Miguel Ferrer - Biography, Personal Life, Photos, Film and Latest News



Miguel Ferrer is an American film actor who has popular after entering the screens of the cult militant of the eighties - "Robocop". And yes, he falls with a cousin of an equally famous colleague on the acting shop - George Clooney. Yes, what to say, his whole family went in the footsteps of the Great Father (and he was the first child of five) and removed today.

Miguel Ferrer.

Probably, many would like to be in its place and be born in sunny Santa Monica, California. Miguel Ferrer was the firstborn in the family of a Puertoric Emigrant, who later became the owner of Oscar. His father José Ferrer was a popular actor in the 50s of the last century, repeatedly received nominations for all prestigious American awards.

The world famous, he began when he played a major role in the film "Sirano de Bergerac", for which not only "Oscar" received, but also "Golden Globe". Therefore, it is not surprising the fact that the eldest of his children from marriage with a star of Rosemary Clooney, also decided to become an actor.

Miguel Ferrer.

However, Miguel himself argues that he dreamed of being a musician as a child. He even participated in the record of the album Keit Moon "Two sides of the Moon," where he recorded his drum part. Nevertheless, in the future, the genes were played by the genes and somehow regretted it later. His friend from the Music Group "Generators" recommended a young guy to producers of the television project "Sunshine".

Thus, we can say that it is the musician Will Robinson finally bowed Miguel to the film actor profession.

Career Actor

In the cult series "Twin Pixes" of the American director David Lynch (who, by the way, in 2017 will receive its continuation, but, unfortunately, without Miguel), he played the role of a small-chower agent, a FBI forensic examination. The character image was so great in the scenario was registered, which allowed Miguel to become a favorite of the fans of the series worldwide.

The character of his hero was far from a gift, and bad manners regularly caused outrage of others. Nevertheless, after one case with a sheriff, when Albert's cynical agent asked for "in the face", the hero seemed to be replaced, he sharply became different. What, in turn, could not do not like the audience loving similar plot turns. Subsequently, Miguel was also noted by participation in the Twin-Picca film, the premiere of which took place in 1992 in Cannes.

Miguel Ferrer in the film

From other successful works of the actor, you can recall the shooting in one of the best films of the year 2000 "traffic", which he helped get the whole four Oscars, and the acting ensemble is a premium from the guild of American film actors. The cast was really notable there: the director Stephen Soderberg managed to get to the main roles of Hollywood Monsters such as Michael Douglas, Benicio del Toro, Catherine Zeta-Jones. And this list can be continued. And shortly before that there was a role in the lyrical drama Tony Scott called "Revenge".

Third-party projects

Shots in films were far from the only occupation of a talented Miguel Ferrer, who was noted by participating in the TV show, in the sounding of cartoons, video games. In particular, for one of these works, he received in 1999 a nomination for Grammy - his voice was recognized among some of the best. Also, the film actor managed to light up in the theatrical formulation of "justified".

The amazing multifaceted Miguel talent allowed him to release a comic book (comet) series, whose writing work was helped by a friend already mentioned by us - Will Robinson. And as a film director, Miguel was noted on the shooting of the television series "Jordan investigation". In 2005, he independently put several episodes in the fifth season.

Personal life

Miguel and here went in the footsteps of the Father, because, like he, for his life was married three times. From the first marriage with the film actress Leylani Sirel, he left two heirs, and from the second with Kate Dananan - one. In 2005, he married a film crew for the third time - Laurie Ventraub, this time I made my final choice. He lived with his wife until his death

Leylany Sarel

Among the hobbies of Miguel, it was possible to notice the occupations of an aristocratic sport - golf, in which he also succeeded as a tournament organizer. In particular, as one of the sponsors and curators of competition at the University of California. Biographers are also mentioning his skiing hobby. But, most likely, it is a passion for music from youth, when he played a group "Generators".

Miguel Ferrer with his wife

A wonderful actor died in California (probably because he smoked a lot, because the cause of death is gantian cancer), just two weeks without surviving up to its 62th anniversary.


  • Police Miami: Department of Malls (Series, 1984 - 1990)
  • Robocop (1987)
  • Scleping bikes (serial, 1989 - 1996)
  • Revenge (1989)
  • Twin Pix (Series, 1990 - 1991)
  • Twin Pixes: Fire, Go for me (1992)
  • Killer (1993)
  • Hot heads 2 (1993)
  • Third Planet from the Sun (Serial, 1996 - 2001)
  • C.S.I. Crime scene (TV series, 2000 - 2015)
  • Traffout (2000)
  • Jordan Investigation (Series, 2001 - 2007)
  • Manchur candidate (2004)
  • Desperate Housewives (Serial, 2004 - 2012)
  • Fool me (serial, 2009 - 2011)
  • Iron Man 3 (2013)
  • Twin Pixes: Carved scenes (2014)

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