Sergey Mikhalkov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Poems



The future famous Soviet and Russian poet appeared on the light of March 13, 1913. His mother was a nurse and teacher Olga Mikhailovna, and Father is a leaving from the intelligentsia of noble origin Vladimir Alexandrovich. The boy became senior in the family and together with the younger brothers (Alexander and Mikhail) held a happy childhood in the suburbs.

Childhood and youth

The rural school was far enough from the "generic nest" of Mikhalkov, because of which the boys hired a personal caregiver - Emma Rosenberg, a governess of German origin. Emma is vigilantly and strictly engaged in the development of his wards, and they were afraid to disobey their mentor. Sergey from all items most liked German. The eldest son of Mikhalkov, in childhood, perfectly spoke in this language and freely read the authentic texts of Schiller and Goethe.

After some time, the family moved to Moscow, and then the boys finally went to school. Sergey was able to immediately translate into the fourth grade. Odnoklassniki initially mocked the newcomer, who stuttered quite strongly. But the fun and friendly temple of the future poet allowed him to conquer the hearts of his offenders and become their best friend.

Soon the Mikhalkov family again moved, and Sergey, like every brother, turned out to be forced to build relations with new classmates. This time - in the Stavropol Territory. It is noteworthy that it was there that the first poematic work of the poet was published, whose talent began to manifest itself in early childhood.

Personal life

Eruded and charismatic Sergey Mikhalkov from a young time was popular with representatives of the opposite sex. His first wife became Natalia Konchalovskaya (her father was the famous artist Peter Konchalovsky). This marriage could be called strange: the spouse was 10 years older than his new her husband, and she was not very striving for a crown. Nevertheless, having surrendered under the head of the young poet, the woman allowed to wear a cherished ring on his ring finger.

Surprisingly, this strange union was incredibly strong. Sergey and Natalia lived together for 53 years and parted only in 1988, when they were separated by the death of Konchalovskaya.

Two sons who were born in this strong marriage chose a creative way and soon became no less famous people than their parents. Andrei Konchalovsky is known as director, folk artist and screenwriter. Nikita Mikhalkov is also like a people's artist, director, screenwriter and actor.

A nine years after Natalia Konchalovskaya went to the world of others, Sergey Mikhalkov went to the registry office with a new chosen. The second and last wife of the poet became Julia Subbotina, the daughter of the famous academician Valery Subbotin. The difference in 48 years did not interfere with the spouses to live the soul into the soul, the heart in the heart to the death of Sergei Vladimirovich.


This historical event for the biography of Sergey Mikhalkov occurred in the 1928th year: a magazine called "on the rise" published his poem "Road", despite the author's age age. Interestingly, the poet's famous in those days Alexander Smemetsky already in the first children's creations of Sergey saw his huge creative potential.

After graduating from school, Sergey Mikhalkov decided to leave the Stavropol Territory and return to the capital. At first, he had to be very hard: attempts to make money on the literary talent ended almost unsuccessful, accounted for any work. In the desire to make money on life, Sergey Mikhalkov worked on a weaving factory, and in geological expeditions, and many other positions.

In 1933, the newspaper Izvestia assigned the status for a young poet: a freelance correspondent. The future famous children's writer did not assume that even more cardinal coup in his fate was attached literally a few steps. In the first half of the 1930s, the first collection of works by Sergey Mikhalkov was published, and they had to do with the Soviet people. His poems read in clubs, theaters, radio.

In 1936, everything in the same newspaper Izvestia was printed a poem of the poet called "Svetlana". It is noteworthy that initially Sergey called his verse "Lullaby", but then decided to rename him, in order to please the wonderful sex representative. Girl this gesture, alas, did not appreciate. But Joseph Stalin (whose daughter also called Svetlana) was to the depths of the heart of a togan with this poem. Naturally, in those days, Stalin's patronage meant for the author a lot.

In the mid-1930s, the poet was offered to participate in the competition, in which it was necessary to come up with a pioneer song. Sergey Mikhalkov very responsibly approached the task and even settled to work the leader to the pioneer camp, to properly feel the entire atmosphere of campaigns, sitting at the fire and leisurely stories.

"Uncle Stepa"

The first criticism of the poems that was born from Mikhalkov after such experience, Boris Ivanter became (editor of the journal "Pioneer"). One of the works (then it was called "Three Citizen") had to be a newshler to taste and was published.

Then Sergey Mikhalkova was born the idea is not limited to one poem. The author decided to write a real poem for children, which will be interested in the kids of various ages. It was then that the writer created us well-known "Uncle Step" - perhaps the most popular his work.

Usually strict and picky, Boris Ivanter came delighted from the poem. Without any oscillations published a work in his journal, and Sergey Mikhalkova himself sent to learn to the wisdom of Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak. The latter told the novice poet, what should be the children's work to have a beneficial effect on the process of development, study, upbringing and growing a child.

Under the guidance of the experienced mentor, Mikhalkov reissued and added his "Uncle Step". Gradually, the poem expanded and increased, all new plot turns were added to it. The heroism, honesty and dedication of the uncle Stepe - a man worthy of his homeland remained unchanged.

War years

Soon after the start of the Great Patriotic War, the gifted poet was called in the ranks of the Red Army. For several years, he performed as a military correspondent. The country, desperately fighting for his freedom, inspired Sergey to writing scenarios for two films: "Fight under idol" and "front-line girlfriends". For creating a "front-line girlfriend" scenario, the poet was subsequently awarded the state award.

In 1943, Sergey Mikhalkov and his good friend of Gabo decided to participate in the competition for writing the hymn for the Union State. The option proposed by the poet was to taste Joseph Stalin. After small adjustments and amendments, this anthem was approved and on the eve of the occurrence of 1944 heard the whole country heard. In 1977, the author wrote the second editorial office of his work.

It should be noted that at the end of the 20th century, Sergey Vladimirovich again took part in the development of a new hymn, already for the Russian Federation. As with the decades earlier, his option was recognized as the most suitable of possible, and in 2000, for the battle of the Kurantov, we heard the verses of Mikhalkov, laid on music.


After the completion of the Great Patriotic War, Sergey Mikhalkov returned to the favorite children's topics, mainly writing works for kids. On the advice of Alexander Tolstoy, he tried himself in the genre of Basni. The experience was very successful, and over the years of his creative activity, Sergey Vladimirovich managed to write more than 250 fastened poems.

Also, the poet actively engaged in writing scripts for animated films. For example, it is for him that we are obliged to the emergence of such good and fun Soviet cartoons, as "here do not bite," "Hunting rifle", "in Africa is hot", "As an older cow sold", "Boy-Zaknayka". In total, Sergey Mikhalkov scenarios were drawn several dozen animated paintings, including cartoons about Uncle Stete.

Sergey Mikhalkov and scenarios for films: "Three Plus Two", "New Cat's Boots in Boots", "Big Space Journey", etc. He also translated into Russian and adapted for the Soviet listener, the texts of the famous Czech operas "Damn and Kacha" and "Sold by Bride". The poet distinguished himself and writing plays designed for the adult public: "Hunter", "Ilya Golovin", "Cracks and Crocodile", "Dickari", "Ezitons Burcelli" came out from under his pen.

Political activity

As one of the favorite poets Stalin Sergey Vladimirovich successfully built a political career. He managed to receive the post of secretary of the Writers Union, subsequently - secretary of the Union of Writers of the RSFSR, and a little later - the chairman of this organization.

Sergey Mikhalkov also managed to work as a deputy of the Supreme Council. For political success, the poet was often criticized by contemporaries, who considered his work as a friend in relation to the authorities.

Among other things, at one time Mikhalkov participated in the persecution of dissidents. It is likely that with age the writer's attitude towards this situation has changed, but at that time he really believed that he would make the right thing.

At the end of the 20th century, the author took the position of one of the chairmen of the Society of Writing alliances, and shortly before his death was awarded the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrei Promotional for Huge merits on a literary field.


The writer died on August 27, 2009, at that time he was 96 years old. Native and relatives Mikhalkov said that shortly before the last in their life of the departure to Snah Sergey Vladimirovich his warmth said goodbye to everyone who loved. And before you finally leave our world, he opened his eyes and quite consciously declared: "Well, enough for me. Goodbye".

It is unlikely that someone will argue with the fact that a talented poet lived a rich life and left behind a noticeable trace in history and culture. Sergey Mikhalkov was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery, farewell to the poet was held in the Church of Christ the day after his death.

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