Anton Lirnik - Photo, Biography, "Comedy Club", News, Personal Life 2021



Anton Lirnik - TV presenter, screenwriter, actor and musician of Ukrainian origin, a former participant of KVN, who became well-known after the emergence of Comedy Club Ukraine in the humorous program and the Russian Scene "Comedy Club". Over time, a successful humorist turned into a brilliant Showman, whose programs are involved in the audience of the public.

Childhood and youth

Anton Lirnik was born in the Ukrainian city of Kirovograd (since 2016 renamed Kropyvnytskyi) on September 23, 1976 in the family of professional musicians: his father was Stringent, Mom played the piano, both worked in a music school. In addition to Anton, parents brought up two senior sons. The guy 4 years walked to a music school on a violin class.

After the release from school, Anton entered the Kirovograd State Pedagogical University. V. Vinnichenko at the Department of Journalism. Here he studied only 2 courses, after which he decided to go to another university, from where it was expelled for unknown reasons.


The student period of the biography of Anton, however, did not pass for him in vain. During his stay in Kirovograd, Anton managed to participate in the Institution team of the club cheerful and resourceful "Gulf Stream" (another name - Scythian), while working on local channels as a screenwriter and TV host entertainment.

In early 2000, Lirnik went to conquer the capital of Ukraine. In Kiev, he managed to work as a leading several radio stations, he also led on the "Inter" author's humorous television shows and wrote scenarios for comedy films and serials.

In 2003, Anton was invited to become a member of the team of KVN "Alaska". She became the champion of the Higher Ukrainian League and even passed to the Moscow Higher League of KVN. During the games, Lirnik met the future partner for the comedy project "Duet of Chekhov".

In the winter of 2006, the preparation of the humorous show Comedy Club Ukraine, the Ukrainian analogue of the famous Russian TV shows "Comedy Club" started. Anton became one of its organizers. Together with the dairy he conquered the hearts of millions of Ukrainian television viewers. Seeing the success of the collective, the producers of the main project invited them to shooting Moscow.

The duo traveled with tour half of the globe. The humorists in an interview were joking that they live in Moscow and not in Kiev, but in airplanes, they had a lot of work, and sometimes temporary gaps between the concerts are really very short. In 2017, the duet completed its existence, which artists reported in personal profiles of social networks.

In mid-2008, a humorist began to think about the conquest of new creative horizons and decided to create a musical group. In the fall, Lirnik released the first composition of the "Nonsense Day" together with the team Lirnik Band.

In addition to the performance of songs written by Anton, musicians parody popular hunters of recent years. For example, in Ukraine, the alteration of the "Bloom" song Mikhail Circle "Golden Domes" began in Ukrainian with text on topical topics. In 2012, the first and until the only LIRNIK Band disk called the "platinum album".

The artist tried himself and on the writing field, releasing the book "Three in Thailand in 2014, not counting the dogs", the plot of which soon lay down the board game.

Since 2015, the main occupation of the Lirnik was the organization of the humorous show "League of laughter", the broadcast of which began on the channel "1 + 1". The second name of the competition is the "Ukrainian Championship of Umoura". It participates teams that compete with each other for the 1st place.

Without ceasing to fountain creative ideas, in 2016 Anton launches the tourist project "VIP-guide", in which it becomes a guide. Lirnik invites the guests of Ukraine Author's tours on major cities of the Motherland and exotic places of the planet.

In addition to television, the showman tried the forces in a full meter, starring in the comedy film "Zomboyashik" along with colleagues in "Comedy Club".

Together with Kavéncers, Anton Lirnik stands with the entrepreneurial play "Male Cracked". Later, the Ukrainian model Dasha Afanasyev was invited to the female role.

In the spring of 2018, together with the ex-participant in the duet "Sisters of the Zaitsev" by Roman Yunusov and Showman Ivan Chuikov, Lirnik launched a teleposition "Weekend Show".

Anton continues to tour with Anthreprisa. In addition to the successful performance, "Male Crabus", to which Yana Koshkina joined in 2019, he goes to the stage in the production of Ladies'night, "a placenta to Tibet." The showman became one of the creators of the Esquire Weekend festival, which was held at the Moscow Region Esquire on Air. Together with the Lirnik, Alexander Nellobin, Alexander Volokhov and Ruslan Mukhtarov participated in the event.

On television, the artist appeared in the humorous project "Stars Rulyat", and in the fall of 2019 appeared in the TV show "Fort Boyard". The learn entered one team together with Tair Mamedov and already in the first issue did not cope with the fulfillment of the task: Anton could not jump in a 30-meter height.

Personal life

The humorist is fond of computer games and is a passionate bibliophile. He has a whole collection of rare antique books, which Anton constantly replenishes valuable specimens from around the world. He travels a lot, leads a personal blog, lays out a photo in "Instagram". The growth of the artist is 174 cm, and the weight is 78 kg.

At 22, Anton Lirnik first became his father - he had a daughter Masha, who he was glad, despite the young age. But soon the personal life of the artist began testing. The girl died at 8 years old due to brain cancer. After the daughter's death, the marriage with the first wife of Tatiana broke up, the spouses became hard to communicate with each other.

For the second time, a humorist married Valeria Borodina, from which his daughter Sonya appeared. The couple broke up when the daughter was only 10 months old. The reason for the divorce is not called, but the girl stayed with his father.

The third wife of Anton became the girl named Marina Gurudko. They met in 2010, and after 4 years, the border made the proposal. In early April 2017, the wife gave Anton's daughter Martar. Humorian children get together. Senior Sofia, in addition to the duties of a schoolgirl, is passionate about the creation of the author's Yutiub-Channel. According to the artist, he already has something to learn from his daughter.

Anton Lirnik now

In 2020, Showman tried himself in a new project - became a member of the show "Mask" on NTV. The jury voted for the exposure of the egg mask, under which it turned out, surprising the audience, butterfly.

In August, TV channel STS presented the comedy series Storiz, in which Anton performed one of the main roles. The test of the audience was pleased with short humorous miniatures. Part of the audience praised the actors for a successful game, others talked about the similarity of the format with "give younger!".


- 2004 - "Between the first and second"

- 2005 - "On a white boat"

- 2011 - "Swallow nest"

- 2018 - "Zomboyashik"

- 2020 - "Stork"


  • Music group Lirnikband.
  • Humorous project "Duet Chekhov"
  • Program "Deficity Show"
  • The program "Who is extreme"
  • Program "Safety"
  • TV show "League laughter"
  • Travel company "VIP-guide"
  • The book "Three in Thailand, not counting dogs"
  • Transfer "Stars RuHAT"
  • TV show "Fort Bayard"

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