Assol - History of the Girls, Ship Scarlet Sails, Actress and Interesting Facts


Character History

The tale for real romantics "Scarlet Sails" originally wore the name "Ferry". Sketches to the literary work Alexander Green began to do back in 1916, working on the "Running Waves". The book was published in 1923 with the dedication to the writer's wife. In the center of the narration - the history of the young girl Assol, whose life is filled with dreams and fantasies. Living in the real world, the heroine dreams a fairy tale, which one day is destined to come true.

Writer Alexander Green.

Young Assol is a lyric and poetic image. This is a sophisticated girl, persistent and strong spirit, like the main characters of Russian dramatic works. Working on any product, the author invests in the described characters a particle itself. The image of the Assol Woven, characteristic of the Green. Grinevsky (real surname of the writer) dreamed of becoming a sailor and go to long sailing. Romanticism in his soul was faced with harsh weekdays, so instead of getting to the ship, Alexander became an employee of the coastal vessel.

Assol dreams by the sea

Fabricating the rudeness of professional sailors, Green has gained skepticism, which connects him with the Sailor Longren - the Father of Assol. A talented writer was not a handsome man, the sea career did not work out, and fate did not favor. "Scarlet sails" combine the symbolism of the vital peripetics of Alexander Green, his hopes and dreams to couple with reality.

History of creation

Characteristics of the Assol echoes the worldview and ideals of the author. He, like a charming girl, was difficult to exist in the world where there is no place for a fairy tale. Grinevsky describes the main character of the story exactly so to give the reader an idea of ​​it. Hope is the main feature that symbolizing her spiritual way. The character is described vague, and readers are characteristic of independently ennoble a girl by imagination.

Dress Assol

The heroine lives in the coastal city of Kaperna. As a child, the associate was not a soul of the company, peers did not take it due to the evil reputation of the Father. Having survived this, she learned to be self-sufficient and not paying attention to the resentment. Having invented our own world, where the dreams are true, Assol is waiting for the instructions of fate to enjoy life and love someone, except for the Father and the Environment.

The characteristic of the heroine appearance became the secondary nuance of the story, but the description is present in the narration. The heroine removes thick dark blond hair weaving and carries a simple dress in a pink flower. The girl has a pleasant meek smile and sad eyes. A thin fragile figure does not interfere with Assol to work.

Sailor Longren, Father Assol

A modest dreamer early left without mother. She lives with her father, former sailor, and they sell wooden toys to feed. Despite the insane love of the parent, alone Assol. One day she learns about the prediction that the prince will arrive on her beautiful ship to her and take the girl with him. The words of the stranger were a rather trusting associate to believe in the legend. Her faith was not based on easessly, but at the desire to change life. Standingly withstanding mockery of others, the dancer was true to his dream, and she was realized.


The history of the associate becomes the main line in the work. She lives in a small village with an unlike and closed father. The fellow villagers do not love their family because of an accident, to which Longren is involved. In the storm, he witnessed the death of the Tractor Menners, but did not save the countryman, having remembered that no one had come to the rescue in a similar situation.

Assol - Illustration for the book

In fact, the spouse of the former sailor died because of his worn and misfortune, which was the cause of hatred towards the family from ill-wishers. Once the girl went to the city to sell crafts, among whom was a boat with Alay Sails. Assol let him down in the stream, and the toy was lost. The boat found the storyteller Egl. He predicted the girl that when she grows up, from his native land, Assol will take the prince, sailing on the ship with Alay Sails.

Assol and Arthur Gray

Arthur Gray from the rich family experienced craving for the adventures and the management of marine ships. Once, going to swim in the ship, he went on a boat to go fishing. Singing on the shore, in the morning, Gray saw the sleeping associate. Warming her beauty, he left his ring on his hand. In the nearby Tractor, Arthur found out the history of the girl, embezzled by local legends. Without listening to the gossip, assured in the nobility of the dreams of Assol, Gray bought scarlet silk in the shop and ordered Sailing Sails. The next day, a ship came to the pier Kaperna, which Sorsol saw in his Gresses. Gray took her to the distant country, as foreshadowed the prediction of the storyboard.

Interesting Facts

  • Alexander Grinevsky, Glowing by the Sea, made a symbol of hope and incarnation of a dream, not faith of a girl in the arrival of the prince, but a ship. Allusion to the unnecessary hopes of the author, Scarlet Sails became a sign that if the dreams did not come true, it does not mean that they were impossible. Assol did not wait for hearing. She waited for a ship in which she invested the faith accumulated over the years and misunderstanding.
Graha's ship with almy sails
  • Perhaps the hidden symbolism of the work made him a favorite book of the Communists, holy fond of the dream and confident in its achievement. Romantic background in the perception of readers and filing the author goes into the background.
  • It is noteworthy that even the magic name associate appeared by chance. According to rumors, Green bought tomato juice in the store and in the question: "And salt?" - heard a combination of sounds, inspired the writer to create a name for the main character of the work.
Anastasia Vertinskaya as Assol
  • Musicals and performances were put on the reasons for more than once. She was fascinated by the director Alexander Ptushko in 1961. Actress Anastasia Vertinskaya became the creator of the main female image. Young Vasily Lanovova embodied Arthur Gray in the frame.
  • Pictures on the book "Scarlet Sails" still inspire artists to create graphic images, mosaics, sculptures and other objects in various design techniques. The main character, embodied by artists, becomes an associate girl, and the subject is a ship with almy sails.


The work of Alexander Green is full of morality contained in the monologues and replicas of the main characters. Remarkable quotes from the story "Scarlet Sails" became covered phrases.

"Now children do not play, but learn. They all learn, learn and never start living. "

These words do not lose relevance today. They characterize not children, and adults begin to live as it is inherent in their age, and forgetting about their dreams.

"Miracles are made with their own hands."

The replica hints at the fact that it is not worth living in anticipation, while decisive actions will quickly lead to the desired result. Perhaps these words were guided by Green, hiring to work on the ship and dreaming to control the ship.

"We love fairy tales, but do not believe in them."

Assol was a dreamer, and her fantasies were embodied in reality. This happened due to the unchanged faith and resistance of the Spirit. Sometimes faith allows the circumstances to work in the right way.

"The sea and love do not like pedants"

So wrote Romantic Green, comparing two wayward elements. In a collision with them, the little things are not important that the pedants appreciate. Fantasies and people who feel the ability to create their destinies according to dreams receive what they are looking for.

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