Anastasia Ivanova - biography, personal life, photos, movies, death and last news



Anastasia Ivanova - Talented Soviet actress, known to millions of viewers by the role of Lida in the film "I can not say goodbye", early left of life.

The future star of Soviet cinema was born in 1958 in Adler, under Sochi. From early childhood, the girl dreamed of becoming an actress, worked in the theater studio, participated in school amateur. Nastya was not embarrassed and did not frighten the perspective of a trip to the capital, because only Moscow universities were thought to serve as a guaranteed passage on the stage.

Anastasia Ivanova in youth

Only due to persistence and congenital talent, Nastya Ivanova's children's dream came true. In 1975, the girl came to Moscow, filed documents immediately in several theater educational institutions and entered the MHAT Studio School. Young actress studied on the course Viktor Monyukova. The release took place in 1979.

Theater and movies

Unfortunately, even in Soviet times, the acting profession was one of the most unreliable, and the distribution to Moscow and Leningrad theaters could not dream of not all graduates. Anastasia Ivanova fell precisely into this numerous group of unclaimed young actors.

However, her forced idleness was short-lived, she worked for some time in the Vladimir Drama Theater, and then then returned to the capital at the invitation of the Moscow New Drama Theater. Many Vladimirtsam, the girl was remembered by his brilliant execution of the role of Mary in the Westside History.

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After the new Drama Theater Ivanov played on the stage of the Moscow Drama Theater "Sphere", but real fame brought actress the main role in the melodrama "I can not say goodbye" Boris Durova. The painting was released on the screens in 1982 and immediately conquered the hearts of ordinary Soviet citizens.

The uncomplicated, but the piercing story of the love of the girl Lida and Sergey Vatagina, handsome Lovelas, will be disabilities with disabled, echoed in the hearts of people. Only for one season the film managed to see about 35 million people.

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A real popularity came to young actress, they were recognized in the photo and when meeting on the street. Especially struck the audience the final note of the picture, giving hope for the best when Lida is recognized by Sergey that she is waiting for the child.

Star role

Unfortunately, this role has become for Ivanova not only the main, but also almost the only one, not counting the participation in a pair of tapes. The marriage and birth of a daughter for a while deprived the actress of the opportunity to be filmed and playing in the theater, although the proposals at that moment were poured literally from all sides.

When Anastasia was able to "return to service", no suggestions. She began depressed, because the abnormality for the actor who lives with his roles is a real nightmare. The restructuring and female images were killed in the country, in which the directors were used to see Anastasia, became irrelevant. Romance went to the background, the time of action, spectacular tapes, where there was no place to be delicate feelings and deep characters.

Anastasia Ivanova

At this time, Anastasia finally offered a major role in the movie in the film, but she did not come together with the film director. He wanted to see another actress in this role and deliberately built a goat. In the midst of filming, Ivanov was removed from participation in the picture.

And a loving spouse came to the rescue. Boris Nevzorov had long wanted to try himself as director and finally decided on this act for the sake of his wife. Anastasia Ivanov played his last role in the painting of her husband, published in 1993. Perhaps everything would be formed otherwise if the talented and young actress did not die in the heyday.

Personal life

Anastasia Ivanova's personal life was more than successful: the peak of her acting career coincided with the first love crowned with a wedding. For Boris Nevzorova, the actor, with whom Nastya met during filming, this marriage was second, and he loved the young wife without memory.

Anastasia Ivanova

Anastasia at the time left all the thoughts about the career, for her the foreground was the family and children about which almost every woman dreams. Soon her daughter of Polina appeared to the world, which demanded attention and maternal care.

Boris Nevzorov with her daughter

Anastasia and Boris were happy, Nevzorov had many new roles, he began to act more often, took up the director. Family idyll interrupted the tragic death of Anastasia, who died in 1993. She was only 34 years old.


The cause of death of the actress is suffocation and knife wounds. For a long time, the police could not reach the trail of the criminal, although everything indicated that it was a person close to the family, as Anastasia herself let his house. For half an hour before the death, Nastya spoke to her mother on the phone and was absolutely calm, although the killer was already probably in the apartment.

After half an hour after this conversation, Boris Nevzorov returned home and found his wife killed. Mount of her husband actresses do not describe words, the only thing that somehow supported him is love for her daughter. Little Polina was lucky that her at that moment was not at home, she just came to her grandmother in Adler.

Anastasia Ivanova

Subsequently, it turned out that the killer was a familiar actors, with whom their colleague on the set Alexander Savchenko. The criminal has already had a deadline for murder, and the first victim was also the actress. Justice over him did not happen, since Sergey Miscelers by that time died in a household quarrel.

The grave of Anastasia Ivanova is located at the city cemetery Sergiyev Posada of the Moscow region.


  • "I can not say goodbye" (1982);
  • "Thunderstorm breath" (1982);
  • "Sparrow on Ice" (1983);
  • "Boys" (1990);
  • "The ass was a dog ..." (1993).

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