Boris Yeltsin - biography, photo, personal life, president, board, disease, cause of death, Vladimir Putin



Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin is a statesman who entered the story as the first president of Russia, as well as as a radical reformer of the country.

Childhood and youth

Boris Nikolayevich was born on February 1, 1931, on the sign of the zodiac - Aquarius. He was an outcomes from a simple working family, Russian by nationality. His father Nikolai Ignatievich was engaged in construction, and Mom Claudia Vasilyevna was a dressmaker. Since shortly after the birth of Boris, his father was repressed, a boy with Mom and Brother Mikhail lived in the city of Berezniki Perm region.

At school, the future president of Yeltsin studied not bad, was an old-age and class activist. In the seventh grade, the teenager was not afraid to go against the class teacher who raised his hands to the disciples and forced to work out bad marks on his garden. Because of this, Boris was excluded from school with a very bad characteristic, but the guy turned to the Gorka Komsomol and achieved justice. After receiving the certificate of maturity, Boris Yeltsin becomes a student of the Ural Polytechnic Institute, where he graduated from the construction faculty.

Because of the child injury, Boris Nikolayevich lacked two fingers on his hand, so he did not call him the service in the army. But this deficiency did not prevent Boris in the youth to play volleyball, pass the standards for the title "Master of Sports" and playing the national team of Yekaterinburg. After the university Yeltsin got into the Trust "Uraltyazhtrustroy". Although education allowed immediately to take a guiding place, he preferred to master the working professions first and alternately worked for a joiner, a malarier, a concrete, a carpenter, a bricklayer, a glassmaster, a plaster and a crane driver.

A young specialist for two years has been delivered to the project of the construction department, and by the mid-1960s, the Sverdlovsk house-building plant was already headed. At the same years, Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin begins promoting the party staircase. At first, he becomes a delegate to the city conference of the Communist Party, then the first secretary of the Sverdlovsk Committee of the CPSU, and by the beginning of the 80s - a member of the Central Committee of the Party.


The successes of Boris Yeltsin as secretary of the regional committee were noted as guidance and residents. Under his supervision, the track was built between Yekaterinburg and Serov, agriculture developed, as well as the construction of residential buildings and industrial complexes. After moving to Moscow, Boris Nikolaevich solves construction issues already at the All-Union level. His energy and active style of work raised the popularity of the statesman in the eyes of Muscovites. But the party top to Yeltsin reacted with prejudice and even to some extent prevented his endeavors.

The charter from the permanent confrontation, Boris Yeltsin spoke at the 1987 Party Plenum and criticized a number of officials who, in his opinion, slowed down the restructuring of Mikhail Gorbachev. The government's reaction was definitely negative, which led to the resignation of the victim to openly express its opinion policies and the transfer of him to the post of Deputy Chairman of the USSR State Building. Gorbachev publicly stated that he would no longer be in Yeltsin's policies. But the country's leadership has not yet decided that Opal Boris Nikolayevich will lead to the phenomenal growth of his authority from the people. When Boris Yeltsin is running into deputies in the Moscow district in 1989, he gains over 90% of the vote. Later, the politician will be the chairman of the Supreme Council and the first president of the RSFSR.

President of Russia

When, on August 19, 1991, the USSR attempt was attempted to the state coup, known today as the "August Patch", Mikhail Gorbachev was removed, and the authorities in their hands took the State Committee on Emergency Regulations. Boris Yeltsin stood up at the head of persons opposing illegally seizing the Brazdes of the Board, adopted decisive and accurate actions and destroyed the plans of the GCCP. As if did not apply to fellow citizens to the further activities of Yeltsin, it was he who managed to protect the country from a possible civil war. As a result, Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin headed the first government of Russia in history and in this capacity signed the Belovezhskaya Agreement on the liquidation of the USSR.

The first years of reign were heavy for Russia. Again, the probability of the civil war arose, it was necessary to resort to the publication of the "Public Accord Treaty", and the adoption of the new Constitution helped the situation in society. The main minus of the first president of Russia is the assumption of armed actions in Chechnya, which led to a long war. He tried to stop the war, but in the end, this question was solved only by Vladimir Putin in 2001. In this situation, the head conducted the reorganization of the Cabinet of Ministers and signed a series of decrees aimed at reforms in the economy.

In foreign policy, Boris Yeltsin was important to establish relations with Western countries, as well as to build a dialogue with the former socialist republics. Therefore, the President of the Russian Federation approved the placement of NATO bases in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, not counting this threat to Russia. He also announced the disarmament of Russia in the direction of the United States cities. With Bill Clinton, his friendship was associated. Many funny moments that were recorded on video and photos took place with Yeltsin at meetings with US president. This is the case with the inaccurate translation of the words of Boris Nikolayevich, and joint leisure.

Boris Yeltsin was distinguished by bright, powerful and sometimes unpredictable character. The Russian President fondly felt himself in public, sometimes shocking those present. Often, such actions provoked drunkenness, which was susceptible to Yeltsin. But meetings with fellow citizens, in which Boris Nikolayevich danced or joked, acted on the electorate and especially for young people no worse than any PR-action.

So happened in the elections of the head of the state of 1996. Boris Yeltsin did not plan to participate in them, but he could not allow the Communist Party to defeat. The election program with the slogan "Vote, or lose" was deployed, during which Yeltsin visited many cities of Russia. Together with him, the show-business figures participated in agitation: Igor Nikolaev, Irina Allegrova, Leonid Agutin, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Teiffe Groups, "Car Man", "Dune", "Agatha Christie" and others. As the basis of the PR campaign, the principles of the election program of Bill Clinton "Choose, or lose".

In a short time, Yeltsin's rating rose from 3-6% to 35% who voted for him in the first round. Due to the high load after the first stage of the voting, Boris Yeltsin survived the heart attack. Boris Nikolayevich's health did not allow him to vote at the place of residence in Moscow. He gave his voice on the second round in the sanatorium in Barvikha.

In the elections in 1996, the current president won the main competitor Gennady Zyuganov. After the inauguration, which was not invited by foreign delegations, and the video was partially mounted from the filming of past years, a conspiracy theory of Boris Yeltsin's death appeared in society and the replacement of his twin. Publicist Yuri Mukhin argued that politician passed away after a heart attack, which became for Yeltsin the fifth. The book "Code of Yeltsin" was released on this topic. In 1998, the deputy A. I. Sali offered to create a commission to investigate this case in the State Duma, he also provided a few evidence to the Prosecutor General's Office "... a violent authority of power" (Art. 278 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) on the part of the environment of Yeltsin. But these theories did not find confirmation in life.

After the elections, the President focused on stabilizing the economy and the social sphere. For this, the Seven Main Affairs program was launched, during which the government tried to eliminate huge wage debts, corruption and the arbitrariness of officials, to introduce uniform rules for bankers and entrepreneurs, to intensify the small business. As one of the stages of development, it is worth considering the resignation of the Government of Viktor Chernomyrdin, to replace the young and energetic Sergey Kiriyenko. After him, the position of Prime Minister was held by Evgeny Primakov, Sergey Stepashin and Vladimir Putin.

At Boris Yeltsin itself, great government loads have affected negatively, and he had to make shunt on the heart. I did not improve the sentiment of the president and the 2006 financial crisis, which became even a big disaster for Russia than for the world community, as huge mistakes and miscalculations went on the surface. As a result, the multiple devaluation of the ruble, default and bank collapse. On the other hand, just during this period, the dominance of foreign goods on the market was reused with domestic production, which always goes to the hand of the country's execution.

Boris Yeltsin remained at the steering wheel of Russia until the last day of the 20th century, and during the television New Year's congratulations on December 31, 1999 announced his resignation. Boris Yeltsin asked for forgiveness from fellow citizens and said that he had a "aggregate of all problems", and not only because of health. The famous quotation "I'm tired, I'm leaving", attributed to Boris Nikolayevich, does not correspond to reality.

At the time of the resignation of Yeltsin, 67% of citizens relate negatively to him, the president was accused of ruining Russia and promoted liberals to power. Supported Yeltsin at that time 15%. But researchers and politicians estimate the years of the leader's reign positively, noting the main achievement of this era - the freedom of speech and the construction of civil society.

After Boris Yeltsin left the presidency from his post, he continued to participate in the public life of the country. In 2000, he created a charity foundation, periodically visited the CIS state. In 2004, the former head of the President of the President, Alexander Korzhakov, released the book of memoirs "Boris Yeltsin: from dawn to sunset," which presented interesting facts from the biography of the head of state.

Personal life

Boris Yeltsin's personal life has changed when he still studied at the Polytechnic Institute. In those years, he met the Naine Girin, on which he married immediately after the end of the university. At birth, the girl received the name of Anastasia, but in the already conscious age he replaced him to naine, as it was that that was called in a family. Boris Yeltsin's wife worked as a project manager at the Vodokanal Institute.

The wedding of the four Yeltsin took place in the house of the collective farmer at the top of ISTI in 1956, and a year later the family was replenished with daughter Elena. Three years later, Boris and Naina again became parents, they had a younger daughter Tatyana. Later, his daughter was presented to the president of six grandchildren. Boris Yeltsin Jr. became the most popular of them, which at one time was the director of marketing of the Russian team "Formula 1". And his brother Gleb, born with Down Syndrome, in 2015 became European swimming champion among people with disabilities.

In many publications, Boris Nikolayevich gave himself due to his spouse, each time emphasized her care and support. But some journalists, including Mikhail Poltoranin, argued that Naina Yeltsin was not just moral support for the first president of Russia, but also influenced personnel policy in the country's leadership.


In the last years of life, Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin suffered from a disease of the cardiovascular system. It is also no secret that he has been diagnosed with alcoholism. In mid-April 2007, the former president due to complications after a viral infection was laid in the hospital. According to doctors, his life did not threaten nothing, the disease proceeded predictably. Nevertheless, 12 days after hospitalization, Boris Yeltsin died in a central clinical hospital. Death has come on April 23, 2007.

The official cause of death is called a heart stop as a result of violation of the functions of the internal organs. I buried Yeltsin with Military Humans at the Novodevichy Cemetery, and the funeral process was broadcast live by all state television channels. The grave of Boris Yeltsin has a tombstone monument. It is made in the form of a boulder painted in the colors of the national flag.

For the anniversary of the birth of Boris Yeltsin in 2011, documentaries "Boris Yeltsin were issued. Life and fate "and" Boris Yeltsin. The first ", in addition to the memories of the contemporaries of the president, and rare personnel of the interview with Yeltsin themselves were presented.


  • 2008 - The main street of the business center of Yekaterinburg-City, Street January 9 in Yekaterinburg was renamed Boris Yeltsin
  • 2008 - A solemn opening ceremony of the monument to Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin took place at the Novodevichy Cemetery
  • 2008 - Ural State Technical University (UPI) Assigned to Boris Yeltsin's name
  • 2009 - The B. N. Yeltsin presidential library was opened in St. Petersburg
  • 2011 - Monument was opened in Yekaterinburg on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of Boris Yeltsin
  • 2015 - Presidential Center Boris Yeltsin opened in Yekaterinburg


Take the sovereignty as much as you can swallow it. I do not want to be a brake in the development of the national identity of each republic. I threw a coin in Yenisei, fortunately. But do not think that on this, the financial support of your edge by the president is finished. Currency fleet was, there will be Russian.

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