Dean Reed - biography, photo, personal life, songs, death



Dean Reed is an American singer and a musician who speaks in the genre of rock and roll and country, actor, musician, director and composer from the United States, a hotly beloved by the public in the Soviet Union. He was a surprisingly beautiful, stateless man, photo and telegeny, artistic, besides perfectly playing guitar.

Dean Reed - Legend in Life

The work of the artist has become known throughout the world, and women in different countries went crazy from a smile, a sports figure and an incredible voice of this talented and charismatic singer. He became a legend in his life.

Childhood and youth

Din Reed was born on September 22, 1938, under the sign of the Zodiac Virgin. The father of the future star Siril Reed worked as a teacher, Mom Ruth Anna was engaged in household. In addition to Dina, two more sons were brought up in the family - Verne and Dale.

The first musical instrument - the guitar - young Ding received as a gift for his birthday, he wrote the first song about torture love in 16 years.

By enrolling in the Colorado University at the 18th age, to study meteorology, the young man in parallel performs in clubs and bars. But then the young man throws her studies and decides to check whether the talent is enough for a full-fledged musician career.


Such an act leads to the fact that the first contact with the major musical label Reed has signed in 20 years. The guy's tracks were not immediately seen by the audience, but the songs from the second and especially the third album received numerous rotations on the radio, they were loved by the people and even entered the charts of the hottest hits of those years.

He is sent in the tour first on the US, and then comes to Latin America, where Dina is waiting for a dizzying success. Here he remains to live for several years to create, speak with concerts, to act in TV shows, clips and even lead your own TV show.

In Latin America, he is fond of "left" political views and becomes a public activist who speaks for the fight against poverty and the world around the world. It greatly nerves the managers of the singer and director of the tour, but the artist is adamant. He shows interest in local politics and participates in the public dialogue, but it ends badly - during the National Revolution, Dina first put in prison, and then deported from Argentina.

Singer Dean Reed

The artist moves to Europe and again begins to actively tour. Speeches in the Soviet Union are of great success, it becomes instantly becoming a popular favorite and passes with concerts on the country's major cities. In 1973, Dean decides to stay in the GDR: writes 13 albums, it directs the film about his friend, takes off in dozens of films as an actor. In Russia, a special popularity was especially popular about the struggle of Americans and the Indians, in which Ding Reed and Goyko Mitich starred.

Dean Reed and Goyko Mitich

The singer turned out to be extremely contradictory man - remained a patriot of his homeland, but he adhered to Marxist views. I sincerely missed the United States, but criticized the actions of the American authorities and justified the decisions taken in the USSR. Many considered Dina to a traitor, but he just separated the love of home from politics.

Dean Reed on tour in the USSR

According to the musician himself, all the songs of the artist have always been about one - about the ferventness of deep love, which singer inspired his homeland and women. For a brief, but Bright career Din Reed recorded more than three tens of albums, and this is not counting numerous collections issued and reprinted in individual countries. In recent years, he recorded mostly informal car versions of famous American and Italian songs.

In the residents of the USSR, he will forever be remembered by the performance of the songs "Bella, Chao", "Hava Nagila" and others. The main legendary moment in the career on the Soviet Earth was the execution of the song "Elizabeth" on New Year's Eve on the main television channel of the country. After that, the records with Reed records were bought out in the Union of multimillion circles.

Dean loved the people of the USSR, and the domestic audience answered him the same. The singer even thought to move to the Union to a permanent residence and planned to acquire an apartment in Moscow.

Personal life

Dean Reed lived life, full of love peripetia. The first time he married the actress from Hollywood Patricia Hobs, with which he went around Polmir and eventually divorced in Italy.

Dean's second wife called Vibea Reed (Dandek), who worked as a teacher and model. This union also ended with divorce in November 1977.

Dean Reed and Vibe Reed

From the first and second marriages, Rida appeared two children - Ramon's daughters (born in 1968) and Natasha (1976).

Later, Dina's translator during the tour in the USSR-Oleg Smirnov - told in the conversation that Vibe Dundack was "granted" to the singer of special services GDR to leave the performer in Germany. After many years, Dean and Oleg analyzed the circumstances of the dating from Dandek and summed up that the future spouse the artist was "posted." After a gap with a musician, Vibea made a wonderful career in the MFA GDR.

The singer had a civil marriage with an actress from Estonia named Eva Kiwi. The couple was together for 15 years. Eva recalled in an interview as Beloved met in 1971 in Moscow. According to Kiwi, the feelings broke out at first glance. When the eyes of young people met, Dean picked up a girl in her arms and began kissing. From Moscow, the artists arrived in Tallinn, and the singer in the evenings performed Eva Serenad under the window.

Dean Reed and Eva Kiwi

Later, Eva said that after the first joint night with Reed to the hotel room of the artist, came running a girlfriend to sit on the bed in which Kiwi slept with a legendary musician.

For Dina Reed, the actress left the spouse of Antsa Anton, from which the girl had a two-year-old son. However, Dean and Eva never became her husband and wife. According to Kiwi, this first of all prevented the previous marriage of the artist with the niece of the long-term leader of the GDR Honneker.

As a result, lovers raurated the difference in political views.

Dean Reed with Women Renata Blume

The artist returned to the GDR, where he married the third time on the actress Renate Blume. A man adopted a child Alexander's girl. The wedding of the beloved took place in 1981.

Later, Renata said that Dean conquered the actress with romantic courtesies. The man did everything so that she felt the wisest woman.


On June 17, 1986, the famous artist discovered the dead in the Tsoyutensky Lake. This place was not far from the House of Reed in East Berlin. Then officially announced that the man drowned. But the family of the artist believed that Dina was killed by the staff of the Staja, because the singer recently wanted to return to the United States. It is officially known that from 1976 to 1978, Din Reed collaborated with a secret police.

Dean Reed

One day the third wife of the musician, Renata Blume, said that the spouse was killed by five knives blows. However, later, when documents on this case were carefully studied, taken from the archive "Staja", the official cause of the death of the artist declared suicide. This version was adhered to the German Friends of the artist: after opening in the stomach, Dina discovered to the end of a not soluble tablet of a potent sleeping bag.

Tomb Dina Reeda

Later, the neighbor of the artist, General Eberhard Fensh, shared that shortly before the death of a man and his wife heard how Reed quarreled with Renata. In general, the quarrels of her husband and wives were very frequent, and Dean has repeatedly spoke to a friend, which thinks about suicide, but Fensh has managed to dissuade the comrades from the information of accounts with life. Then it became known that the singer's car found a suicide note addressed to General.

Dina Reed was buried in Rahufangsveder (Germany). But later, the Mother of the Artist transported the dust of the Son on the Cemetery of Green Montana in Boulder (USA), where now and the grave of the famous artist is.

Zemfira wrote a song called "Do not let go" devoted to the idol of childhood. Even in honor of Reed, the streets called the city of Tinda Amur region.

In the early 2000s, actor Tom Hanks wanted to shoot the film "Comrade Rock Star" in memory of Dina Rida, where was going to play a major role. But the project was never embodied.

In 2014, a documentary was published about the singer's biography called "Dean Reed. The mystery of life and death. "


  • 1966 - "Sings Dean Reed"
  • 1970 - "Our Summer Romance"
  • 1972 - "We are revolutionaries"
  • 1976 - A Jehosvet
  • 1976 - "Sings Dean Reed"
  • 1978 - "We will say" yes "
  • 1980 - "My song for you"
  • 1980 - "Rock and Rolls, Country, Lyrical Songs"
  • 1982 - Country
  • 1986 - Country-Songs

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