Maria Alalykin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Star Factory, now 2021



Maria Alalykin - Participant of the 1st season of the Music show "Star Factory", in which he became the finalist as part of the Factory Female group. However, the creative career of the girl was cut off, did not have time to begin - the talented singer sharply disappeared from the scene. Since then, the fans are concerned about the question, where and why Mary disappeared and what she is doing now.

Childhood and youth

The singer was born in Moscow in a simple family. The day of her appearance on the light - April 27, 1983 - came on the sign of the Zodiac Taurus. Parents did not work in creativity, but they tried to invest in children all the best.

Masha from childhood was fond of music, dancing, singing. After school, she entered the music school. A. G. Shnitke, but could not stay there and translated into a jazz college. Study and not set here. The girl decided to change the direction and get an education in the linguistic sphere. Alalykina entered MGLU them. Maurice Teresa to the Translation Faculty.

Thanks to the model appearance, the girl became a member of the federal beauty contest "Beauty of Russia - 2001", which was a favorite to the public and reached the final. With a height of 170 cm, its weight did not exceed 56 kg, and a charming smile and a radiant eyes completed the image. Alalykina was soon on the covers of the gloss, but the model was not going to become a model. She regarded this opportunity as another step at Olympus Glory.

Personal life

About the personal life of Maria to the project "Factory of Stars", nothing is known to the fans. And at the TV show, she began with a relationship with another participant Alexei Kabanov. The couple demonstrated emotional attachment to each other, but it was only a light flirt.

The key to change in the fate of Mary was her family. At first, the parents insisted that the girl threw the scene and took up his school in the higher educational institution. Then her beloved, a lawyer named Alexei Zhenko, began to affect the life of the chosen, that she overestimated interests and values.

Maria refused the dream to become a musical star, a soloist of pop, decided to concentrate on family life and female happiness. The wedding was played by Muslim custom. Following her husband, the singer accepted Islam, changed the name on Maryam and after the wedding put on the Hijab.

Maria began to sharply condemn everything than before it was engaged in: singing, performances, female musical groups and dances in short skirts on the scene. The speeches before the male audience also now seemed to her wrong and shameful.

The pair had a daughter called Catherine. They lived quietly, but in prosperity, they were engaged in family and each other, and also learned a new faith together. But the marriage existed for a long time - in 2008, her husband left the spouse to her close girlfriend.

As the Maria subsequently informed the signatures of his blog in the "Live Journal", she introduced Alexey with the deliberate itself 2 months before parting. It happened in Sevastopol during a joint holiday.

After the divorce Maria temporarily settled at the parents, found a job in Moscow. The 4-room apartment was a repair, so the daughter Katya often spent time with his father and his new family.

Free time Maria paid self-development. She was not going to give up Islam and new principles, therefore began the study of religious literature.

Soon the convert Muslim became acquainted with a young man who subsequently became her second husband. At one time, the couple lived in Moscow, but soon Mahmoud (so the name of the new chosen one Alalykina) took her to Dagestan. Here, Maria did not close in the four walls, and found a job in a lyceum and the institute, where foreign languages ​​taught. Family couple lives happily, raising common children.

In addition to teaching activities, Alalykina entered the Working Group of the Islam site. RU ", and also settled to work in the publishing house" Ansar ".

According to religious beliefs, she appeared at work in the hijab. The Lyceum has developed a conflict situation with the bosses. But the director failed to dismiss it due to the inappropriate appearance: Alalykin defended students who were accustomed to this time and loved the new teacher.

"Star Factory"

Igor Matvienko's project "Star Factory" has become a significant event in the history of the Russian show business, although at that time neither the organizers nor the participants could guess about it. But young musicians understood that the appearance on the first channel of Russian television will give an impulse of the creative biography of each. There were several thousand applicants on the casting, and only 16 of them were destined to get into the 1st season of the program.

At the "Star Factory", Maria appeared because of the younger sister Margarita. The girl, unlike relatives, was easily able to pass the casting and get into the "big house" to the best teachers and producers of the country. Bright appearance, fashionable hairstyle and confidence helped her achieve the desired.

Life is cleaned - she performed, developed, sang. She saw the whole country. Despite the young age, the girl had a firm character, incredible confidence and ability to fall in love with the viewer. She quickly became a universal favorite.

Mary's talent shine and revealed on the stage of the main channel of the country - a member of the project sang with the stars of the stage, participated in the general rooms with other contestants and sang individually already well-known and completely new songs. For her voted classmates and spectators, and the performer reached the final. Especially the public was remembered by Duet Maria Alalykina with Yulia Zhilovna "not melancholy", as well as a solo track "Above the sky."

As a result, a female group was formed, which included talented project participants. This team came up with the name "Factory", image and wrote a repertoire consisting of uncomplicated but clinging pop songs.

Group "Factory"

After the final, all the contestants went to the country around the country. The project participants collected full halls in all cities. They were a bright career, material benefits and incredible popularity. But happiness and delight from all over Mary gradually disappeared.

Right attention to her person, permanent performances and magazines with her photo on the cover - this part of the new reality Masha liked. However, she had unloved songs, dressed "under the format" and be a participant of the quartet, and not a full soloist and a star.

The girl wanted to perform other songs and form another image in the eyes of the viewer. Yes, and work in the women's team was made to Masha the most difficult.

Plus, Alalykina began problems with studying - the university refused to hold a student who missed semesters. And Mary's parents argued that studying the priority career of the singer, and insisted on returning home. The girl went to close the session, leaving the group.

Colleagues in the "factory workshop" were shocked and did not understand why bright and ambitious Maria refuses glory.

Maria was leaving, thinking that he was out of the show business only for a while. Whoever knew that this would be the completion of her professional career and in memory of the audience, she would remain "the pretty bright girl from the factory, which for some reason left." In memory of the participation of Maria Alalykin in the first composition of the group "Factory", it remained only a clip for the song "About Love", in which the singer starred before leaving.

Later about creativity and fate of Mary came out several reports. Colleagues in the factory group remembered Mary during the filming of the program of Andrei Malakhov "Tonight" in 2017.

Maria Alalykin now

Now Maria is engaged in literary activities and writes books. In particular, transfers texts from Russian to Arabic and back, and also works with texts in three European languages. It does not return to the musical activity - the creativity and the stage, it now prefers more "correct" interests.

At one time the former star was active in the social networks "Instagram", "Vkontakte", "Live Journal". But at present she does not post information about herself or their photos.

About Maria Alalykina was again speech in 2020. On the shooting of the TV show "Tonight", dedicated to graduates of the "Star Factory", visited the mother of the artist, who revealed some details of his daughter's life and reported that Masha does not plan to return to the show business.

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