Alexander Barykin - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Carnival Group, Latest Songs



Honored Artist of Russia was born in the Tyumen region. When Sasha was still a baby, the Barykin family changed the place of residence on the suburbs (Lyubertsy). Already in early childhood, the boy's tendency to music and poetry was discovered. Therefore, it is not surprising that Alexander disappeared with honors in the music school and while still teenager gathered the first musical team of Allegro. The group was a frequent guest of various dance sites, the young performer sang, including songs of its own essay.

Alexander Barykin in childhood

After serving in the army, Barykin entered the Gnesinka. Specialization is classic vocals. Also, the musician became in absentia by the director of mass holidays in the Krasnodar Institute of Culture. The beginning of a musician career dated 1973 and his participation in VIA "Muscovites". True, after 6 months, he found himself in another vocal-instrumental team - "fun guys" with whom he collaborated until 1976. After that, for some time he left the group to act in "Gemstones", but then returned to the "merry guys", with whom the whole alliance was trained with touring, participated in the international competition in Czechoslovakia.

Alexander Barykin in youth

In addition to participating in different musical groups, Alexander managed to work with David Tukhmanov. The song "Invitation to the Travel", filled with a young singer, became the first step to popularity. However, the estained artist's field at that time was not for him. Love for rock and reggae and desire for self-expression served as a reason for creating their team. The "Pearl" group, created in 1977, existed for a long time, but the artist managed to shake with her tours in the Black Sea coast.


At the beginning of the 80s, Barykin, a couple with V. Kuzminov, a former partner of "Gems", created the "Carnival" group. Their first miniplasty, published in 1981, was sold by five millionth edition. The most famous Hit is "sudden deadlock."

The album "Superman" conquered the hearts of lovers of domestic rock music. Soon there was a split between the musicians, and Kuzmin was forced to leave the group and create his own called "Speaker". And Barykin released the magneto alone "Carousel". The main hits of "Carnival" of that period were the song "Island", a little later - "Star ship", "Chile".

Due to the ambitious campaign against rock teams, which Soviet authorities started in the mid-80s, many musicians had to go underground. "Carnival" also hit the "black list". To remain in sight, Barykin drew attention to pop music and again asked for help from Tukhmanov. The album "Steps" was recorded, which won more popularity in the Union. In addition to the songs of Tukhmanov, the album had their own songs of Barykin.

Alexander Barykin I.

After the release of the "steps", the team program was approved, and "Carnival" officially began to be listed in the Grozny philharmonic, from which he was able to tour. In the same 1985, the junior song "Program" sounded on the air "Blue Light". The fulfillment of this song, as well as the rejection of the old style, was worth the loss of many old fans, but acquiring extensive fame. Although the performer himself did not think that he broke up with rock and roll. He "just sought to implement and walked behind the fashion."

Other songs that have gained popularity of the artist did not fail also to appear on the air of Soviet television. The most famous is one of the main hits of the artist - "Airport" and the lyrical composition "20.00". However, the genuine success to the singer came in 1987, when the main hit of his career was performed for the first time - "Bouquet".

Alexander Barykin in youth

One of the most famous Soviet songs was born quickly and everyday. In those years, Barykin fascinated poetry, and he was interested in the collection of poems N. Rubatov. When the poem of the same name was caught his eyes, he immediately decided to write a song. Feeding that someone thinks before this idea earlier, he wrote music to a song literally for a quarter of an hour. It is necessary to say, what popularity this song brought to her performer. He was invited to the festival "Song of the Year-1987", after which Barykin was finally established as a pop idol. Later, the singer confessed that literally hated his hit, because it was not easy to return the lost fame of the Rock musician.

In the late 80s, Barykin tried to reanimate the "carnival". The first after returning to the former traditions of the album "Hey, see!" (1989) It turned out Hard-Rocky. Songs "Hey, see!", "Whirlpool", "like a pity" songs are the most prominent compositions of the album. However, it was not possible to release it on vinyl: in those days, the artist had serious problems with the thyroid, which began in 1986 after a visit with the concert of the zone affected by Chernobyl.

Alexander Barykin

The result of a number of transferred operations was almost complete loss of a remarkable voice of the singer, and a musician's career went on a decline. Attempts to return were undertaken in 1994, when the "Russian Beach" became the failed album. In 1995, his son Georgy entered the staff of the renewed "carnival". The group signed a contract with Moroz Records and again released old disks. In 1996, one of the most successful, according to the performer, the Album "Islands" was released, after which the disease of the thyroid gland again made itself felt, and the singer was forced to leave the scene for a while.

Alexander Barykin

By the beginning of the 21st century, A. Barykin's songs were performed by A. Pugacheva, T. Bulanova, F. Kirkorov, Valery. In 2001, the musician together with his son George created the Barykin-Band group, which released the album "Volga". Notable performances of Barykin became a series of concerts, which were devoted to the 25th anniversary of the musical career (2000) and a festive concert to the semi-a century anniversary of the artist (2002), which took place in the Kremlin Palace. The latter was published by a separate disk called "Star Carnival". A year later, the singer released the album "Pray, Child", consisting of songs on spiritual theme.

Personal life

The musician was married twice. With the first wife of Galina, they became acquainted with children and lived together for 30 years. For the second time, Barykin's marriage bored in 2005. His chosen was the 20-year-old Nelli Vlasov. Barykin took her to her as a back-vocalist, she became the author of several songs to the Albus "Nelli" dedicated to her (2006).

Alexander Barykin and his wife

Children - Son George (born in 1974) and daughter Kira (1992). In 2006, the second spouse gave birth to Eugene daughter. The artist and the extramarital son Timur (born in 1988), whose mother is the famous pop singer Raisa Say-Shah, who in the 80s toured with the Karnival group. In early 2011, the performer lit up with a secular lioness and writer Leno Lenin. The latest songs (for example, "Masquerade") were also written in collaboration with his new muse.

Causes of death

Shortly before the death of the once popular artist remained alone. In 2010, Barykin and Vlasova divorced. According to the testimony of the friends of the artist, the failed marriage has greatly affected his health. After parting with the Vlasova, the singer had hypertensive crisis. Having cured, Barykin dropped all precaution and continued creative activity.

Tomb of Alexander Barykin

On March 26, 2011, during the tour in Orenburg, the heart of the singer stopped. Barykin died in a hospital from an extensive heart attack. The funeral was held at the Trocerovsk cemetery of the capital. The following year after death, a monument was established on the grave of the singer. Alla Pugacheva herself helped collect funds on him.


  • 1981 - Superman
  • 1981 - Carnival
  • 1982 - Carousel
  • 1983 - Actor
  • 1984 - Radio
  • 1985 - When we are in love
  • 1985 - Steps
  • 1986 - Rock and Roll Marathon
  • 1988 - Bouquet
  • 1989 - Hey, look!
  • 1994 - Russian Beach
  • 1995 - never late
  • 1996 - Islands
  • 1996 - Hey, look!
  • 1996 - Steps
  • 2001 - Volga
  • 2002 - Pray, child
  • 2003 - River and Sea
  • 2005 - Love
  • 2006 - Nelle
  • 2008 - Rocket from the South
  • 2009 - Rockhestar

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