Fantomas - character biography, actors and roles, film simulation.


Character History

The main villain of French literature and the movie Fantomas changes the larva as gloves. Antagonist, not a broger kill people with sophisticated methods. A brilliant criminal who is simply impossible to catch. The character of the novels of Marseille Allen and Pierre Suventra became one of the first villains in art, hiding her face under the mask.

History of creation

At the beginning of the last century, the French Belletrists Marcel Allen and Pierre Suventr began to work on a series of books about a cruel and unusual criminal. The authors have met two years before that - a famous journalist Suventr was in search of the secretary. Allen's correspondent was perfect for this role, which, who lost his father's inheritance, needed additional earnings.

Marseille Allen and Pierre Suventr

As writers later joked, they were united by a bad law practice in the past and inability to own the artistic pen. Men accepted the offer of the Fayra Publisher Write the five novels, the idea resulted in 32 volumes.

The first work saw the light in 1911 and produced a furyor in the circles of the reading public. Although the authors did not invent the bike at all: the image of Fantomas reminded the elusive criminal, the character of the book "The Mystery of the Yellow Room". And the plot of the first work created by a couple of journalists has echoed with the work of the Writer Gaston Lero.

Books about fantomas

The name of the main character was random. Allen called him a fantomus, and the publisher was incorrectly read - fantomas. So left.

The unusual writing technology of novels made authors very prolific and facilitated the work of representatives of the film industry. Suvent and Allen were issued on the book per month. Before writing the next volume, they met to discuss the main milestones of the plot, and then diverged and wrote each of their chapters. At the next meeting, they tried to logically link the fruits of their work in the culmination chapter.

Fantomas on illustration

The speed of writing, of course, has affected the quality of literary works. Lyapi, stylistic errors - the usual thing in the series of novels about fantomas. But the cinema was glad - there were no problems with the release of sequels, and hence it with a constant flow of income.

In 1914, Pierre Suventr died from the "Spanish" (type of influenza), and Marsel Allen had to compose stories about the adventures of sociopath in a mask alone. As a result, the series of Romanov supplemented 11 more books. The latter was published in 1963.

Image and biography

The etymology named after the character is defined as a phantom person. Fantomas in novels appears with a merciless, sophisticated sadist who enjoyed the murder ways. A man who hides the True Mask has the talent of reincarnation. Typically creates dark cases in the image of their own victim or under the name of the people who wish to substitute.


In the arsenal of the means of destroying, there are sulfuric acid (bottle with liquid replaces perfumes), razor blades (found in shoes in a shoe store), explosives and even rats infected with plague. The death of the antagonist does not take - almost in every book he says goodbye to life, but again resurrect.

The early biography of the character is blurred and covered by a secret, as befits the life of the phantom. The picture is going on grains. The main hero of the French novels was born in 1867, at the age of 29 years old under the name of Ertzgerzzog Juan Norta managed by the principality of Hesse-Waimar in Germany. Here I got the heir to Vladimir, and later I got into the field of view of the police and pleased be in prison.

Dwelling Phantomas

But already in 1895, Fantomas lives in India, where his daughter Helen is born. Two years later, the antagonist falls into Mexico and the United States to break the affairs of a business partner. By the end of the century, the character, assigning the name Gurna, fighting in Africa, where the Maudo Madrid, wife of Lord Edward Beltama. I learned about the spouse of the wife of Fantômas strangled. These events predetermine the first novel.

In the books, the villains are trying to confront the police detective jow, as well as the correspondent of the "Capital" newspaper, Fandor, who once becomes the Beloved Helen.

Fantômas on the screen

The books of Allen and Suventra survived a number of shields. The first for the embodiment of Phantomas in the cinema took the genius of a silent cinema director Louis Fead, giving five films to the viewer. In the phraka, cylinder and black half mask frank Rene Navarre. In each picture, the actor's face changed with the help of a grima.

Rene Navarre as Phantomas

In the period from 1930 to 1940, the world saw several more productions. The main roles (Phantomas and Zhuva) were performed by Jean Gallan and Tom Burdel, Maurice Taynak and Alexander Rinho. However, the ribbons were not popular and were coldly met criticism.

But the comedy version of the adventure of the elusive criminal, created by the easy hand of Andre UNEBEL in 1964, became a breakthrough in a series of productions of French novels. The success of the picture pushed the director to shoot two more films. Trilogy includes:

  • Fantomas (1964)
  • "Phantom smeared" (1965)
  • "Fantomas against Scotland-Yard" (1967)

The actors and roles were distributed as follows. Phantomas Suit, Jean Mare, who had to wear a green makeup or a rubber mask - and that, and the other was the cause of terrible allergies. Actress Milen Demonzier played the beauty of Helen, and Louis De Fühnes became a diamond of the directing work - the appearance on the screen of a low span of a police journal is invariably causes a smile.

Jean Mare as Phantomas

Characters use the technician unthinkable for the 60s, at the disposal of the heroes of gadgets and complex devices. For example, "Zaporozhets" the villain turns into a plane.

The popularity of the trilogy in the Soviet spectators was not inferior to foreign rollers. A sophisticated criminal became a kumir of boys - after watching the movie, they created games where fantomas appears. The one who got the main role, painted the face of blue paint. And on female fantomas without a grima and masks produced an indelible impression - hundreds of thousands of fans in the country of Soviets appeared at the charming Jean Mare.

Ivan Tourist as Phantomas

In 2008, Russian directors tried to relieve the continuation of French trilogies, where events unfold many years later. On the set of Ivan Tourist (Yuri Saltykov), Rock singer Alexander Liver, artist and director Nikolai Kopeikin.

In the near future, perhaps fans of Phantomas will again meet with the idol. The French director of Christoph Gan in 2010 decided to relieve the next version of the novels about the elusive killer, but still the project is in suspended state - they say that the creators of the picture fail to agree on the concept with producers. Only some details unveiled: the film will be removed in 3D, and the roles will be performed by Jean Renault and Vensean Kassel.

Interesting Facts

  • Marseille Allen before the start of writing activity was a lawyer, but the career was not set. The most unsuccessful trial was the trial against the camper, accidentally asked to death. The culprit, who defended Allen, gave the maximum prison sentence. Marseille was also involved in a curious adventure, which put a point in his legal track. The young man in the name of the newspaper article used the law of the lawyer to get into the chamber of the famous criticism.
  • Andre UNEBEL planned to remove another film called "Fantomas in Moscow", but a bunch of reasons for which the project was broken was found. One of them - Mare never wanted to put on the rubber mask more and play in impenetrable makeup.
  • Helen actress Milen Demonimo in the 1960s, Delilated Bordeaux with Bordeaux, the title of the most beautiful star of television screens.
  • The Soviet Union "exchanged" the film "Anna Karenina" on the right to show fantomas tapes. But before you get to the Russian viewer, the French trilogy has undergone a censorship right.
Fantomas smiles
  • The comedy Andre UNEBEL joined the list of rolled steel leaders in Russia, she managed to attract 45.5 million viewers.
  • Fantomas acts as a minor hero in the margins of film projects. In Russia, it appears in the episode of paintings "Seven old men and one girl", "old men-robbers". And in the book of Nicholas Nosov "Dunno on the Moon" built a city called Fantômas.
  • In Rostov-on-Don, the gang of Tolstopathy was performed. The grouping of robbers was called "phantomas" for the fact that the criminals during the work were put on the face of black stockings.


"She died and no longer moved" - one of the literary flats of the book of French journalists. "You called me a gloomy killer. Me, such a funny, cheerful creature! Of course, I love to kill, but I do it with a smile. "" Modesty is a sign of mind. "" If at least one ghost appears in the castle, I immediately arrest. "" Some women love them to caress and admired them like a flower. Others love them to win and put on their knees. And there are those who need to be horrified on them. "" - I was in the first and last time he spoiled this skirt.- At the receptions in Scotland, the aristocrats put on Kilt.

- Do not kilt, and tuxedo!

- I read in the guide in the country. There is black in white written "Kilt"!

- Do not talk nonsense! Black on white is a tuxedo! And leave me alone! "


Dying General de Gaulle says:

- Perform my last desire: I want to see the fantomas without a mask.

The general was not the person who can refuse. The whole police was involved, the whole army. Finally, they led the phantomas, but in a mask. The general ordered him:

- take off the mask.

- Let everyone leave.

Everyone left, and Fantomas removed the mask. Looked at him, the general said with tears:

- Yes ... Aged you, Vasily Ivanovich ...

- The years go, - Phantom answered. - Yes, and you, Petka, not young.

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