Sergey Netyevsky - biography, photo, personal life, news, "Ural dumplings" 2021



Sergei Aleksandrovich Netyevsky - Russian actor, TV presenter, Writer, General Producer "Idea Fix Media", a former participant in the KVN team "Ural Pelmeni".

Childhood and youth

Born on March 27, 1971 in the village of Basyanovsky Verkhnevaldinsky District. It also received secondary education at school number 12. After her end, he entered the Ural Polytechnic Institute. In 1993, he graduated from him and received a diploma engineer in the specialty "Engineering development".

Sergey Netyevsky in youth

Sergey Netievsky is considered one of the most mysterious participants in the Ural Pelmeni team, part-time the television show on the CTC channel, leading concerts and actors. Its biography is saturated with interesting events related to participation in "dumplings" and television work. After the end of the Polytech, he combines participation in KVN with the work of the director in the economic store.

The popularity of "Ural Pelmeni" rapidly grew. The team actively toured, preparation for speeches required not only time, but also responsibility. Nethevsky had to make a choice between work, promising business career, and participation in a popular show. Artistic Nature of Sergey Netievsky chose a club of fun and resourceful.


An iconic for the team becomes 1995, when the "Ural dumplings" take part in the festival in Sochi. Suddenly, they fall into the gala concert and in the Higher League of KVN following the festival.

Sergey Netyevsky with the team

The period from 1995 to 2000 is a complex and saturated, filled with creativity. In 1995, the "Ural dumplings" fell out of 1/8. In 1996, they are already 1/4, but again losing, and in 1997 completed the season at 1/8. In the 1998 semifinals, the Uraltsy gave way to future champions - "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt". At this time, Sergey takes a difficult decision: throws work in the store and becomes the manager of the team.

2000 is becoming triumphal for "dumplings". Overcoming all the stages, they won and become the best in the highest league, having received the informal status of the "last champion of the twentieth century".

Showman Sergey Netyevsky

In 2002, the team receives the Summer KVN Cup (in the Cup Games team participates three times - in 2001, 2002 and 2003). In 2001, Sergey debuts as an actor, filming in the comedy TV series on television called "outside the native square meters."

The team reaches significant success, participating in the "voting kiwin" in Jurmala. In 2002, they become the owners of "Big Kiwin in Gold", in 1999 and 2004 - "Big Kiwin in Light", and in 2005 and 2006 - "Big Kiwin in the dark".

Artist Sergey Netyevsky

In 2007, Sergey participates in the "Ural Pelmeni" in the game between Asia and Europe. The result was a draw. In the same year, in September, he becomes producer and leading on TV channel "TNT". A new humorous sketch show is published under the name "Show News". The preparation of the transfer was engaged in the creative team of the "Ural Pelmeni" on request Comedy Club Production.

In 2009, on the TV channel "STS", there is its own show "Ural Pelmeni" called "Dust All ... Horse!". The first official release took place in Moscow. Sergei Netyevsky remembered the viewers of his bright images - the Pischnogruda teacher Malvina Karlovnoy, one of the three mosquitoes, the head of a typical Russian family on vacation.

Showman and humorist Sergey Netheevsky

In 2011, a new project "Unreal Stories" is launched on the STS TV channel, whose creative producer is becoming Sergey. The format of the project is a sketch show with a constant storyline and characters. Sergey is getting great to the role of Lazy Tramp Peter, asking the alms at the denuits, passing by. In parallel with this, it acts as a scenario of popular who loved the audience comedy "Freaks".

As an artist, Sergey Netyevsky participated in the show program "Beard of Messy", where he made a duet with Maria Makarov from the "Not Guy" with the Valum number "Acquaintance in the Bar".

In the fall of 2012, a competitive project "Myasorrchaka" comes on the TV channel "STS", which involves groups of 2-5 people with numbers for 3-5 minutes in the style of the Sockets "Pelmeni". In each tour, the jury eliminates participants, and winners get 500 thousand rubles. Sergey is not only producer and a member of the jury of this show, but also the creator and mentor of the teams.

In May 2013, Netievsky becomes a member of the Jury of the Creative Class project - an analogue of the English mental show "Nation's Brightest" for schoolchildren.

On November 8, 2013, the Jubilee Concert of the Ural Pelmeni was held in the Kremlin Palace called "20 years in the test!".

In 2013-2014, Sergey studies on directorial courses and screamers. Thus, he plans to realize in reality a long-standing dream to relieve a feature film with the participation of Ural Pelmeni. Engaged in the development of Sitkom for a family topic, conducts post-production of documentary tape on the twenty-year history of the popular team. But while Sergey's filmography consists of only one painting "Monsters on 3D Island", in whose dubbing, the artist participated in 2013.

Sergey Netyevsky and Alexander Pushnyova

In March 2014, the pilot editions of the "show from the air" start - a 100% improvisational project, in which leading communicates with the audience. Sergey acts as a producer and TV presenter. His co-support is Alexander Pushnaya.

At the end of 2015, Netievsky disappears from the screen, and Sergey Isaev is occupied by Sergey Isaev in the latest releases of the "Ural Pelmeni Show". The team team surprised fans with a scandal that broke out inside the creative association.

Get an answer from the producer itself, why he left the "Ural Pelmeni", it failed, as Sergey did not answer calls. According to Sergey's colleagues, he was "kicked out for theft." A financial conflict has led to the collapse of the team. Netievsky still lives in Moscow, is the owner of Idea Fix Media and produces the series.

Personal life

The media appeared in the media that Julia Mikhalkov and Netyevsky are in relations closest than friendly, but these rumors were not confirmed. Sergey's personal life was prosperous. In the early 2000s, the actor had a family, her beloved wife Natalia and children. He has three children: Timofey (2002), Ivan (2005) and Maria (2007).

Sergey Netyevsky and Julia Mikhalkov

He is interested in computers, cars, yoga and travels in India. Natalia does not work, engaged in the house and children. Sergey does not like to advertise a family life, even on a page in "Instagram" there are not married photos, but photographs with project participants in which Sergey participates. The growth of the artist is 182 cm, and the weight does not exceed 85 kg.

Sergey Netyevsky with her daughter

In 2015, Netievsky changed his family status. On June 22, Sergei and Natalia divorce took place. The spouse remained in Yekaterinburg with children, and the producer went to Moscow to build a new life.

Sergey Netyevsky now

In 2016, Sergey Netyevsky began cooperation with the TV channel "Moscow 24," where his author's project "Ear of Moscow" was broadcast, and a year later the program "News-Battle Prevention" was published. On the "STS", Sergey appeared in the show "One hundred to one". The transmission of the "League of Improvisations", which he launched in 2017 was the production project of Nethevsky.

Sergey Netyevsky

In addition to working on television, the artist performs on corporate countries. Interactive program "Show from the air!" Success went to pre-New Year corporate enterprises on the eve of 2018. Netievsky participated in the festival for Children "Multimir", which took place in the summer of 2017 in the territory of the Pvdhh pavilions.

Even before the divorce, the humorist began to invest in the acquisition of real estate and cars. At the time of departure to the capital of Russia, Sergey's fleet consisted of several representatives of the representative class and the BMW motorcycle. In Moscow, in the house on the route pass, not one apartment was bought from Netyevsky. Along the way, Sergey's main business became co-owner of the Los Island Fitness Club. Such waste, incommensurable with earnings of colleagues in the Ural Pelmenis, who live much more modest of their former leader, perhaps and came across the idea of ​​stolen millions. For them, KVNerschiki and filed a claim to the producer.

Sergey Netyevsky

The court took place in early 2018. Sergey was imputed to illegal assignment to himself 28 million rubles, earned on broadcast issues of the show "Ural Pelmeni". While the remaining project participants and its co-founders, the owners of equal shares of creative association, received a salary, Sergei Netyevsky allegedly assigned to himself all profits. But the lawyers of Nehthievsky managed to convince judges in the legality of his actions.

The arbitral tribunal of Yekaterinburg rose to the side of the producer. The recognition of Sergei Nehtyevsky, the powers of the head of the show, was considered invalid, and subsequent director - illegitimate. Now Sergey Netyevsky supports relations only with Andrei Rozhkov and Julia Mikhalkova. The remaining colleagues on the "Ural dumplings" prefer not to communicate with the producer due to the protracted conflict.


  • 2001 - Sitter "Outside Square Meters"
  • 2007 - Skket Show "Show News"
  • 2009-2015 - Show "Ural Pelmeni"
  • 2010 - film "Freaks"
  • 2011 - Sketch Show "Unreal Story"
  • 2012 - the program "Measorrka"
  • 2013 - Transmission "Creative Class"
  • 2014 - Sitter "Seasons of Love"
  • 2014 - Show "Big Question"
  • 2016 - Moskva's ear show
  • 2017 - News-Battle Prevention Show

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