Yuri Ozerov - biography, personal life, photos, movies and latest news



Yuri Nikolayevich Ozers - the Great Soviet filmmaker-monumentalist, was born in the family of the Singer of the Bolshoi Theater Nikolai Nikolayevich Lake and Hope Ivanovna Sakharov in 1921. The ancestors of Yuri in the father's line were priests, which, as we know, have mighty beautiful voices. And on the maternal line, grandfather Yuri Nikolayevich was the doctor Ivan Sergeevich Sakharov. The familiar family of the family - Nikolai Nikolayevich Ozers, who became famous for the entire Soviet Union as a sports commentator.

Yuri Ozerov in childhood

From an early age, the boys absorbed the spirit of high culture: in the house of parents, elegant actors, director and singers often located: K.S. Stanislavsky, A.V. Nezhdanova, L.S. Sobinov, V.I. Kachalov, S.M. Kozlovsky, S.Y. Meshmev. In the family archive, a photo has been preserved, where in the hands of the Father of the Russian Theater School K. Stanislavsky sits small Yura.

In the family of lakes worshiped mother hope Ivanovna. For all households, she was a benchmark for femininity and motherhood. The brothers Yuri and Nikolai brought his sophistic love throughout his life.


In childhood, Yuri Ozerov became interested in writing paintings. He even attended an art school where she did progress. But at the end of the decade, he decides to enter the acting faculty. In 1939, Yuri passes through the competition at the Moscow Theater Institute (Gityis), where he studied two years before the start of the war. But on June 22, 1941, his plans, as well as the plans and dreams of many Soviet citizens of that time, were destroyed.

Yuri Ozerov in youth

Yuriy Ozerov immediately goes to call to the Soviet army by the communication. He passed the whole war and reached the title of Major, finished the military academy to victory. In the battle under Koenigsberg, seeing the whole horror of what is happening, the young lieutenant gave himself a journey that if he succeeds to survive, he would definitely remove the cinema. And he stayed alive.

Yuri Nikolaevich was awarded by many orders, among which the medals are "for the defense of Moscow", "For the capture of Koenigsberg", "For the victory over Germany."


Immediately after the victory, the young military decides to continue the interrupted education and enters the theater Faculty of the Theater Institute. But participation in the Securities imposed his mark on the worldview of a young man. He cannot find a common language with fellow students, former graduates of schools, and makes the decision to translate to the directorial faculty of Vgika.

I. Savchenko becomes his master, a talented teacher who brought a whole pleiad of the grand masters of the Soviet cinema: S. Bondarchuk, A. Aloova, V. Naumova, M. Hutsiyev, F. Mironer, L. Fayzieva, S. Parajanova, Yu. Vyshinsky .

Among their new fellow students who were striving for individuality, to finding new forms and content, Yuri Ozers has always allocated to realism. But the plots chosen to them and the material manner won the heart of the viewer with their depth and truthfulness.

Yuri Ozers

Already the first works of the director entered the piggy bank of world cinema. These are the film "Arena Brewy" about the Soviet circus, "Son", where the rising star L. Kharitonov played the main role, "Kochubey" - the legend about the Hero of the Civil War with N. Rybnikov in the lead role.

Interested in Yuri Lake and Soviet art. So the film "On the festive evening" appears about the musicians of Richter, Justrak, Kogan. Successful experience was the tape on the stories of Yaroslav Gashek "Big Road", which was created together with Czech cinematographers in a humorous manner.

The significant event of those years is the picture "Fortune" about the history of Albanian liberation during the war with the fascists, which was created together with Albanian colleagues. A talented director gradually comes to an important topic: the Great Patriotic War.

The main theme of creativity

In 1963, the American film "The longest day" comes to the screens, telling about the creation of the second front with the Americans and the British. According to Western filmmakers, it was that the main role in the victory over fascism was played by the West Front. That at this time happened in the USSR and in the east of Europe, the film is silent. This film has become a shock for many domestic artists who have experienced all the war of war on their own experience.

Yuri Ozerov and Brother Nikolai

After a conversation with the party leadership, Yuri Ozerov is taken for the creation of a cellopopie entitled "Liberation". This film combined the features of documentary and artistic cinema. All battle scenes with the movement of troops were recreated with documentary accuracy. And the big emotional gas game of actors gave the desired sound to the whole film. The picture goes more than 8 hours. Her secret consultant was the Marshal Samogl himself.

Suits, technician, props were created by samples of the 40s. Actors from different countries of Europe took part in the creation of a cellopope. With all of them, Yuri Nikolaevich later supported the warm relationship.

Yuri Ozerov on the set

Large-scale filmmaking consists of five parts and covers the most severe and bloody battles of the Great Patriotic War. On the screens of the film was published in 1968-1972 in 115 countries of the world. All authors of the film: Yu. Ozers, I. Velnevich, A. Mikobykov, Yu. Bondarev and O. Kurganov after the premiere were awarded the title of Order of Lenin.

The next movie-maker, consisting of four paintings, "victory soldiers" appeared in the late 70s. The international team of professionals also worked on it. Director Yuri Ozerov receives world recognition. Everywhere, at foreign film festivals of his and two more masts of modern, S. Bondarchuk and S. Rostotsky called "three heroes" of Soviet cinema.

Yuri Ozers

In the 80s, the Military Topics of the Director continued films "Stalingrad", "Battle for Moscow". To them, Yuri Ozers, as well as all of their filmmans, wrote scenarios himself. The latter work of the war was the paintings of the 90s "Tragedy of the Century" and "Death Angels".

Did not leave the director and documentary. On the eve of the Olympiad-80, the Tape of Spartakiad was created, and at its end of the film "On Sport - You're Peace!" Thus, the entire Soviet people at the time could see the chronicle of the events of the Moscow Olympic Games. And the Frame of the flying Olympic Bears became one of the most memorable.

Personal life

On the first wife of Yuri Lake Raisa Dr. Rais, only the fact that she became the mother of the first son of the director - Vladimir, who later received the title of Technical Sciences and became a professor at the Mathematical Department of Moscow State University. In total, Yuri Nikolayevich had two children. The second son of Yuri Lakes Nikolai at the moment lives in India and works by the translator.

The director has four grandson - Vladimir, Anna, Stepan and Yuri, Vernuk - Dmitry. Vladimir's grandson was killed with unexplained circumstances in 2003.

Dilyara Lakes

The second wife of Dilyar Kerimna was the younger than his wife for 10 years. She worked as an artist in the costumes. For the first time they met on the set of the film "Fortune" and no longer parted. The spouse was his devoted friend and comrades, while remained always a beautiful and charming woman.

At the festival in the house of Hanzonkov "Women's Movie" Dilyar Ozersov received a reward "The director's wife is more than a wife." She fully performed his duty to his beloved husband and held Yuri Nikolayevich on the last journey in October 2001.


  • Arena bold (1953)
  • On holiday evening (1954)
  • Son (1955)
  • Kochubey (1958)
  • Fortune (1959)
  • Big Road (1962)
  • Liberation: Fire Arc (1968)
  • Liberation: Breakthrough (1969)
  • Liberation: Direction of the main strike (1970)
  • Liberation: Battle for Berlin (1971)
  • Liberation: Last assault (1971)
  • Soldiers of Freedom (1976)
  • Sport Ballad (1979)
  • About Sport, you are the world! (1980)
  • Battle for Moscow (mini-series, 1985)
  • Stalingrad (1989)
  • Tragedy of the 20th century (serial, 1993 - 1994)
  • Death Angels (1993)
  • Great Communion George Zhukov (1995)

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