Anton Denikin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Civil War and Latest News



Denikin Anton Ivanovich was born on December 16, 1872 in the suburb of Wloclawek, which was listed in those days in the status of a county city in the territory of the Warsaw province of the Russian Empire. As historians subsequently noted, this future wrestler with communism had a much more "proletarian origin" than those who subsequently charge themselves "the leaders of the proletariat."

Anton Denikin

Ivan Efimovich, the father of Anton Denikin, once was a serf peasant. At the time of his youth, Ivan Denikin was given to recruits, and in 22 years of faithful service, he managed to get the status of an officer. But by this, the former peasant did not limit himself: he remained in the service and built a very successful military career, because of which he later became a role model for his Son. Ivan Efimovich left in resignation only in 1869, she served 35 years and reached by Mayorian rank.

Elizabeth Francisovna Vrzezinskaya, the mother of the future military leader, took place from the family of impoverished Polish landowners, at the disposal of which was once a small plot of land and several peasants.

Anton Denikin

Anton Ivanovich was brought up in strict Orthodoxy and was baptized at the age of less than a month from the family, since his father was a deeply believer man. However, sometimes the boy visited and the church along with the mother Catholic. He grew gifted and developed by the years old: already at a four years of age read, he spoke perfectly not only in Russian, but also in Polish. Therefore, he subsequently did not make difficulty to enter the Wloclaw's real school, and later - in the distance colleague.

Anton Denikin

Although the father of Anton was in those days a respected retired officer, the Denikiny family was very poor: Mother, Father and the most future political figure had to live on a paternal retirement in the amount of 36 rubles every month. And in 1885, Ivan Efimovich died, and with money, Anton and his mother became very bad. Then Denikin Jr. took up tutoring, and at the age of 15 received a monthly student as a successful and diligent student.

Start of military career

The family, as already mentioned, served for Anton Denikin by the source of inspiration: from the young age he dreamed of building a military career (as his father, born to serf, and the deceased Major). Therefore, after completion of training in the Raughty school, a young man did not think of his future fate, successfully enrolling in the Kiev Infantry Junction School, and then at the very prestigious Imperial Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff.

Anton Denikin

He served in various teams and divisions, participated in the Russian-Japanese war, worked at the General Staff, was the commander of the seventeenth infantry archangeloborod regiment. In 1914, Anton Denikin received the title of General, enrolling in the Kiev Military District, and soon after that he was delivered to the title of Major General.

Political views

Anton Ivanovich was a man who carefully follows the political life of a native country. He was a supporter of Russian liberalism, spoke out for reforming the army, against bureaucracy. Since the end of the 19th century, Denikin did not once publish his reflections in military journals and newspapers. The most famous cycle of his articles "Army notes" printed in the journal called "Scout".

Anton Denikin

As in the case of the Russian-Japanese war, immediately after the beginning of the First World War, Anton Ivanovich filed a report, asking him to appoint it to the system. The fourth brigade of the "iron shooters", the commander of which was Denikin, fought on the most dangerous sites and repeatedly demonstrated the courage and courage. Anton Denikin himself during the years of the First World War received many awards: the Order of St. George, St. George weapons. In addition, for the breakthrough of the enemy position during the offensive operation of the South-Western Front and the successful capture of Lutsk, he received the title of Lieutenant General.

Life and career after the February Revolution

During the February Revolution of 1917, Anton Ivanovich was located on the Romanian Front. He supported the accomplished coup and, contrary to his literacy and political awareness, even believed in numerous non-herded rumors about Nicolae II and the entire royal family. For some time, Denikin worked as headquarters by Mikhail Alexeyev, who soon after the revolution was appointed the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army.

Anton Denikin with officers

When Alekseev was shifted from the post and replaced by General Brusilov, Anton Denikin refused his position and took the post of commander in the Western Front. And at the end of August 1917, Lieutenant-General had the negligence to express his support for the position of General Kornilov, sending the appropriate telegram to the temporary government. Because of this, Anton Ivanovich had to spend about a month in Berdichev prison in anticipation of the massacre.

Anton Denikin

At the end of September, Denikin and other generals were transferred from Berdicheva to Bykhov, where another group of arrested senior army ranks (including General Kornilov) was held. In the Bykhovskaya prison, Anton Ivanovich stayed until on December 2, the same 1917, when the Bolshevik government, the fall of the temporary government, for a while forgot about the arrested generals. By giving the beard and changing the name with the surname, Denikin went to Novocherkassk.

The formation and functioning of the Volunteer Army

Anton Ivanovich Denikin took an active part in the creation of a voluntary army, smoothing the conflicts between Cornilov and Alekseev. He accepted a number of important decisions, became commander-in-chief during the first and second Kuban campaigns, finally deciding in order to deal with the Bolshevik authorities.

Anton Denikin

In the middle of 1919, Denikin troops were so successfully fought with enemy formations that Anton Ivanovich even conceived a campaign to Moscow. However, this plan was not destined to come true: the power of the Volunteer Army undermined the lack of a whole program, which would be attractive for ordinary residents of many Russian regions, prosperity of corruption in the rear, and even the transformation of the part of the White Army into robbers and bandits.

Anton Denikin

At the end of 1919, the Denikin troops successfully dismissed the eagle and were located on the approaches to Tula, thereby being more successful most of the other anti-Bolshevik formations. But the days of the volunteer army were considered: in the spring of 1920, the troops were pressed against the sea coast in Novorossiysk and, for the most part, captives. The civil war was lost, and Denikin himself announced his resignation and left his native country forever.

Personal life

After flight from Russia, Anton Ivanovich lived in different countries of Europe, and soon after the completion of World War II went to the United States, where he died in 1947. His family: The faithful wife of Ksenia Chizh, with which they repeatedly tried to dilute the fate, and the daughter of Marina - participated in these wanders with him. To date, a lot of photos of the emigrated couple and their daughters abroad are preserved, especially in Paris and other cities of France. Although Denikin wanted to be born still children, his spouse could not give birth more after very serious first birth.

Anton Denikin and Ksenia Chizh

In emigration, the former lieutenant-general continued to write to military-political topics. Including already in Paris from under his feather, well-known modern specialists "Essays of the Russian University", based not only on the memories of Denikin himself, but also on information from official documents. A few years after that, Anton Ivanovich wrote an addition and introduction to the "essays" - the book "The Path of the Russian officer".

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