Alexandra Popova - Group "Factory", biography, photos, personal life, songs, discography and latest news 2021



Alexandra Popova is a new member of the Factory Group, which replaced the graduate of the star project of the First Canal of Sati Casanov as part of the team. This is a young beautiful singer whose features of which make it incredibly similar to the famous American actress Olivia Wilde and the famous Russian actress Larisu Guzeyev.

Alexandra Popova, Larisa Guzeeva and Olivia Wilde

A girl was born in Ukraine in 1991. Sasha has an older sister, who since childhood was engaged in vocals and dances. At the age of three, Sasha took part in one of the speeches of the older sister, fulfilling a popular song about love. So began her career singer.

All childhood Alexander spent, speaking in the theater mug, in contests for children, on the main Christmas tree of the city, and so on. At the work of creativity, the girl inspired her mother. Sasha is actively involved in various musical creative contests, some of them wins or occupy prizes. All their successes the girl combines with excellent studies at school.

Alexandra lost her mother early enough. All his victories from the age of 12 she devotes her memory.

Alexandra Popova

From adolescence, Alexandra becomes a real activist - promotes a healthy lifestyle, acts, dancing, participates in vocal competitions. And wins again and again. This continues in the student - bright and purposeful Sasha receives education in the specialty "dentist" and at the same time collects a number of creative awards and titles in his university.

Music and Career

The girl begins to make his way to a big scene after the completion of the training - she tries his hand in the project "I want to in Via Gru", the organizer of which Konstantin Meladze becomes.

At the first stage of the selection, she performs the song of the Boombox group - "Washters" and immediately attracts the attention of the demanding jury.

Unfortunately, in the competition, it does not win, although it comes to the final stage. However, it solidly decides that it will become a famous singer.

After some time, Alexander receives an invitation from which it is impossible to refuse. It turned out that the group under the auspices of Igor Matvienko is looking for a third soloist in place Kati Lee, who could not eclipse the glory of Sati Casanova. Popova is suitable in the trio in all respects - young age, bright appearance, medium height and beautiful figure.

Alexandra Popova - Group

Currently, the singer in the "Factory" performs songs and records studio albums. Her photos appear on the pages of fashion magazines, and the clips with her participation sees the whole country on the music channels. By the way, the photo session of the participants of the Trio for the Maxim Magazine "attracted special attention to the public.

The factory group actively touring the country and participates in television programs. So, in the show "I want to Meladze", the girls performed with future members of M'band - on stage, together with the "Factory girls", Vladislav Ramm and Anatoly Tsoi were sang. After speech, young people shared the impression of acquaintance with such popular singers in the social network Instagram.

Personal life

On the personal front of Alexandra Popova everything is stable - it consists in happy relationship with a young man who made a heroic act. Her boyfriend moved from Donetsk to Moscow, after the beloved, when she became a member of the popular musical trio.

Beauty secrets

Alexander's time free from work is devoted to work on himself - from recently, it is literally in love with the gym and classes with a barbell and free weights. The girl loves to attend classes in the group, swims every day in the pool.

Alexandra Popova

She is confident - sports and care is becoming a bail of beauty. And here, all sorts of tricks, the girl does not yet understand - the cooking passion, for example, the injections of Botox in the face of the girl is extremely surprised. In her opinion, women do not paint. On the contrary, they become very similar to each other, and their faces turn into a semblance of a mask.

The girl constantly walks on the massage and hair care treatments. Independently makes home masks for face. A separate question for Alexandra was the power mode. The fact is that she has a natural leaning to a rapid weight gain and completeness. For the sake of a beautiful slender figure, she had to abandon delicious, but non-disubmed dishes, replacing sweet and fast food with nuts and fruits with cottage cheese.

Alexandra Popova

Previously, the star experimented with diet, one day he even dared to lose weight through hunger. But I quickly realized that this radical method is not for her. Now she just modified her food habits - loved her greens, fish, water with lemon. Refused pizza, pasta, melon and coffee. Sweet girl eats only until 12 o'clock in the afternoon.

Such tricks and restrictions allow the singer to shine on the stage in the most extravagant and frank dresses, pleaseing the audience with executable songs and a common type of entertainment show.

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