Merlin - Sage and Wizard of Celtic Myths, Counselor of King Arthur


Character History

The legendary wizard of medieval Welsh poetry, Celtic myths and the legends of the Artovsky cycle. With the help of Magic and Intrigue, Merlin creates conditions for the birth of King Arthur. It is also known that he was an adviser to the king and the Mentor of the knights, while the insidious lake Lady was worsened by the wizard and did not lock under the rock.

History of creation

The first mention of Merlin is found in the "History of the Kings of Britain" Galfried Montmutsky, a book written in the XII century. Galphrid tied to a number of stories and images, before the connections that did not have each other.

Scottish legends about the insane bard and the predictor of Mildine Willte - a separate character who lost the mind, after seeing the horrors of the war, went to live in the forest and had no touch to King Arthur and his yard, - merged with stories about the Roman-British military leader named Ambroji Avreralian.

Wizard Merlin

So the world first met with the figure of Merlin Ambrosius, the famous wizard and advisor to King Arthur, who was buried in the thrusting forest in Brittany. In Wales, the character received the name of Middin and immediately became popular.

Late authors added more strokes to the image of the wizard. For centuries, the hero survived a number of transformations, from the legends and knightly novels got into the books of modern authors, films and serials.

Biography of the wizard

If you believe the traditional biography of Merlin, the wizard was born in Karmarthen (Wales) from the connection of the death woman, the daughter of the king or nun, with the daughter-inkub. In one of the versions, the baby was supposed to become an antichrist, but the future mother told about all the confessor. The boy was baptized immediately after birth, and so Merlin was freed from the power of Satan. The demonic heritage, nevertheless, did not have anyway, and presented the boys supernatural forces and abilities along with the knowledge of the past and present. And from God, the boy received a prophetic gift and knowledge of the future.

Merlin and King Arthur

After the birth, Arthur Merlin picks up a baby and raises the future king himself (or gives to upbringing). This is the fee that the wizard was planted from Uter, Father Arthur, for helping that to get to Lady Playin and connect with her, as a result of which Arthur was conceived.

Merlin remains a mentor Arthur and, when it is fulfilled sixteen, advises a young man to participate in competitions for the sword in Stone to confirm the right to become the king of all Britain.

The famous Sword of Eccalibur King Arthur also receives with Merlin. The wizard appeals to the lake lady to give the king the magic sword. After death, Arthur sword returned to the lake.

Sword Eccalibur

Merlin did not care about the war and politics. The curse of Merlin Palo on the Saxons, who after the death of Arthur, by legend, captured Britain. Allegedly because of the curse was killed by the last Saxon King Harold during the battle of Hastings.

Merlin's death is associated with the name of Nimue, the Lady of the Lake. Nimue became a student and a lover of a wizard, traveled with him together and studied the art of magic, the knowledge of which Merlin shared with her. However, the society of the wizard and his obsessive loving interest was heroine, and she decided to get rid of him.

Merlin and Nimue

The deception of Nimue makes Merlin lie down in crevice (or climb into the cave) and close the stone from above. Then she imposes a speech to whom the wizard himself trained it. These spells do not give Merlin to get out, and Nimue leaves, leaving the hero closed.

According to another version, Nimue and Merlin stop at night in a stone chamber, where two lovers once lived. The hero says that after death, this couple was buried here, in the magic tomb. When he falls asleep, Nimue Charas tolerate the wizard into this tomb and locks there.

Merlin and Morgana

Murder or imprisonment Merlin is also attributed to the evil sorcerer Morgan, which in some sources is called the sister of the wizard. Morgana - the eternal opponent of the Knights of the Round Table - sharpened Merlin inside the oak.

Legends and myths

The story of Vortigne's swear tower and underground dragons from the "Britt History" of Nennia, where the speech is initially about the warlord of Ambrozia Aurelian, and not about Merlin. Galphrid borrowed this plot and attributed to Merlin invented. The King of Brittov Vorthigern tried to build a tower, but she collapsed every time before the completion of construction.

Merlin and Lady Lady

The wise men said the king that the tower would stand if to spy the foundation of the child's blood born without his father. Merlin, born from the Demon-Incuba, was suitable for this role. But when the young wizard led to the king, he opened the Vortigun the true reason why the tower falls. Under the construction site in the cave lay underground lake, and two dragon, white and red, fought there, shaking the earth.

Galphrid also writes that Merlin's wizard created the famous Stonehenge - as a burial place of Avreleian's ambrosia (which Gelfrid appears a separate character). And Merlin, with the help of magic, helped King Britons, Ustor Prandongon disguised to get into the castle of Tintagel. There, in the guise of the master of the castle, who had to king the enemy, came to his wife Gamen and shook with her Arthur, the future of the legendary king. After that, Merlin disappears from the story from Galfried, but in later versions of the legend, the wizard teaches and instructs young arthur, and becomes an adviser with it.


In the earliest texts, many stories about how the wizard changes its appearance and makes different judovo tricks. In one of the books, Merlin appears in Rome. In the form of a huge deer with white front legs, the wizard breaks down to Julia Caesar and speaks with the emperor a human voice. Deer Merlin reports Caesar that a dream that is worried about the emperor, only a savage from the forest will be able to explain. Later, Merlin returns in the guise of a bosomed black man, bare and torn clothes. In the appearance of the forest hermit or savory Merlin appears in many legends. Such a wizard is found by Uther meters in the forests of Northumberland, so Merlin is the King Arthur.

Another hyposta Merlin is the Lord of Beasts. The wizard is able to take the appearance of forest animals and command them. In the thrusting forest of Merlin, in the form of a shepherd-savage, magical art calls on the flock of deer, which are going and graze around it.

Merlin - Lord of Beasts

Thomas Malory, the author of the novel "The Death of Arthur" - a famous medieval book about the King Arthur King, creates the image of Merlin, inspiring old legends. On the version of the biography of Merlin, created by Malory, is based on many authors of books and creators of films and TV shows, which today use this image in their works.

Interesting Facts

  • In the literature of the new time, Merlin appears in a variety of works as a key character. Among the famous - series "King of the former and coming" Terens White, "Merlinovskaya" Trilogy of Mary Stewart ("Crystal Grotto", "Hollow Hills", "Last Magic"), the novel "Merzestile Power" Clive Lewis, two novel Douglas Monroe (" Twenty One Lesson Merlin "and" Lost Books Merlin ").
Camille Lemezhievsky as Merlin
  • Also actively the image of Merlin is used in cinema and on television. In 2017, a fantasy film of Guy Richie "Sword of King Arthur", where, of course, was not without Merlin. Another 2017 film "Transformers: the last knight," where Merlin is one of the key heroes became the unexpected disclosure. From 2008 to 2012, a British teenage series went out, where Merlin played Colin Morgan. And in 2001, the series "Tumans of Avalon" was broadcast on the book of books Marion Zimmer Bradley.
Colin Morgan in the role of Merlin
  • The image of Merlin has not appeared more than once in comics and video games. The hero can be found in the comics "Marvel" about the captain of Britain, where Merlin appears to be a creature from another dimension that helps the captain. In the comics "DC" Merlin appears by villain-half impex. And wishing to play for Merlin can pay attention to the Age of Wonders II and Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic computer games.


"- A complex mind of people makes them strive to become better.

- How best?

- Better than they are. "

(Robert Fisher. Knight in rusty armor) "- When you will be dressed in the knights," said Worth, shooking into the fire, "I will pray to God so that he will send me everything that exists in the world evil. Only me alone. If I won the victory over this evil, then it will not be anywhere else, and if it wins, I will suffer from it only.

"It would be too raw with a rapid step with your side," answered Merlin, "and you would lose." And suffered from this. "

(Terens White. King Arthur. Volume 2. Merlin's book) "- Well," the first knight said here, "I carry a reliable remedy against this; The strongest poison, about which only heard on Earth. I hurry with him in Camelot, for we have a friend among the approximate king, and he will poison the King Arthur - so he swore to our leaders and got a great reward for it.

- Beware of Merlin, "the second knight advised him," because he is all known through the devilish chairs. "On the way he showed it many miracles, and they arrived in Cornwell. And he did everything to master her virginity, and so he did not have a question that she only dreamed, as if to get rid of him, for she was afraid of him as a son of the devil, but he could not get rid of him any way. And once he began to show her a great miracle - a magic cave in a rock, covered with a heavy stone slab. She cartically forced him to lie under that stone so that she could make sure that there was a magic force, and herself had so much that he could never raise the stone slab and get out, and with the fact, leaving Merlin, went to the future way. "

(Thomas Malories. Death Arthur)

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