly, the circulation of these volumes was almost three times higher usually adopted in those years. Of the most popular works of that period, it is worth noting the stories "Old Woman Izergil", "Former people", "Chelkash", "Twenty-six and one", as well as the poem "Sokoli". Another poem "The Song of the Petrel" became a honesty. Much Maxim Gorky paid to children's literature. He wrote a number of fairy tales, for example, "Vorobanyshko", "Samovar", "Tales of Italy", published the first special children's magazine in the Soviet Union and organized holidays for children from poor families.

Maksim Gorky

Very important for understanding the work of the writer's writer Maxim Gorky "At the bottom", "Messenger" and "Egor Boylchov and others", in which he reveals the talent of the playwright and shows how his life surroundings. A large cultural significance for Russian literature has the story "Childhood" and "In People", the social novels "Mother" and "Artamon Business". The last work of Gorky is the novel-epic "Life of Klim Samgin", which has the second name "forty years". Over this manuscript, the writer worked for 11 years, but did not have time to finish.

Personal life

Personal life Maxim Gorky was rather stormy. In the first and officially, he married 28 years. With his wife Catherine Volzhina, the young man met in the publishing house "Samara newspaper", where the girl worked as a corrector. A year after the wedding, the son of Maxim appeared in the family, and soon and daughter of Catherine, named after the mother. Also on the upbringing of the writer was his sovereign Sverdlov, who took the last name of Peshkov.

Maxim Gorky and his wife

But Gorky love quickly disappeared. He began to make a family life and their marriage with Catherine Volzhina turned into a parent union: they lived together exclusively because of the children. When the little daughter Katya unexpectedly died, this tragic event was the impetus to the breaking of family bonds. However, Maxim Gorky and his wife, until the end of the life, remained friends and supported the correspondence.

Maxim Gorky and Maria Andreeva

After parting with his wife, Maxim Gorky with Anton Pavlovich Chekhov met the actress of the Mkhatov Theater Maria Andreva, who became his actual wife for the next 16 years. It was because of her work that the writer was leaving to America and Italy. The daughter of Catherine and the son of Andrei, who was engaged in Maxim Peshkov-Gorky, remained from the previous relations of the actress. But after the revolution, Andreev was fascinated by the party work, it became less attention to the family, so in 1919 it came to an end and this relationship.

Maxim Gorky, Herbert Wells and Maria Budberg

The point put the bitter himself, saying that he was leaving for Maria Budberg, a former Baroness and part-time his secretary. With this woman, the writer lived 13 years old. Marriage, like the previous one, was unregistered. The last wife Maxim Gorky was for 24 years younger than him, and all familiar were aware that she was "revolving novels" on the side. One of the lovers of Gorky's wife was English fictory Herbert Wells, to which she left immediately after the death of the actual spouse. There is a huge chance that Maria Budberg, who had a reputation of adventurers and unequivocally collaborated with the NKVD bodies, could be a double agent and work on English intelligence.


After the final return to the Motherland in 1932, Maxim Gorky works in newspapers and magazines, creates a series of books "History of Factory and Factory", "Poet Library", "The History of the Civil War", organizes and holds the first All-Union Congress of Soviet Writers. After the unexpected death of the Son from the inflammation of the lungs of the Writer of the Snack. At the other visit to the grave of Maxim, he was very cold. Three weeks of Gorky had a fever, led to death on June 18, 1936. The body of the Soviet writer was cremated, and the dust was placed in the Kremlin wall on Red Square. But pre-brain Maxim Gorky was removed and transferred to the Research Institute for further study.

Maxim Gorky in old age

Later, the question was raised several times that the legendary writer and his son could poison. In this case, the People's Commissar Henry Yagoda was held, who was the lover of his wife Maxim Peshkov. Also suspected the involvement of Lion Trotsky and even Joseph Stalin. During the repression and consideration of the famous "doctors' case", Troim doctors were set in guilt, including the death of Maxim Gorky.

Books Maxim Gorky

  • 1899 - Thomas Gordeev
  • 1902 - at the bottom
  • 1906 - Mother
  • 1908 - the life of an unnecessary man
  • 1914 - Childhood
  • 1916 - in people
  • 1923 - My universities
  • 1925 - the case of Artamonov
  • 1931 - Egor Boychov and others
  • 1936 - Life Klim Samgin

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