Megan Markle - biography, personal life, photo, news, prince Harry, gave birth to daughter, interview 2021



Megan Rachel Oplan, who left one of the names and real last name as a stage pseudonym, was famous not only due to a successful career in cinema and model business. Thanks to the marriage with Prince Harry, today the American actress knows as the Duchess Sussekaya.

Childhood and youth

Rachel Megan was born in Los Angeles. By the sign of the zodiac - lion. Looking at the photo of Oplan, not so easy to see that she is a mulatto. Parents belong to different races, so accurately say about the nationality of the artist. Megan does not have high, noble origin, brought up in the family of creative people close to the scene and television.

Although the father of the girl is an Irelander, according to research, Thomas Plant - the descendant of the king of England Eduard III. The man worked as a television operator-director, awarded the "Emmy" award. And the mother of Doria - African American, which received a master's degree in sociology and clinical psychology. True, later a woman was realized as a yoga instructor.

The early biography, Marcle, wrote behind the scenes of the shooting sites, surrounded by artists. As a child, a talented schoolgirl loved to draw stars and watch the series are removed. When the future celebrity was at the age of 11, she showed courage and wrote a letter to the first Lady of the US Hillary Clinton.

In the message, the child expressed disagreement with attitudes towards representatives of the beautiful sex of advertising creators, which is demonstrated in the interruptions of daylight windows of soap operas. Little plane argued that such videos create an irregular stereotype, as if the wife could be exclusively in the kitchen and all of her interests were associated with the housekeeping. Surprisingly, the appeal Megan was noticed, and advertisers were forced to adjust the content.

After school, Marcle entered North-West California University, where he received 2 specialties at once - "Theatrical Art" and "International Relations". During his studies, he worked as a photo model, and after graduating from the university, she chose an actress career for himself, and the second profession.

Professional growth of Megan took place at the US Embassy in Buenos Aires, where the graduate became the employee of the Department of Public Relations. But the acting biography began by chance: one of the friends for the sake of interest invited the girl to go to the casting of the television series, and soon the artist debut on the screen took place.


For the first time on the screen, the actress appeared in 2002 in one series of popular medical series "Main Hospital", after which the small roles and careers of the photo model combined. The audience drew attention to Rachel Megan in the episode of the episode "90210: a new generation", as well as in full-length films - a triller "deception", the criminal drama "Apostles" and the comedy "good behavior".

The main success was brought by the law comedy "Force-Majore", mostly, the artist won 7 years, refusing participation in the 8th season in 2018. Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes players rated the project above average. Ribbon about legal advisions from New York found a response and in the hearts of Asian spectators. For this reason, the light saw the Japanese and South Korean adaptation of "Force Major".

An American love picture "When sparks fly", the British criminal drama "Anti-Social" and Canadian romantic comedy "Diary" remained less noticeable to the audience.

Among the bright works in the filmography of the celebrity are secondary images in the popular TV series "Castle" and the comedy "unscanitive bosses". Both projects were filmed in a Los Angeles native to the artist. During her work in the cinema, Megan was lucky enough to work close to Jennifer Aniston, Charlie Daem, Rubel Brand, Robert Pattinson and others.

In 2020, Oplan showed talent as an actress of voice acting. American Documentary "Elephant", created by the French studio Disney Nature. Megan acted as a storytellers about the history of the tour of Salonih Shani and Elephant Jomo. The work of Duchess received mixed reviews. In The Times, creativity was called superficial, and the Daily Express Observer considered that the excessive emotionality of the star during reading indicates the sympathy of the fate of heroes.

Personal life

In 2004, the artist began relations with the film crewser Trevor Engelson. Later, a couple lived in a civil marriage, and after 7 years after acquaintance, the family status changed: Trevor became the first husband Megan, for a while Marcles became Mrs. Engelson. True, since the wedding day, the spouses stayed together only 2 years, after which the divorce was officially issued.

The former husband Megan Strastically survived the gap and the questions of journalists answered: "I have nothing to say about her." After some time, Engelson began to meet with the actress Charlotte McCinni, but the relationship ended with nothing. And in 2019 Trevor married Multimillionaire's daughter, Tracy Kurland's nutritionist.

After the divorce Megan tied a novel with an Irish professional golfer Rory Makillo. Love communication continued during 2014. In 2016, the media stirped the sensational news: Marcle - a new girl Prince Harry.

Regarding how Megan and Harry met, there are several versions. Some tabloids wrote that lovers brought the Misha Designer Nunu designer, according to other information, the meeting contributed to the childhood friend of the prince of Vestnholz, who was also friendly and with Oplan.

Lovers at first hidden relationships, but in November Harry and Megan visited the Kensington Palace, where they met with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridges. This made it possible to draw conclusions that the pair had a serious relationship and a wedding is possible. The Queen of UK Elizabeth II, the ruling grandmother Harry, gave the approval of the Union.

About the personal life of Megan Markle also knows that the artist is an amateur of cooking, high-quality literature and board games "Scrabble". In addition, in 2016, the woman showed the talent of the designer-fashion designer and released his own collection of clothes under the logo of the reitmans brand.

Megan is no less popular than her Snow Kate Middleton. In the name of Planked, a large number of fan pages in "Instagram" registered, which are replenished with news from the life of Duchess and new photos.

Celebrity is carefully followed by paparazzi, and the media seek to do with the name of Megan's hottest headlines. And since the royal family prefers not to devote those surrounding in their own relationship, many rumors are born around them. The versions of the pen shark are invented different, but most of them are not on the hand of the Prince's companion.

For example, in 2018, when Markle and Harry became aware of London in Windsor, in the news, information about conflicts from Kate appeared in the news. The misunderstanding was associated with various origins, life experience and the upbringing of the duchess. In addition, journalists love to compare the representatives of the royal family, which also does not like Middleton.

However, Megan did not have a relation to the relationship not only with Kate: with the queen of a dim a resident of the new light also did not find a common language. The established funds of Windsor obliges to comply with the traditions and rules that appeared over the years. Owl reacted to the etiquette is not too serious. In the interview, it was confirmed that before acquaintance with Elizabeth II did not even learn to do a renewress.

Family members of Megan's opinion in public are not divided, in communicating with paparazzi show restraint and do not dedicate the public to personal affairs. It is probably why plays and do not like the British. The actress impose sharp statements towards new relatives and other actions characterized by the Chief Church not the best.

I was outraged by conservative Britons and the fact that instead of the order of the official traditional first shot, Megan posted the usual photo of Archie in the network. In addition, the plane deprived the British of the opportunity to appreciate the ceremony of the Baptism of the Son, to force correspondents. The press makes it possible that so the Duchess of Sussekaya Argent for the lack of a title in a child, which is the exception for the prince's sibling.

In search of the "black" past and the African roots of the artist, ill-wishers resorted to different methods. The appeal to the discussion and appearance of Marc. Especially persistent truth seekers tried in comparison of children's and adult photographs Megan find evidence of the use of plastic faces. Because of such "investigations", the Chief Harry is suspected of changing the shape of the nose and teeth.

Royal Wedding

Prince William and Kate Middleton engaged in secret from the public, and Harry and Megan turned out to be less secret. On November 27, the couple announced the engagement. In order to marry a loved one, an American had to change citizenship and a religious denomination.

Harry made an offer to the bride with the ring, which was created with the participation of the Prince. The decoration consists of 1 major diamond and precious stones smaller. Previously, the treated diamonds belonged to the princess Diana.

On May 19, 2018, Harry and Megan's wedding took place. The event was observed not only by the inhabitants of Misty Albion, but the whole world. At the celebration, members of the royal family, Celibriti and subjects were present. To the altar, Plant arrived at the car together with mom and small assistants, among whom were Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

The wedding image of Megan was discussed long before the ceremony. New rumors about the outfit of the future wife Harry appeared daily. As a result, most of the assumptions of insiders were not confirmed. Help in the selection of the outfit Oplake provided Claire Wate Keller, who headed the fashion house Givenchy.

Megan's dress was distinguished by laconicity and grace, Fata's length was 5 meters. Outfit sewers from snow-white silk. Diamond Tiara complemented the image. The view of the bride conquered those present, including the bridegroom, which when looking at Megan whispered: "You look great." He spent the whole ceremony with a smile, while Harry was nervous and worried, but he tried not to show it.

Among the guest guests were Victoria and David Beckham, Tom Hardy, George and Amal Clooney, Oprah Winfrey and others. But more than the rest of the eyes were caught Kate Middleton, which was first published after the birth of a third child.

One of the memorable events of the celebration was the speech of Bishop Michael Curry. Actually, a dark-skinned man paid attention not so much said words as the manner of presentation. He spoke that loudly, then quietly, emotionally gestured and used other speakers. Everyone was surprised, including Harry, who called the priest to the ceremony.

The touching point was the oath of Megan and Harry in love and loyalty. Then the newlyweds exchanged wedding rings. After the wedding of a couple in a carriage, harbor with elite horses, went to walk through Windsor. In the city there were many people who dreamed of looking at the representatives of the royal family.

After the solemn ceremony of her husband and wife, the Queen honored the titles of the Duke and the Duchess of Susseki. And already in the autumn, Oplan noticed with a rounded belly, and soon there was information about the pregnancy of the wife of Prince Harry.

On May 6, 2019, the firstborn couple was born, who received the name Archie Harrison Mountbetten-Windsor. Even with the appearance of the son of the Son, the spouses moved away from accepted traditions and showed the baby only on the second day of life. Birth Megan was held in Portland Hospital in London, this is a dear clinic, where the cost per day was at least $ 1 thousand.

Marcle jealously belonged to the help of foreign people in raising a child, so he spent most of the time with Archi alone. After childbirth, the actress quickly led the figure shape. In 2020, with an increase in 170 cm, the weight of the young mother was 51 kg. In March 2021, it became known that Megan was pregnant with a second child and wearing a girl under his heart. The daughter of the couple was born on June 4, she was given the name Lilibet Diana.

Previously, the actress admitted that after the birth of the son I experienced a miscarriage.

Refusal to title

In early 2020, the public extended the next scandal, which occurred in the royal family. The married couple Harry and Megan officially refused the title of senior members of the female family.

After the pair has multiplied the authority, the spouses refused both from financing from the British treasury, as well as from providing security. After such a loud statement by Harry and Megan went to Canada. Then the prince of Harry, as well as the next relatives were invited by Elizabeth II for the Family Council.

In February 2021, the Buckingham Palace confirmed the information that the prince with his wife finally refused the responsibilities of members of the British Royal Family, but will retain titles. At first, the spouses settled in Canada, but later it became known that Cheta acquired a house in Los Angeles.

Then it became known that the Duchess plans to work. Owl invited to participate in the transfer I do, Redo. In a realistic show about the wedding, the star got the role of the partner Jessica Malluni - wedding stylist. In the script in reality, 10 pairs are involved, the first wedding of which failed. Men and women told about Fiasco and shared ideas about a new celebration. And Megan and Jessica together with the creators of the program helped embody the dream.

Style Megan Marcle

Megan's style to marriage differed from the current image. At that time, Prince Harry's wife preferred short skirts and dresses, could go outside in jeans with holes on her knees and a spacious shirt.

New status demanded adjustments to the wardrobe. After the wedding, the provocative mini actress replaced with elegant and elegant dresses, reaching the middle of the caviar, and disheveled hair with neat hairstyles. Almost always, the shoulders are covered, and if the model of the sweaters assumed the cutout, the plane threw a jacket or light coat on top.

To decorate the body with jewels Megan does not like too much, so 1-2 simple rings, a small chain or earrings use as accessories. In public places prefers to appear in the straile shoes. Sometimes flowing fabrics replaced with elegant costumes.

Jeans Oplan did not cease to wear, but in such clothes appeared on the streets of England much less often than in dresses. Although after the denial of the title, everything changed: today she is happy to carry classic pants and other reserved outfits.

Paparazzi was noticed that under the skirts, the plane does not wear tights, which would correspond to a good tone. Especially in warm weather, Megan prefers to wear shoes on a barefoot. But without makeup in the public, it rarely appears. But without cosmetics, fans and critics celebrate the youth of the celebrity skin, which is obliged to regularly gymnastics for the face.

Megan Marck now

Now Oplane helps her husband adapt in new conditions. Together with Harry, who for the sake of his beloved abandoned her former life, Megan signed a contract with Spotify and Netflix. The last company agreed to hand over millions of dollars in exchange for participation in the creation of a show for children and documentary film.

On March 7, 2021, world tabloids exploded the names of scandalous spouses, but the reason for this is not the success of the career. Megan and Harry were interviewed by Winfrey, which instantly condemned the supporters of the royal family. In a conversation, how Kate Middleton brought the Snow to tears, and the TV presenter came across other unpleasant situations to go for the words of the Skin Tone Discussion not yet born Archie.

Oprah returned to find out who exactly from Windsor allowed himself racist statements to the boy, in whose veins the African blood flows. The actual topic caused a heavy blow to the reputation of the dynasty.

It turned out that Megan and Harry were combined with a marriage 3 days before the official ceremony, which was broadcast worldwide. Owl told that due to numerous restrictions in the royal family, he was visited by suicidal thoughts, but not allowed to consult specialists.


  • 2006 - "Deception"
  • 2008 - "90210: new generation"
  • 2008 - "Good Behavior"
  • 2008 - "Apostles"
  • 2011 - "Travel Guide for Executives for Boys and Girls"
  • 2011-2018 - "Force Majer"
  • 2013 - "Random Meetings"
  • 2014 - "When sparks fly"
  • 2015 - "Anti-Social"
  • 2016 - "How to find a husband"

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