Konstantin Bogomolov - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, Ksenia Sobchak, TV series, "Instagram", nationality 2021



Konstantin Bogomolov - the famous director of theater and cinema, poet, writer, actor. Known by provocative productions of classical works on a new way. About Bogomolov say that this is the very case when the audience is not going to the performance, but on the director.

Childhood and youth

Konstantin Yuryevich was born in Moscow on July 23, 1975. The father of the director Yuri Aleksandrovich Bogomolov was famous in the USSR Kinovyd, criticism and author of articles in a number of newspapers. Olga Georgievna Ulyanova's mother was also a film critic. Konstantin's parents were also brought up Olga's daughter, which went on their footsteps and became criticized.

At first, the Bogomolov received a philological education, after graduating from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. In an interview to one edition, he shared that the first specialty imposed his imprint on him and led to asocialization. A few years later, Konstantin graduated from Gitis. He passed the course of Andrei Goncharov.


The debut of the director in the theater biography took place in 2002. Then in Gitis, he independently headed on the basis of the creations of Slavomir Mroloj and Fernando Arrabal. The project was called "Lecture on the benefits of murders." Already then Konstantin was considered a young Creator with promising prospects.

A year later, Konstantin put the play "That the soldier that this". Next, other copyright projects were followed, which were demonstrated on the scenes of different metropolitan theaters, including a fairy tale for children "Moomin Troll and Comet."

Recognition to the Bogomolov came in 2007 with the release of the project "Many noise from nothing." Then, for him, Konstantin was awarded the "Seagull" award - critics and audiences were interested in the non-standard approach to the interpretation of the classics on modern way.

In 2016, the sensational "Muller Machine" was published, in which Sati Speivakova played. On the stage, the audience saw many naked heroes, so the project caused a resonance. In 2017, the premiere of the play "Sentral Park West", which was playing Alexander Baby.

The peculiarity of every work of Bogomolov is the basis in the form of a classic work, which is radically rebated. Sometimes several plays of different classics intersect in one formulation. It looks innovative, fresh and unusual. Many call such ideas ingenious, able to turn theatrical frames.

In the Oleg Tabakov theater in 2012, the premiere of Konstantin's play called "Year, when I was not born." But at that time, the director's work was subjected to the tough criticism of the audience and theatrical figures. The reason was rooted in the very cardinal change of the essence of classical works and provocative feed.

In 2014, the director put the play "Gargantua and Pantagruel" on the composition of Francois Rabl. This job came out successful and even brought the Award named after Oleg Yankovsky Festival "Cherry Forest". Then the emphasis was placed on the immersion of the viewer in the thoughts on the importance of bodily, not social, political. This new solution liked the jury of the festival. In the same year, Konstantin presented the new version of Boris Godunov in the "Lenkom". Later screenwriter worked in Mkate named after A.P. Chekhov.

One of the unusual works in the work of the "terrible child" of theatrical scene was the play "Magic Mountain" according to the novel of Thomas Mann's novel. Only 2 Persons were engaged in the project: Konstantin himself and the actress of the ElectroTere Stanislavsky project Elena Morozova. The producer practically refused the original text - viewers for action hears the oppressive silence and cough.


Career in the cinema for Bogomolov began with the film "Gobsek", published on the screens in the late 80s. In the picture, young Konstantin played Ernest de Reto, son of windy countess. Many years have passed, and, having received experience in the theater sphere, Moskvich decided to try himself as a film director. In 2017, Bogomolov became the creator and screenwriter of the film "Nastya", shielding Roman Vladimir Sorokina. The project caused resonance in the audience because of the elements of cannibalism and the violation of Orthodox men.

After a couple of years, ENFANT Terrible of Russian art struck the public with a new project - the series "Designs". He was broadcast on video service, which allowed the director not to restrain himself. The drama with elements of a detective included not only the exciting plot, but also abounded by candid bedside scenes. Famous actresses - including the former wife of Bogomolov Daria Moroz - appeared in front of the audience naked.

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The series received enthusiastic reviews of critics. In August of the same year, there were 3 releases of a talk show on the scandalous project, in which performers of major roles told about the details of the filming. In March 2020, the Masterpeace brand together with the video service Start released a collection of clothes dedicated to the "Contents". And later the audience saw the 2nd Drama Season.

In the same year, the filmography of Konstantin was replenished - he released a detective "good man" on the same video service. The real history of the investigation of the Angarsk Maniac, Mikhail Popkov, was based on a multi-sieuled film. The author invited Nikita Efremova and Julia Snugir. The tape turned out to be unusual in that from the first series the personality of the killer is revealed. The author of the series did it intentionally, wanting to concentrate the attention of the audience on the experiences of heroes, their long-time psychological injuries.

Konstantin again tried himself as an actor, starring in the film Fyodor Bondarchuk "Psych". In this project, the scenario was able to play a central character, Oleg psychotherapist, immersed in the world of various deviations of his own customers. The work imposes a print and the doctor's personality - at some point it becomes clear that the man itself needs psychological assistance.

Personal life

The personal life of the director is constantly in the center of attention of the media. Before the meeting with the first spouse, Konstantin consisted of relations with the actress of nickname. In 2009, Konstantin met Darya Moroz. The screenwriter called the performer into the play "Wolves and Sheep", offering the role of a rich young widow Kupavina. Then the artist was married, but the meeting with the director turned out to be a fateful. Married Bogomolov and Frost on May 11, 2010. In September of the same year, the pair was born daughter Anna.

In September 2018, the press learned that the once strong pair divorced. Darya and Konstantin managed to preserve the warm relationship. In the same period, rumors about the Roman of the Director and Ksenia Sobchak, who was married to Maxim Vitorgan at that time at that moment. The couple was repeatedly seen in restaurants. One of these meetings ended in a fight director and husband TV presenter. For some time, the participants of the love triangle did not comment on the information, but over time, the disorder in the family turned out to be impossible - the vitorgan and Sobchak divorced.

Almost immediately after the recognition of Konstantin and Ksenia ceased to hide the love relationship. On September 13, 2019, the Bogomolov and Sobchak played a wedding, which became the main event of the autumn. The newlyweds came to the registry office on the catatal with the inscription "While death will not separate us," then the rite of wedding passed and went to the restaurant.

In April 2021, rumors have emerged about the divorce of the pair, which heated the scandalous interview with Anastasia Volochkova. In proof of harmony in the life of Ksenia's spouses, later posted a post with a photo in an instagram-account, captured her with her husband flying in a balloon in Mexico. In the text TV presenter noted that only love for the chosen was prompted for such feats.

Konstantin Bogomols now

In 2021, the Bogomol continued creative activities. In February, the director presented his manifesto "Abduction of Europe 2.0", in which he called on Russians to not focus on European values. According to the screenwriter, Europe, continuing to look in the eyes of our country's inhabitants the center of high culture (as it was in the XIX century), has already managed to turn into a "new ethical Reich".

In European society, according to Konstantin, there is now a fanatical feminism, homosexuality, eopsythopathy. Therefore, the Russians need to adhere to high moral principles, build a "new legal ideology". The concept proposed by the director caused conflicting assessments of cultural scientists, critics, political scientists.


  • 1987 - Gobsek
  • 2017 - "Nastya"
  • 2018 - "Year, when I was not born"
  • 2019 - "Descriptions"
  • 2020 - "Safe Ties"
  • 2020 - "Good man"
  • 2020 - "Sherlock in Russia"
  • 2020 - "PSY"


  • 2007 - Laureate of the Theater Award "Seagull" for the play "Many noise from nothing" in the nomination "Make a step" for unconventional reading of a classic work.
  • 2011 - Winner of the Spectator Prize "Zhzhiva Theater" in the nomination "Director of the Year: New Wave" for the performances of "Wonderland-80" and "Turandott".
  • 2012 - Oleg Tabakov award for "original reading of domestic classics."
  • 2013 - Oleg Yankovsky Prize "Creative Opening".
  • 2016 - OK magazine premium! In the nomination "Theater of the 21st century"

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