Spartak Svchenko - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Spartak Valerevich Sumchenko - Actor of Russian Cinema. Acquired popularity after the release of films "Love in the Big City-2", "Lily Silver", "Dickari" and the series "Game".

Spartak Svchenko was born in the capital on May 16, 1973. The father of the boy, Valery Evgenievich, who the actor is obliged to his outstanding physical data, is considered one of the active bodybuilding distributors in Russia. Mother Marina Mikhailovna - Pedagogian psychologist. At the dawn of his career taught in the Moscow Pedagogical College. Later became the director of an elite private school.

Full Spartak Subchenko

Mom's future artist has developed an interesting fate. Marina Mikhailovna brought up in a children's home. When the girl was 5 years old, she fell into a family, which he immediately began to be considered his own. But before that, the baby returned to the orphanage back to the orphanage.

It so happened that five years later, Marina's parents paralyzed. Then the girl began to sit with neighboring children, and instead they were given a bucket of potatoes, clothes. But mom and dad was lucky: they were cured. The father continued to work, and Mom engaged in a sewing business at home and raised his beloved daughter, which allowed us to achieve success in life.

Spartak Subchenko

Spartak grew and brought up in a pedagogical family, but his behavior often "chrome". The active boy was even excluded from his native school for the inappropriate behavior and permanent skipping lessons. Returning Buntar had to be in another educational institution. But the middle score of the certificate allowed Subchenko to enter the pedagogical college and later receive the diploma of the primary school teacher.

According to the attitude of the parents, the next learning step was to become the Pedagogical Institute. But, shortly by working at school, Spartak went to the army. Returning, categorically refused this venture.

Full Spartak Subchenko

The first steps on the stage he made even during study in college - Spartak actively participated in student performances. At the same time, he discovered the ability to music and entered the separation of the classic guitar of a children's music school.

Very, by the way, the preparatory courses of Vgika, where Souduchenko got on the advice of a friend - actor Valery Belyaeva. All this served as a good basis for the hoping of the artist and allowed him to enter the theater institute without any problems. Shchukina.

Spartak Subchenko in the theater

The first place of work of the young actor was the ram. The scene of the theater of Subchenko performed several secondary roles. Among them, Signor Kapuleti (Romeo and Juliet), soldiers in the "Captain daughter" and Alfredo in Ortae.

However, delayed in the youthful theater Spartak Valerievich for a long time - in 1999, Director Mirzoev invited Artist to the Stanislavsky Theater.

The further theatrical career of the actor was not very successful. In a young man's account, three episodic roles in the Stanislavsky Theater and five minor in the Wakhtangov Theater, where Spartak served from 2001 to 2006. But on the movie screen, Talent Sumchenko revealed more brightly.


High growth and decent weight of Svuchenko identified the role of the actor for many years. Police officers, guards, criminal elements, colorful fabulous characters - here is a brief list of images played by him.

Spartak debuted in the cinema in 1997. Then the young artist starred in the movie "Middle-aged Crisis".

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After 3 years, Spartak appeared in the image of the gangster in the artistic picture of Lily Silver. But the actor's wife, Olesya Zheleznyak, shone in the ribbon as one of the main characters.

The first major role went to Subchenko in 2002. The actor appeared in front of the audience in the form of the former special forces Dmitry Khokhlov in the militant "Code of Chest-1". In the plot, the seven former special forces were thrown into peaceful life. Everyone tries to somehow get a job. But unexpectedly managed to plan special events, people needed to perform operations. The main condition for the task is to conspire.

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The surrender roles played an artist in projects "Who is in the house of the owner?", "Soldati-16. Demobel is inevitable, "" Lyuba, Children and Plant ... "," Baby "," Construction "and others.

In 2009, Spartak flashed in one episode of the popular Russian series "Voronina". He got the role of Misha.

Then the artist fulfilled the role of a classmate of the main character in the second part of the romantic comedy "Love in the Big City".

Sumchenko also brought considerable popularity and the role of a former criminal in the island series "Game", where Pavel Barshak played the main role.

The career biography of Spartak Subchenko in 2016 was replenished with the experience of the actor dubbing. The voice of the artist says T``Chried, the young prince of Vacanands, part-time - Black Panther - in the tape "First Avenger: confrontation." The artist, who performed the role of T``Chlla, is the name of Chadwick Bowzman.

Personal life

The famous Russian actress Olesya Zheleznyak became his wife Schuchenko. Future spouses got acquainted on the preparatory courses in Vgik. Then both did not do.

Then Spartak passed into the "pike", and the girl accepted in VGIK. And Olesya believed that Subchenko was talented her. The artist was afraid for a long time to seem in front of the future husband on the scene.

Olesya Zheleznyak and Spartak Subchenko

The couple raises three sons and beautiful daughter. It is noteworthy that children in this family have ancient Russian names: Savely, Thomas, Prokhor and Agafia.

Photos and stories about children Zheleznyak and Svuchenko appear extremely rarely - such principles are also adhered to Spartak, and Olesya. Even their own wedding, the spouses kept in strict secret - neither friends nor family members were attended at the ceremony. A married couple prefers not to advertise a private life, so the artists are not found in the Instagram social network, where other Russian actors are usually divided into biography.

In October 2014, the family visited Timur Kizyakov with the program "While all at home." During the interview, Olesya admitted that the opinion of the spouse about her games and speeches is very important for her. And Spartak noticed that the wife had long rearranged him in the actor. Subchenko believes Zheleznyak large artist. Another man admitted that he believes more to theater actors.

Got the preference of the guitar, Spartak Valerevich, simply mastered two more tools: double bass and balalaica. As a schoolboy, Judo and Karate were seriously fascinated. Today, the actor is a frequenter of the Fight Baza club FIGHT BAZA. Growth (185 cm), weight and physical training did their job and when distributed in the military registration and enlistment office - to serve Sumchenko went to the SVPW special forces. As a child, he dreamed of becoming a star star. In recent years, Spartak has repeatedly performed as lead. The first breakdown was the performance at the concert of the "first alternative" channel. And then he spent several international tournaments on Sailiwakai.

Spartak Subchenko now

In February 2018, a film about Prince Vacanands "Black Panther" has shown in Russia. Chadwick Bowzman returned to the role of T``CHLL, and Spartak Subchenko - to the voice of a black panther.

Spartak Subchenko

In May of the same year, the audience saw a superhero in the new ribbon about the avengers "Avengers: the war of infinity." And again T`'Chulu dubbed Spartak.


  • 2000 - "Lily Silver"
  • 2002 - "Bashman"
  • 2005 - "Lyuba, Children and Plant ..."
  • 2006 - Dickari
  • 2007 - "Who is the owner in the house?"
  • 2008 - "Cinderella 4 × 4. It all begins with desires. "
  • 2009 - "Soldiers. Demob is inevitable "
  • 2010 - "Love in the Big City 2"
  • 2011 - "Game"
  • 2015 - "Game. Revenge"

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