Marina Lizorkina - biography, personal life, photos, songs, paintings, and the latest news 2021



Marina Lizorkina - Russian pop singer, artist, blogger, laureate of the international competition "Eurovision-2007" in the group "Silver".

Youth and career

Marina Sergeyevna Lizorkina was born on June 9, 1983 in Moscow. The childhood girls passed in the Crimea. Until the mid-nineties, the Marina family lived in Sudak, then parents returned to Moscow. Girl knows how to play piano. At the age of 6, Marina began studying at a music school in Sudak. At 16, the girl was credited to the pop faculty of the Institute of Contemporary Art.

Marina Lizorkina in his youth

Lizorkina graduated from music school in the Piano and Piano-Jazz Academy. Marina was the soloist of the Formula group and recorded four musical singles as part of the team. In 2004, Lizorkina performed Violetti's vocal parties in the series "Doomed to Become Star". In the period from 1999 to 2005, the girl worked on the singing in various musical groups, as well as writing songs for pop performers. The singer sololy performed the composition "Stop" and recorded a joint single "analyzed it" with the group "Brothers Cash".


Marina became the participant of the project "Silver" in 2006, signing a contract with the production center of Maxim Fadeev. In 2007, the musical trio participated in the Eurovision International Competition and entered the final. The group that received bronze at the prestigious European competition instantly became popular.

Marina Lizorkina and group

Fame brought different fruits to project participants. Marina, for example, was able to organize a personal exhibition of his paintings, and a husband left Lena Dameman. As part of the Silver Group, Lizorkina recorded ten compositions that entered the OPUMROZ album.

In the summer of 2009, the girl left the project to devote himself to the career of the artist. This decision was agreed with the producer, but for fans it became a surprise. A lot of guesses appeared on why I left the Marina group. The most unpleasant for Lizorkina was the version that it was expelled from the project due to conflict in the group. In 2009, the girl gave a few interviews to refute the unlucky rumors.


Marina Lizorkina is now known as an artist. In 2009, the girl presented a series of his pictures in the style of surrealism at the personal exhibition - the presentation of Sansara.

Painting Marina Lizorkina

Marina's works were interested in art dealers, she began to receive proposals on cooperation. Her paintings were evaluated several thousand dollars apiece. The girl was upset the fact that she could not devote himself to the work of the artist in connection with the obligations under the contract. Together with Maxim Fadeev, Lizorkina found a solution for the current situation.

Painting Marina Lizorkina

Already in November 2009, a young artist presented the second personal exhibition of his works. The event entitled "All Depends on VAS" could visit anyone. During the exhibition, which Marina dedicated to the topic of compassion, several paintings were sold. Celebrated funds The artist sacrificed in a number of charitable organizations.

Marina Lizorkina at the exhibition

The third personal exhibition of the artist took place in March 2011 at the Andreas restaurant. The girl presented a series of works entitled "Blossom" (blooming). When creating paintings, Marina used dried inflorescences and petals of different plants. Lizorkina does not stop his creative growth, now it is exposed to work not only in Russia. The exhibition of her paintings from the Tree People series was held in New York in the gallery "Tribeca Art Factory" in 2016. Presentation of Lizorkina paintings in America pressed the extra weight of her artist's status.

Marina Lizorkina now

Marina communicates with its real-time fans using the Periscope video standard. The girl is not afraid naked truth from her subscribers on the Internet, the artist independently leads his account in Instagram, comments on incoming messages and answers questions.

Marina Lizorkina in 2016

Marina has the official group and in the social network "VKontakte". Lizorkina participated in several television shows. In 2013, she gave an interview in the Morning Program on the Moscow Region TV channel, in 2014 there was a guest in one of the issues "Comedy Club", in 2016 participated in the record of the program "Direct Ether".

Marina Lizorkina now

Despite the fact that Marina has not been a member of the "Silver" group for a long time, it is still associated with this project. The girl changed the style, hairstyle and repainted the hair several times. One of the last exhibitions of Marina was held in America. Lizorkina feels abroad as an artist more comfortable, because no one knows about her musical past.

Personal life

In one of his interviews, Marina admitted that she did not have time for a personal life at the time of participation in the project "Silver". After leaving the group in 2009, the girl planned to devote all his time to creativity.

Marina Lizorkina

On the Internet there are photos of Marina Lizorkina in the arms of Cyril Fedorenko, who is a vocalist of the shocking group "Kazaky". Ex-soloist group "Silver" on a personal page in one of the social networks called this man with his friend.

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