Ulyana Zeitlin - biography, personal life, news, photos, "instagram", husband Alexey Fedorychev 2021



Ulyana Zeitlin is a secular lioness, whose name has become known in 2000. She shone at parties, closely was friends with Ksenia Sobchak. Today, it is rightly called the mother of the Russian secular revolution. Same Ulyana claims that he did not make much effort in order to glow on glossy pages. The celebrity just lived that life to which it was accustomed to.

Childhood and youth

The age of Zeitlin is a secret, which is permissible for beautiful women. But the media believes that it was born in 1968, November 17th.

Ulyana was born in the intelligent family of Shestakov in St. Petersburg. Father worked as an artist, and his mother held the post of chief editor of the Academy of Sciences.

In his youth, Ulyana received an excellent education, after graduating from a specialized school at the Academy of Arts, and after it entered the school of the Academy V. A. Serov to receive a profession in the specialty "Interior and Design".


Growth and weight of Ulyana allowed her to master the profession of the model not too revered and popular in those years. At a young age, she worked in the Leningrad House of Models, occasionally appearing on the covers of the magazine "Fashion".

According to Ulyana itself, during the first casting she was forced under the clothes to fix bust bandage to reduce its size from the third to the first, as at that time it was fashionable.

In 1989, Ulyana got married and left for 10 years to Australia, disappearance from appearance at this time. According to the celebrity, she returned to Petersburg spontaneously to become a godfather of the newborn daughter girlfriend. But, having arrived in Russia, I realized that it was unable to part with the country, and life in his homeland changed for the better.

After arrival, the woman moved to Moscow to conquer the capital's higher society. Here Zeitlin settled at the Suman Sisters of Anastasia Mikhailovskaya, in the apartment of which another three free artists from Tbilisi lived. At the time, as Ulyana recalls, there was no separation between the wealthy people - suddenly enriched with new Russians and Bloom, so all parties were held for money nouveau.

During the visit to Tusovkov, Ulyana took part in the frank shooting for the male magazine "Pleyboy", by the way, after the first birth. The photographer said that the pictures of the secular lioness did not even have to be treated in Photoshop, and for this time she was 39 years old. It is noteworthy that with another edition for men, the magazine "Maxim", Ulyana did not cooperate.

The woman and then, and later looked flawlessly, at the same time, according to her, did not resort to plastic. Ulyana does not like medical procedures, so there is only one seam from Cesarean sections on her body. At the same time, the secular lioness adheres to the rule not to appear in society or in the photo without makeup.

Also Zeitlin led the transfer "Pourevka to Rublevka", the TV show to Muz-TV, but the ratings of these programs were low, so they were postgraduated by the fate of a number of projects of that time - cessation of filming. Despite this, some celebrity statements turned into quotes.

One day, Ulyana shared his own supervision with the glossy publication that "the discoverished tummy is easily covered with a sail of its own yacht, preferably with a helicopter platform. And the presence of your own beach will save the owner of curved feet from oblique prying views. "

Another woman participated in the Sobchak Show "Blonde in Chocolate". Ulyana Zeitlin became one of the zero style icons, who was also a secular browser of Bozen Marida, Fashion designer Ulyana Sergeenko, Business woman Miroslav Duma, Designer Dasha Zhukov, model and actress Oksana Lavrentiev.

Beauty secrets

Ulyana Zeitlin - author of the book "100 pure applied councils on various issues", in which revealed a number of secrets before readers who help her look young. TV presenter told about the features of the use of decorative cosmetics, the use of cosmetology procedures, diet, sports exercises.

For example, when choosing Lipstick Ulyana did not recommend thumbucelessly to follow the existing fashion. So, the red lipstick will not suit the woman with thin lips, and the black varnish will scare any man.

The celebrity did not recommend to get involved in a tan, which increases skin pigmentation and gives the face a dirty tint. As sports exercises, the best, according to Zeitlin, are yoga and swimming, which are completed by a massage session.

For women seeking to lose weight, she recommended that the diet has been published a detailed blood test before choosing a diet to understand what the body lacks whether the perception of individual nutrients is missing.

The only correct solution in building the diet of Ulyana recognizes its own taste preferences. To maintain a good mood, the secular lioness offers regularly resort to shopping. Beauty itself is keen on collecting bags and accessories.

Since 2010, Ulyana has gradually ceased to attend secular events, devoting his time to raising the Son. The father of the child, they rummaged, entered the list of "Forbes", therefore it was decided to gradually care for Zeitlin from the secular car.

Friendship with Ksenia Sobchak

Friendship Ksenia Sobchak and Ulyana had mutually beneficial character, because Ksenia was already known thanks to the name of Father Anatoly Sobchak, and Ulyana had a reputation as a woman who had lived abroad for a long time. It was the perfect tandem for the conquest of secular vertices, which they implemented 100%.

In the early 2000s, Zeitlin and Sobchak were simply inseparable. Shooting ladies appeared in secular events always together, personifying what women from the CIS countries dreamed about. Photo of secular lats of that time and are now amazed: gorgeous clothes, decorations and admiring views of men.

And if Ksenia then did not want to marry and more interested in public life, then Ulyana told himself in an interview that he was not averse to marrying a respectable man with a decent bank account.

Zeitlin has sharply stand out among Moscow beauties restraint. She did not become a member of the loud scandals, brazenly did not hunt strangers. As journalists remember, Ulyana was different at that time, he was distinguished by a special highlight and good upbringing, which attracted men to her.

Throughout pregnancy, Sobchak supported a girlfriend, came to her hospital, and after the birth became the godmother of the newborn. But soon Zeitlin and Sobchak quarreled, and the cause of the conflict still remained unknown.

Women were repeated only in 2011 on the ball May Fashion, where she accidentally met. Of course, the former relations were not recovered, but the secular ladies are already avoiding the discharge and dismissed hostility.

And in 2015, Ksenia went to the gorgeous wedding of the girlfriend, demonstrating a scarlet dress in "Instagram". In 2019, Zeitlin received an invitation from Sobchak to visit her wedding with Konstantin Bogomolov. Other guests of the celebrations included such persons like Fedor Bondarchuk with Paulina Andreva, Konstantin Ernst with his wife Sofia, Renata Litvinova, Singer Zemfira and others.

Personal life

In the first marriage, Ulyana joined 1989 and left Australia. In the USSR, her spouse worked as a psychiatrist. In addition, he created one of the first cooperatives in Leningrad, so at the dawn of the 90s it was unsafe in the country.

According to the secular lioness, they went to get acquainted with her husband's parents, but the country liked it so much that it was decided to stay. In Australia, Ulyana lived for about 10 years. About this period, the biography of Zeitlin recalls rarely. Abroad, she was fascinated by tennis, went out on the ocean along the ocean, led fitness classes and even ate crude fish.

Upon returning to the Motherland, Zeitlin began to lead an active secular life. Over the past years, the personal life of the former secular lioness remained in the shade. Ulyana lived on a ruble in the house, which costs more than $ 2 million, went on the BMW Jeep and did not limit himself in the spending, engaged in creativity (writing books with tips for women). The secular lady until a certain time had a man, but his name was maintained secret.

According to some media, a chic mansion, as well as many expensive jewelry, presented to the woman of her fan Andrei Bokarev, co-owner of Transmashholding and "Kuzbassuga", member of the Board of Trustees of the Federation of Tennis of Russia. According to Ulyana, she adheres to Orthodox faith, but at the same time prefers to communicate with men relating to nationality to Jews or Georgians.

Zeitlin is not shy of his position and tells in an interview that he has achieved success and well-being by efforts, principles and excellent external data.

In 2006, Ulyana gave birth to the firstborn, who received the name of Savva and the surname of the mother. According to the secular lioness, the boy's father has long been married, children grow up in that marriage, so he did not want to admit a child.

In one interview, Ulyana said that his father communicates with her son, but the man did not disclose the person.

At the same time, it was rumored in Moscow that the boyfriend Ulyana was a married businessman Boris Belotserkovsky, who is attributed to paternity. But in an interview with Elle magazine on February 17, 2015, his wife Nika Belotserkovskaya (Belonika), which is friends for a long time with Ulyana, has denied this information.

In 2015, sharp changes took place in the personal life of Zeyitlin: there was a news that the former secular lioness got married. In the same year, immediately after the magnificent wedding of the figure skater Tatyana Navka, the stars of the Russian show business went to St. Moritz to the engagement of Ulyana and Alexey Fedorychev.

Zeitlina's husband Alexey Fedorychev - Russian Oligarch, in 2016 he was 61 years old. The entrepreneur is headed by Fedcominvest Corporation, specializing in gray and fertilizer trade. Known man and as a former owner of Dynamo FC.

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At the time of marriage, Ulyana was 47 years old, her husband 60, which was not an obstacle for a happy union.

The wedding was chic: with the sea of ​​elite drinks and yokes, the stars of the Russian pop, who, after the celebration, laid out Selfi on social networks. It is worth noting that Ulyana after all reached the goal, becoming a person's wife from the Forbes list.

After the marriage, Zeitlin retired again into the shadow, occasionally appearing in secular events and meetings with friends. So, in 2017, a joint photo with Ulyana, made in the open-air museum appeared on the social network, appeared on the Nikolai Basque page.

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In 2020, the bulk of Ulyana spent in Monaco. Here in the apartment at Boulevard de Suisse overlooking the port, she lives with her husband-oligarch and son Sawa. Boy gets education at International School Of Monaco.

And Ulyana itself is pleased that the child has an example of her current husband, a man who focuses at work. In the summer of Savva, along with part of the servants, he moved to Fort Dei Marmi.

In the free time, Zeitlin, along with the housekeeper, participates in the creation of appetizing dishes. Especially former secular lioness like to cook pies. Now Ulyana allows himself not to make pricks of beauty: in Monaco, in her opinion, there are no good salons. During the years of life in Europe, Zeitlin recovered a little, but excess weight does not spoil her shape.

Ulyana Zeitlin is now

Ulyana enjoys family happiness and does not plan to return to a secular part. Sometimes her name falls into the information field - for example, the telegram channel "Anthriberenets" managed to persuade Ulyana to communicate in the "secular bingo" conference.

During the Virtual Table, Zeitlin shared memories of short-term novels. The secular diva far from Russia ceased to follow glamorous trends, prefers comfortable clothes and practically does not use makeup, while it looks absolutely happy.

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