Igor Dodon - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, President of Moldova, Politician 2021



Igor Dodon is a statesman, 5th President of the Republic of Moldova. After a long break, he became the first head of the country, who was elected nationwide, and not appointed by Parliament as a few of his predecessors.

Childhood and youth

Biography Igor Nikolaevich has always been associated with his native country. He was born in the small Moldavian village of Sadova in the Kalarash district. It was one of the villages of Moldova, which was not in any of the communes, that is, it was independent and separate.

There is no information about the early childhood of the future policy, but it is known that he has a brother Alexander (Alexander) Dodon, who is now held by the post of Deputy Director of the Sanitary and Veterinary Agency. Judging by the surname, the nationality of Igor Nikolayevich is Moldavian.

Perhaps the mentality of local residents affected the perception of life by the future president. The young man was distinguished by a sustainable opinion and did not seek anyone to "succumb." In the youth of the age, Igor Nikolayevich elected an economic sphere. In this direction, he graduated from 1 university, and 3. At first, Dodon studied at the State Agrarian University, where he received knowledge of the general economy.

Then the Moldovan Academy of Economic Knowledge and the International Institute of Management appeared in the biography of the future. In the above universities, this enterprising person received diplomas in the specialties of management and economic law. By the way, between the 2nd and 3rd higher education, Igor Nikolayevich managed to defend the dissertation and became a doctor of economic sciences.

Career and politics

Dodon's labor activity began on the stock exchange, and in 5 years he literally flew through the career staircase: from the ordinary specialist of the Clearing Department to a member of the Board of Directors of the National Securities Depository. At the same time, Igor Nikolayevich was the president of the Exchange Committee with the commodity exchange and a member of the Arbitration Commission under the Stock Exchange.

When the Communist Party came to power in the country, the choice of the new president fell on the young economist Dodon. He was appointed to the post of Deputy Minister of Economics and Trade, and in September he headed this department. He was at that time only 31 years old. And after 2 years, Igor Nikolayevich reached the post of First Deputy Prime Minister.

The Moldovan Communist Party put forward Dodon to the post of General Primar Chisinau, that is, he could be the highest official of the capital, but by typing almost half of the votes in the election, still gave way to the competitor.

Shortly after that, Igor Nikolayevich leaves the communist faction and joins the Socialist Party, after the end of the year becoming its chairman. In the parliament, the dodon party has formed the most numerous faction and was the opposition of the current government, especially in the issues of European integration.

President of Moldova

In the XXI century, presidential elections in Moldova were not until the end of 2016: the head of state elected parliament. Thus, Dodon became the 1st nationwide elected president over the past 20 years. Politician won the elections that took place in 2 rounds. On the 1st of them, the candidate rating was 47.98% of the votes, on the second - 52.27%.

Dodon in the election program announced that, while maintaining good-neighborly relations with European countries, intends to cancel the Association Agreement with the European Union. The fact that the president will be difficult to do this in view of the restrictions of its powers by the Constitution, Igor Nikolayevich did not scare money. He knew that most of the members of parliament, the consent of which is necessary for the approval of any of his decision, is the mountain for the entry of Moldova into the European Union.

Dodon himself was striving for the federalization of the country, making a ban on organizations supporting the union of Moldova and Romania, and the establishment of contact with the Russian Federation. According to Igor Nikolayevich, he holds neutrality between Russia and the West.

The 1st visit to the head of Moldova did not do in Brussels, as the tradition required this, and in Moscow. Thus, Dodon, whose inauguration took place at the end of December 2016, clearly made it clear about his attitude to Russia and its President Vladimir Putin, as well as about the country's development vector.

After the entry into the post of Dodon, the first thing raised the question of negotiations with Moscow about the amnesty of Moldovan's labor migrants, which at one time violated the administrative requirements of the Russian Federation to stay on its territory. Amnesty made it possible to return economic ties between countries in the same direction.

A year later, Igor Nikolayevich at the negotiations with the Government of the Russian Federation made a proposal for the provision of dual citizenship for the residents of Moldova, for a long time in Russia.

Today, the relationship between the Russian Federation and the Moldova has advanced even further - at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, where Dodon met with Valentina Matvienko, Vyacheslav Volodyin, Alexei Miller and German Gref, and business and trade agreements were reached.

In the spring of 2017, the President initiated a referendum who included the regulation of the parliamentary authorities, the fight against corruption and the national question. However, the state parliament filed a lawsuit to the Constitutional Court to recognize the referendum illegal. The court supported parliamentarians. Later, senators have repeatedly advanced Igor Nikolayevich impeachment.

After removing the dodon, the laws necessary for Parliament claimed his successor - Andrian Kanda, after which the presidential authority returned to Igor Nikolayevich again. Because of the stretched relations with parliamentarians, it was called Moldavian Donald Trump.

Despite friendly relations with Moscow, Dodon emphasized that Moldova does not recognize the Crimea Russian due to the unwillingness to spoil relations with Kiev. For his country, such a recognition president considered the risk to which no one would go.

At the same time, the personal position of Dodon, which he voiced at the beginning of the presidential period remained unchanged. Then Igor Nikolayevich publicly stated that the Crimea de facto belongs to Russia.

President of Moldova paid attention not only to political decisions, but also culture and sport. It annually participated in the Victory Parade, thereby showing a respectful attitude towards Russia and the general contribution to the victory over fascism.

In May 2018, Igor Nikolaevich's musicians with the musicians of the DoradOS group were held in the president's residence, which was represented by Moldova at Eurovision Contest and were among the best 10 executors of the competition. Photo from the meeting appeared in the primary profile of the president in "Instagram". Dodon stepped up with the times and used all the possibilities for communication with the electorate, cycling accounts on social networks, including Twitter and Facebook.

In June of the same year, the head of state flew to a regular flight to Moscow to participate in the opening ceremony of the World Cup 2018, which also arrived the presidents of Russia friendly countries - Nursultan Nazarbayev, Evo Morales, Emomali Rakhmon, Shavkat Mirziaev.

In August 2018, a meeting of President Moldovan was held with the Russian singer Egor Crem, the topic of the meeting was the performance of an artist at a major event in Chisinau. The joint photo of rapper and politics appeared on the Dodon page in "Instagram" caused a large number of negative statements to Igor Nikolayevich, who a lot of time paid to foreign trips and communicating with representatives of show business, and not to solve issues within the country.

Personal life

Dodon's personal life has been connected with his only wife Galina for many years. Igor Nikolayevich's wife studied, as he himself, in the State Agrarian University of Moldova, and they met at the student wedding many years ago. Their own celebration of wedding took place in 1999, after which three children were born in a friendly family - sons Bogdan, Nikolay and Vlad Dodon.

Family politics lives in a private 3-storey house, which he acquired from a relative, who moved to Italy. Funds to purchase Igor Nikolayevich received partially after the sale of the apartment, partly on credit. According to him, parents help to give money to the bank.

If we talk about the hobbies of politics, then it prefers your holiday on fishing or hunting. Also, Igor Nikolayevich is not indifferent to sports and has a good form - with an increase of 185 cm its weight is 83 kg. With his wife and children, he rests at the European ski resorts, and in the summer it goes to the beaches of Cyprus.

Igor Dodon now

In June 2020, Igor Nikolayevich, at the invitation of the Head of the Russian Federation, went to Moscow in order to attend a military parade in honor of the 75th anniversary of the victory. Also, the head of Moldova in 2020 repeatedly met with Vadim Krasnoselsky, Alexander Lukashenko, Dmitry Kozak and other politicians.

On November 1, 2020, the next presidential elections began in Moldova. The main rival of Igor Nikolayevich became Maya Sandu. 8 candidates participated in the race, but among the main applicants were Dodon (32.61% of the votes), as well as the ex-prime minister and leader of the proofly part of assistance and solidarity Sanda (36.16% of the votes). The results of other candidates (Renato Mesat, Violetta Ivanova, Andrei Nastas, Octavian Tsyku, Tudor Deliu, Dorin Kartoaca) significantly less.

In the 1st round, none of the candidates scored more than 50% of the vote, so on November 15, the 2nd round of elections was appointed.

Already on November 2, Igor Nikolayevich demanded apologies from the opposition, which during the election campaign announced the preparing falsification of presidential elections using voters from Transnistria and a foreign diaspora.

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On November 15, the 2nd Tour of Elections was held - according to the Central Election Commission, the turnout on the plots amounted to almost 52.78%.

On November 16, 2020, Dodon congratulated the victory in the elections of Maya Sandu, which received 943,006 votes, which amounted to 57.72%. At the same time, Igor Nikolayevich said that he intends to appeal the results in court due to "unprecedented violations that were not on a single election campaign." He also announced the direct intervention of the West to the electoral process in the form of a "enjoyment and bribing of voters in the European Union." According to the current president of Moldova, the inhabitants of Transnistria were denied voting.

The victory in Elections Sandu with pro-Western political views will lead to a change in domestic policy. And Dodon has already received a proposal again to lead the batch of Socialists of Moldova.

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