Anna Shatilova - biography, personal life, photo, news, husband, announcer, age, how many years 2021



Shatilova Anna Nikolaevna - People's Artist of the RSFSR, the famous announcer and TV presenter, legend, face and voice of the country. Biography and details of her personal life attract attention, cause interest. Strict, elegant and charming, with confident, calm and surprisingly clear voice, she fascinated and caused confidence. The program "Time", which Shatilova and Igor Kirillov, was one of the most popular.

Childhood and youth

Future celebrity was born on November 26, 1938 in the village of Schikho Odintsovsky district near Moscow. Her parents, Russians by nationality, were friendly couple. But Native Father Anna remembered vaguely: Nikolai Pankin went to the front at the very beginning of the war and soon disappeared. The mother of the girl later settled the cook in a children's home for children who killed their parents.

After 60 years, the relatives found out that Nikolai Ivanovich died in a camp for prisoners of war near Leipzig in 1943. Later, the TV presenter was visited at the place of his death. Anna Nikolayevna spoke about his visit to Germany in the program Boris Korchevnikov "Fate of Man". According to Shatilova, his father gave her a sign: to meet the car flew off with her with her, which did not give a car for a long time.

In school years about the career of the announcer Anna did not think, but the creative makings of the girls found an expression in reading poems from the scene and in speeches in amateur-in-law. Fearless and cheerful, she not only demonstrated their artistic abilities, but also learned well, diligently studying school disciplines. Decade Anya finished with a gold medal.

After school, Anna decided to receive higher education at the Pedagogical Institute. N. K. Krupskaya, successfully passed the entrance examinations and became a student of the physico-mathematical faculty. It was not easy to learn, but a capable girl easily coped with difficulties. The only thing that worried is the lack of interest in the exact sciences. Her shower stretched to something more bright and unusual.


From fate, they say, you will not leave. So happened to Anna Nikolaevna. One day she saw an announcement of the announcement of the Speaker Competition to Gossel's USSR. She filed documents for the competition, Casting passed and won. Later it turned out that the number of contestants exceeded 500, and only 5 people took from them. At first she worked on the radio, and since 1962 - on television.

Already at the beginning of the career, Anna Nikolayevna realized that, contrary to the loss of opinion, the work of the speaker was complicated and a thorny. Some of her colleagues left the profession, without preparing the tempo and loads. The character of Shatilova did not allow me to retreat, she selflessly mastered the basics, which senior colleagues helped to her, among whom Yuri Levitan, Olga Vysotskaya and Vladimir Gersic.

On the wave of creative lifting, she left Fizmat, but the institute did not quit, but translated to the Faculty of Philology. Because of the dense work schedule, she had to learn at the correspondence department. So began her career leading on radio and central television. Anna Shatilova was awarded the title of deserved, and then the People's Artist of the RSFSR.

In a duet with Igor Kirillov, they did not broadcast news from television screens. The program "Time", the TV advantages they were associated with this pair. Rumors about the novel between them did not find. Another popular program with its participation was a New Year's "Blue Spark".

A steep turn in her biography happened in 1973, when there was a TV presenter for the transfer of "speak Russian" in Japan. Anna Shatilova's candidacy, which has been worked on television for 11 years, although there was a non-partisan, turned out to be suitable. The year she lived in Japan, being a leading program on Japanese television.

A young woman of low growth (165 cm) was penetrated by the culture of this amazing country, which was reflected on the style of her clothes, whom Shatilova adheres to so far. Style elements of a red rogue jacket and a snow-white blouse with a raised starchy collar. Exquisite clothing emphasized her beauty and gave charm. Later, the red color became her "chip".

The announcer admits that she has many toilets that she does not carry due to the fact that they cannot "connect" with something red. Shatilova believes that this color gives her energy. Once Anna Nikolaevna led an event that she had to put on a silver dress. After she said that she had such an impression that she could work and better, but she did not have enough energy.

The haircut "Under Shatilov" copied women of the 40-year-old age. And when Anne Nikolaevna was allowed to go on the air in glasses because of weak visibility, then the TV studio began to come with letters with a request to acquire the same frame. Often in envelopes sent money for the purchase.

Also Shatilova starred in the cinema, however, more often performed Kameo. For the first time, she appeared on the television screens as an actress in 1972 in the film "Washington Correspondent". In 2015, she played a TV presenter in the film "The reverse side of the moon - 2". And in the summer of 2018, the television series "Belovodye. The mystery of the lost country ", in the filming of which Anna Nikolaevna participated.

In 2013, Shatilova became the guest of the Evening Urgant program, where appeared in the parody clip on the composition of Madonna. Anna Nikolayevna told about these fun surveys and about many other than Anna Nikolaevna in the program Alexander Strizhenova "Ten Photos" on the "Star" TV channel. On the eve of the new 2015, she became a participant in the next "blue light", where, together with Alexander Oleshko, Angelina Vovk, Arina Sharapova, Larisa Verbickle performed a festive musical composition.

Anna Nikolaevna is called the voice of a military parade. For several decades, she leads on May 9 festive parades with Red Square. Together with Igor Kirillov until 2017, they produced a radio program "not time" to "FM humor".

In November 2018, Anna Nikolaevna celebrated the 80th anniversary. The congratulatory telegram of the head of state was published on the official website of the Kremlin. Vladimir Putin wished the legend of the Soviet and Russian television of health and long life. Currently, Shatilova remains a regular speaker of the first channel.

In 2019, Anna Nikolaevna held a Total Dictation in Yekaterinburg. The announcer noted that over the course of many decades, speaking speakers. She seriously belongs to the exit on the air and the appearance in public.

Personal life

It was successful not only a career, but also the personal life of Anna Nikolaevna. Her husband of Shatilov Alexey Borisovich was an intelligent and educated person with encyclopedic knowledge. He graduated from Misi, worked as an engineer, was a huge connoisseur of classical music, painting and literature.

They met in 1964. Then Anna Shatilova removed the room with a girlfriend of Lyusia, which just studied at a construction university. Once it was required to transfer to Alexey some textbooks - in general, their first meeting took place on the bus. Alexey immediately showed interest towards Anna and asked her phone number.

The interest in the knowledge of their son Cyril instilled precisely the spouse Anna Nikolaevna. By the way, Kirill Shatilov, born in 1967, graduated from the Romano-German Department of Moscow State University, specializing in French, English and Danish languages. He is a translator and writer. From under his pen there are several English textbooks, he also writes artistic books in fantasy genre.

Son has a long time there is a family, Shautilov Alina's daughter-in-law from Stavropol. By education, she is a philologist, but does not work in the specialty. Her "work" is children Vsevolod and Svyatoslav, Kirill's husband and their home hearth. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are wonderful relationships. Together, they live in the summer in the summer, prepare all sorts of dishes from vegetables grown on the plot.

In 2008, Alexey Borisovich died. Since then, Anna Nikolaevna gives all the family of the son of Cyril.

Anna Shatilova - an independent woman, already in his youth used to count only on his own strength. And when the fashion went on the plastic, immediately made it clear that he was not going to trust himself. It is categorically against such popular cosmetology procedures.

The secret of her youth is truly simple: instead of a face cream uses sour cream, which adds salt, honey or lemon juice. Instead of fitness, the house makes gymnastics, and waking up, massages the whole body - from the fingers of the hands to the fingers. Cutting it is complemented by Scandinavian walking. Her lifestyle does not imply alcohol consumption, as this negatively affects her voice.

It is noteworthy that, despite popularity, Shatilova continues to use public transport, it can be easily found in the subway. She communicates a lot with people and truly loves life.

For a long time, Anna Nikolaevna with relatives lives in the center of Moscow. The TV host actively participates in the social life of the Central District, appearing at various solemn events. The announcer admitted that her desktop book was devoted to the history of the capital of Russia.

Anna Shatilova now

Despite their age, Anna Nikolayevna is still in demand in the profession. It is often invited to work entertainer, leading in corporate events, anniversaries. Judging by the ether and the photo in the media, Shatilova looks amazing and, as in his youth, full of strength and energy. To this day, it remains a lot of vitality and a permanent leading international Yalta telekinophorum "together".

Now Anna Shatilova continues to appear on air television. During the coronavirus pandemic, did not cease to cooperate with the Institute of Additional Professional Education of the Social Social Workers. In 2021, she participated in the opening of a memorable board on the house of the radio on Pyatnitskaya Street in honor of Yuri Levitan. At the solemn event, Dmitry Kiselev, Evgeny Revenko.


  • 1959 - Medal "For the development of virgin lands"
  • 1978 - Honored title Honored Artist of the RSFSR
  • 1988 - Honorary title People's Artist of the RSFSR
  • 2005 - Gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation - for merits in the preparation and holding of festive events dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945
  • 2006 - the Order of Honor - for a great contribution to the development of domestic broadcasting and many years of fruitful activities
  • 2011 - Order "For Services to Fatherland" III degree - for great merits in the development of domestic television and long-term fruitful activities

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