Igor Rästerayev - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Igor Rästerayev is a Russian actor, author and performer of songs with real plots from the life of the people. He performs songs accompanying himself on harmony, it can be safely called a unique performer on the domestic scene, his work appreciates lovers of various genres of music. He received universal popularity after going into the light of the Hit "Combineers".

Childhood and youth

Igor Rasterieev was born in Leningrad in the family of artists. His mother, a native Petersburg, who gained technical education, met the father of Igor, when he came to Leningrad to enter the university. The father of the singer originates from the village of Rocky Volgograd region, the hereditary Don Cossack.

Igor Rasteroyev

Every year, like all his peers, from September to May Igor went to an ordinary Leningrad school, but in the summer a completely different life began. Summer holidays The boy stayed at his father in his homeland, in the shell. He communicated with the locals, was friends with the villagehouses, bought, caught fish, sunbathe and absorbed into his senses with all the Lyingradskiy hot rays of the Sun. Love for rustic life and freebots.

In the village of Paren, met Lesha, who also, as Igor, came to the summer to his native to the village, just not from Leningrad, but from Moscow. This friendship was destined to last for many years. Igorek grew up and became Igor Rasterieuyev, writing spiritual songs under the guitar and harmonic, and Lesha turned into Alexei Lyakhov, and just with his light hand, the first Clip of Raskeeyev, shot on a mobile phone, brought the singer's popularity.

Igor Rasteriaev and Alexey Lyakhov

So surprisingly in the nature of Igor, the features of a raised boy from the intelligent St. Petersburg family, hereditary love for art and the same hereditary love for the Russian village, a simple people, her inhabiting, their problems and joy, were mixed.

Music and creativity

Further biography of Igor was quite predictable. Parents wanted the Son to become a journalist, and he himself thought about journalism, but in the end chose theatrical, entered in St. Petersburg. According to Rasteroyeva, the Journalistic Faculty would have to work hard, learning English, and in the Theater Academy "It was enough to pretend to be talented."

Igor Rasteriaev in the film

However, the talent and charisma actor does not borrow. In the filmography of Igor Rasterieva, there are only 7 paintings, among which "special purpose agent", "Secrets of the investigation", "version". And roles are mostly episodic.

But the Buffe theater "Buff", where he worked from the producer from the Academy, he was considered one of the best young artists. Here he was busy in many productions: "Magnificent cuckold", "Kazanova in Russia", "Circus left, clowns remained", "adventure" and others.

Actor Igor Rasterieev

True, in November 2015, he left the theater. As Igor himself says, just grew out of the repertoire, although they do not regret it from worked on the scene. The Theater "Buff" is a real storehouse of talents, from him in different years such artists of the conversational genre, like Yuri Galtsev, Gennady Winds, Elena Sparrow.

Surprisingly, the professional actor Trusheev seriously confessed that he was at first he was afraid of the scene. Over time, it passed, but he still does not dream of major roles and simply enjoys the creative process.

Igor Rasteriaev in the village

It is said that the boy began to sing songs for another six years, fulfilling them in front of grandmothers from the missile, and over time, numerous talents of Igor have developed and motivated. Since childhood, he had a tendency to painting, singing, and the singer did not receive any musical education.

Playing on the accordion and guitar singer learned everything in the same shell, there he began to compose the author's songs. The song "Combineers", who made Igor famous, and today would listen only to the inhabitants of the missile and surrounding farms, if not for childhood friend Alexey Lyakhov. It was him that he came to mind with a bright idea to remove the video with the song performed by Igor on the phone and lay it out on Youtube.

At first, the public responded sluggish, for several months "clip" scored only three hundred views. However, he then got to the site of Dmitry Puchkov (Goblin). The popularity of the song jumped to heaven, and she entered the top ten Runet rollers. From now on, Igor began to record new songs on video and upload clips to the network.

Traditionally, the operator and director of his clips acts as a friend and associate Alexey Lyakhov. In 2015, Rasteroyev recorded the song "Month" with the young and talented singer Elena Guritishvili. This is no longer the first duet, earlier they were together the compositions "Rod" and "Kurgan". The girl has the purest soprano, her voice perfectly complements Igor's unacademic vocals. A popular actor Anton Shagin, known to the viewer on the films "Styles," known to the viewer on the film "Styles", "Walking on Flinks" and "Dovlatov" was shot in the video on the song "Month".

Most of the world-faced millions of songs ("Russian Road", "Chamomile", "Cossack Song", "Georgievskaya Ribbon") are written by Igor himself, a number of others - the other of his father, Vasily Mokhov ("Rocky", "about the farmhouse", "Blizzard In the shell, "" Medveditsa "," Walk around the city "," outside the window of winter and night "). Surprisingly, first, the songs and clips of Raskeeyev found out the whole country and listened to the network, and only then he began to give full-fledged concerts.

The first concert took place in September 2010 in Moscow, the second - in St. Petersburg after a couple of months. Here, on the Griboedov scene, Igor, and presented to his fans of the co-author and senior comrade Vasily Mokhov, fulfilling the songs of his writings with him.

Igor Rasterieev - actor and singer

The discography and productivity of the singer are impressive, given the period of creativity, with which the general public is familiar. Over the past eight years, Igor Rästerayev has released five music albums.

The musician continues to create, constantly trying new versions and improvising. A significant popularity in the Rock-n-rigrian environment brought him a speech at the Festival "Invasion" in 2011. Other festivals and concerts followed by him, including the performance in Nizhny Novgorod under the conclusion of church bells.

Igor cooperates with other artists, regardless of their rank and style style. There are records of his speeches with Alexander F. Sklyar, Anna Kudryashova, other singers and musicians.

Artist Igor Rasteroyev

He gives concerts in Russia and Poland, in Ukraine and Belarus, performs cavities on the songs of DDT groups, "King and Jester", "Disco Accident", "Leningrad", sings Cossacks, folk and own songs. Igor revealed the desire to sing a duet even Vika Tsyganov, but they had no joint projects yet.

Trusheev - out of politics and glory, he just loves to sing about people and for people, about his homeland, her immense expanses and mysterious Russian soul. In his texts it is difficult to separate irony from seriousness, satire from a simple state of fact, they are true and take per capita, as well as uncomplicated, but such native melodies.

As a child, Igor dreamed of becoming a ring, a boy from a fairy tale, who does not grow up, but a singer and a musician - never. Songs are part of his nature, character, and he himself is charming, simple and pleasant person in communication, and at the same time extremely talented.

In 2012, Rasteroyev issued the book "Volgograd faces" - a collection of short stories and drawings, which Igor drew back in 19 years. Before that, the book was published in Germany, now the turn has reached Russia.

The main passion of Igor, in addition to music, is fishing. In his "instagram" photo with a catch appear as often as the posters of his upcoming performances.

Personal life

Details of personal life musician keeps secret, although the questions about a marital status is responsible that he has no wives and children. In the network, Nemalofoto Igor with fan girls, but there is a lady of his hearts, it is impossible to guess.

Igor Rasteriaev with a fan

In an interview, he was asked what he sees his future chosen. He told that the girls appreciate universal qualities. It is also important for him that it is easy to rise and "did not endure the brains." It is categorically not a meant in the girl, and in any other person, stupidity and arrogance.

Igor Rasteryev now

Igor continues to engage in music, his performances are painted for half a year ago. Practice, sometimes concerts are broken. This happened in May 2018. Despite the fact that all the tickets to the concert in the city of Znamensk were redeemed, the city administration banned him. The reason for the refusal was the presence of abnormative vocabulary in the song "Combineers".

Singer Igor Rasteroyev

In February 2018, Rasterieuev participated in the concert "Play, Harmony Favorite!", Dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the birth of Gennady Zavolokin. He took place in the State Kremlin Palace, and was broadcast on June 12 by the "first channel". The musician performed the song "Russian Road".

At the end of 2017, the musician presented to the court of viewers a new video relationship - a clip for the song "Lake Sorud". It is noteworthy that Marya Winter this time took the directory instead of the usual already Alexei Lyakhov. This is a plasticine animation, the heroes for which he made confused in the company of their colleagues. In this composition, Igor sings about the battle on the chief of the lake, better known as the Ice Boy.

Rasterieev presented the situation in a simple way. Allegedly on Lake Prince Alexander Nevsky, I caught fish with friends, and the warriors of the Livonian Order wanted to "hook" fishermen, for which they received deserved.

The clip turned out to be bright and cheerful, although the song has an instructive meaning. As the musician himself says, he wanted to lift the mood to people, and make sure that they do not forget about the exploits of the Russian people.


  • 2011 - "Russian Road"
  • 2012 - "Rockar"
  • 2013 - "Songs of Uncle Vasi Mokhov"
  • 2014 - "Horn"
  • 2016 - "Rain above the Major"

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