Anna Timirev - biography, personal life, photos, Alexander Kolchak and the latest news



Anna Vasilyevna Timirev (in Maudis - Safonova) - Russian poetess and artist, the last wife of Admiral Alexander Kolchak, who, after His capture of the hands of the Reds in early 1920, decided to go under arrest with him.

Anna Vasilyevna Safonova was born on July 18, 1893 in Kislovodsk. She was a sixth child in a large family of Vasily Safonov - Music Teachers, Pianist and Conductor, who was the director of the Moscow Conservatory for some time.

Anna Timirev

When Anna was 13 years old (1906), her family went to St. Petersburg. In the Northern capital, Anna released from the gymnasium in 1911, after which she took her marine officer Sergey Nikolayevich Timirev.

Anna gave birth to Son Vladimir in 1914, and a year later, being in Helsingfors, in which her husband was quartered, first met with Alexander Kolchak. This event has completely changed their lives. They fell in love with the books - at first glance, but they were not immediately confessed.


In 1918, Anna Timirev worked as the translator of the Printing Department at the Council of Ministers and the Supreme Ruler in the city of Omsk. In addition to this, the woman worked in the workshop on the manufacture of linen and stood on the distribution of food crumpled and sick soldiers. Later, already under Soviet power, it became known as the poetess, published her poems about Kolchak.

Personal life

Admiral Kolchak was married, and besides, he was nineteen older than Anna. He walked around the waters of the four oceans, he entered the twenty seas and earned a lot of both domestic and foreign awards and orders. Alexander Kolchak was considered a talented fleet and a very patriotic man. It is not clear that he tied him with Anna, a young married artist, but feelings can not be deceived.

Alexander Kolchak

Starting from their first meeting to the arrest of Admiral, for a long five years, the soul lovers were always with each other, despite the fact that they could not see months. And Anna and Alexander had their own families. Many guess the feelings of the brilliant fleet to Timiroeva, but no one dared out loud of assumptions. Anna's husband, like Kolchak's wife, did the view that they did not notice anything, perhaps, hoping that over time, their feelings would fool.

Anna Timirev

In 1938, the first and only son of Anna - Vladimir was shot. When searching, he found a sword and a gun, and in the indictment called him a German spy, allegedly, he mined for Germany information about the fishing industry in the USSR. Years later (in 1958) Anna achieved the rehabilitation of a killed child.

Divorce with her husband

Timiew and Kolchak communicated by correspondence. They wrote to each other with amazing respect and nobility, seemingly incomprehensible for modern realities: they always appeal to each other on "You" and by name-patronymic. "Cute, dear Anna Vasilyevna ..." - from these lines Kolchak usually started letters. When she revealed his feelings, Alexander invested the whole soul in response: "I love you more than ...".

Anna Timirev

Anna divorced Sergey Nikolayevich and threw his family and son for his admiral. Since then, she has become the actual wife of Kolchak and tried to leave him as much as possible. These times later it called the most happy life. Through the horrors of the Civil War and the dirt of the revolution, which we decided then Russia, they until the very end kept mutual love.

Arrest Kolchak and years of links

After the arrest of his beloved Anna, no second for a second, followed the custody after him. A very young girl, she was twenty-six years old, sought the issuance of various things and drugs from the prison director, because Alexander was very painful. All this time, they did not stop writing each other's letters ...

Anna Timirev

In February 1920 he was shot. The girl immediately felt it. The gloomy jailers on her questions only turned away, and the commandant could not deceive her and just said that he was taken away. The female heart can not be deceived - Anna immediately understood everything, but until the latter tried to hear about it from another person just to make sure that his beloved really did not become. Then it will reach her paper with the cherished name and the string "the cause of death: execution."

Anna Timirev in old age

The death of the admiral did not become for Anna Vasilyevna the only source of suffering. She had to spend about thirty years in camps, prisons and all kinds of references. HAPPINESS In the end, her life left forever, in the last photos you can see her extinct eyes. She died at eighty-two years, after leaving the Mount of Naphtrade with verses and part of the letters read out to the holes.

Biographical films

Not one picture was removed about this beautiful and tragic story. In 1997, director Sergey Yurazhenko completed the documentary "More than love. Romance Kolchak ". In 2006, at the "First Channel" showed a movie "Admiral Kolchak. Two over the abyss. "

Konstantin Khabensky and Lisa Boyarskaya

In 2008, the cinemas was released a large-budget feature film "Admiral", talking about the history of the love of Kolchak and Timiroeva. Keywords in the picture were played by Konstantin Khabensky, Lisa Boyarskaya and Sergey Bezrukov. The picture has positively met adults, and children, so that the series on its basis later demonstrated on the "Channel One".

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