Daniel Pevtsov - Photo, Biography, Causes of Death, Personal Life, Son Dmitry Pevtsova



The young actor Daniel Pevtsov was born in the early summer of 1990. The morning filled with the morning of his birth as if he foreshadowed the same radiant and happy fate to a small boy. As he remembered his mother Larisa Vitalevna Blazhko to look at a beautiful baby, all nurses of the maternity hospital were fled.

And indeed, the baby from the very birth was very pretty, and a smile, which then often illuminated his face, caused the surrounding sympathy and lunizing.

The baby was born from the love relationship of the young then still actors, students of Guityis Dmitry Pevtsov and his fellow travelers Larisa, who studied at the correspondence department. The couple lived together for several years a civil marriage, but soon after the birth of the baby, this union broke up. As the boy's father Dmitry Singers recalled, then he was too young and did not understand the very essence of fatherhood.

In 1994, Dmitry marries Actress Olga Drozdova, and Larisa, along with her son, emigrate to Canada. Such a decision, the girl accepted due to the acquaintance with his future husband, a native of North America. For some time, she was still shot in episodic roles, but then decided to change the profession and became a psychoanalyst.

In Canada, the little Daniel goes to school. He merged so much with his environment surrounding it, which completely loses even the small skill of Russian speech, which acquired at an early age.

When the boy was 12 years old, his mother decided to return to Moscow and settled in his homeland. In the capital, Larisa begins to practice real estate very successfully. Since with Dmitry Pevtsov, she retained mutual understanding, they meet, and the boy gets acquainted with the real dad. Dmitry was without a child, he immediately accepted his son. Senior and younger singers have a friendly relationship.

Very often, Dmitry took a little nurse to visit his mother, Noah Semenovna, who became famous for the time of the USSR as a leading sports doctor. Visited Daniel with his father and various sporting classes on hockey, karate. But most loved the cheerful boy skiing. Later, his great passion will be a snowboard, for which he often will leave on the slopes of the winter mountains.

In the Russian school, Dani initially had problems with pronunciation and with communication, but soon everything was improved due to its fast learning and charm. Immediately after graduation, he tries to enter the Theater Institute, but from the first attempt not passes on the course.

To get used in the world of theatrical crowdinging and not waste time, Daniel goes to work the work scene in the Lenk Theater. Then, a year later, it is still taken to the Russian Academy of Theatrical Art, where he learns 2 years.

During his studies in the theater, the young man decides on transfer to VGIK to the workshop to Alexander Mikhailov, as it felt that the cinema was closer to him. And he already completes his education at the Cinematography Institute in 2012. His diplomas were the roles of Heruvim in the formulation of Zoyykina Apartment, Nikolai in the play "In Search of Joy" and Ivan Petrovich Poultryna in "Idiot" for Dostoevsky.

After graduating from the university, Daniel got an actor in the "Theater of the Moon". But the main dream of a young artist was Hollywood, he was thinking to go to the United States and even led negotiations with some American producers.


In the student years, the young actor begins to film in television. The first of them was the series "Champions of the Satellites", shot in Odessa in 2011. The second job was a small role of Daniel in the four-stero tape "Pandora Box".

In 2012, the young singers played the main character in the melodrama of Elena Nikolaev "Angel in the Heart." As in the previous films, his father Dmitry was filmed here with her son. In the plot they played one character in youth and in adulthood. Their shooting partner partner was a young promising actress Anna Mikhailovskaya and the wife of Dmitry Olga Drozdov.

Personal life

The artist communicated little with the press and in the media there are practically no information about the personal life and his girlfriend. But for some sources, it was a young native of Belarus, Julia Aresko, which Daniel once met in Moscow.

The young man in love convinced his girlfriend to enter the acting faculty, which she did. But after Daniel's death, heavily experienced loss, Julia left back to his homeland in Minsk. It is known that Daniyl's closest friend was Dmitry Gorheva, with whom they met in Boston, when Larisa with his son was passing there. Until the death of young people supported close relationships.


The tragic chance ended by Daniel Pevtsov's death occurred on the night of August 26th. Daniel Pevtsov took part in a meeting of classmates who celebrated the five years of graduation. The company of 15 young people went to one of the Moscow restaurants. The guys behaved noisy and ordered alcohol.

At night, after the closure of the entertainment institution, many went home, but six classmates decided to continue fun on the apartment of one of the girls. At dawn, going to the balcony for the conversation, Daniel is embarrassing on the railing. For a while he lost her balance and fell from the balcony of the third floor to the street. The girls who stood next to him first did not understand what happened to him.

Later came to them awareness of what happened, and they called an ambulance. The young artist quickly delivered to the Botkin hospital in a state of clinical death, with multiple injuries of the head, spine and internal organs. Two large operations were held that did not change the situation. The young man was in a coma of 9 days, after which he died.

The cause of death was the stupid brain injury and the spinal fracture. Many viewers and fans thought that Daniel was a drug addict and decided to commit suicide, but this is not the case. A young actor built plans and thought about the future, he was happy and successful.

The funeral was held on September 5, 2012. For civilian memorization in the ritual hall of the Botkin hospital, friends, acquaintances, colleagues began to come back from early morning. Among the more goodies could be seen Alexander Zbruev, Garik Sukacheva, Nikita Presnyakova, Sergey Prokhanov, teachers of Vgika. There were more than 100 people. The latest Daniel's parents entered.

His mother could not stand and constantly relied on Dmitry Puttsov. Father barely held back tears. He loved himself and was proud of his son. The procession went to funeral in the temple of the Savior of the Unclean on Setuni. Daniil Pevtsova buried on the Trocerovsk cemetery. Until now, every day on his grave bring fresh flowers.

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