Kravts - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Kravts is a popular Russian rap performer, whose musical compositions are characterized by a humorous subtext, and the image of the hero is close to the type of simply charming guy.

Childhood and youth

Pavel Kravtsov, better known as Rapper Kravts, was born in Tula on January 14, 1986. At a four years of age, the boy lost his father, and two years later he moved along with the mother of Vera Evgenaya to Moscow. In the capital, Pasha attended the city school with an English bias No. 1241, studied the game on piano and clarinet, and after the completion of school, he entered the university and received a specialty manager and marketer.

Kravts in childhood and youth

The music of Kravtsov was interested in early childhood, and from the young years he attracted Hip Hop. The guy adored to listen to the courageous songs of Captain Jack, Eminem and other Western performers. Already at the eleventh age, he wrote the first track in English. Paul's music continued to engage in always, in parallel with school studies and university.

In addition, the guy sought ways to work out. At first he took care of the fish at the local factory "Trout", and at the age of sixteen there was a more interesting lesson: Kravtsov worked the leading on the club parties. However, soon the young man realized that he had to be more serious about hobby with music, and abandoned club parties.

Rapper Kravts.

When young Raper was seventeen years old, he recorded the first serious song "Factory": partly in a joke, partly as a provocation. The cheeky rap of the young Kravts was written as a peculiar challenge to the popular Russian Raper Timati, as well as the project "Stars Factory", thanks to which this performer became famous.

The young man was lucky: his composition began to turn on the radio, and she quickly became popular. He heard her and Timati, who later wrote the song "The Answer" with friends.


At first, Pavel Kravtsov intended to perform in the group. Together with MS Chek and Leo, he created his own team called "Swing" and hired some Arthur to the position of producer. The guys recorded enough material for the first album, but it was not published: the record is unknown where it was contacted along with the producer Artur.

However, this experience was useful for Kravts: first, he finally made sure that he wanted to engage in music, and not by marketing, and secondly, he decided to start the solo career.

In 2009, the first record was recorded in the artist's creative biography: "Puff Naughty". The album was published on the Beatworks recording label. She entered 17 tracks, and some were recorded with performers Alexander Panayotov, Alexei Goman and Maria Zaitseva.

Performer hip-hop kravts

Also, Tair Mamedov was also noted on the album - a resident of the Comedy Club show. Acquaintance with the director took place in 2006, when both rest on Goa. Later, young people became neighbors around the area. In addition to the clips that Tair regularly removes the Kravtsu, their cooperation was also on the set of Comedy Mamedov "Women against Men". There the musician got an episodic role of the waiter.

Alexander Nellobin also became a friend of Rapper from "Comedy". The first album of the artist was notable and the fact that the song "did not pump, but presented!" From this album was one of the soundtracks to the comedy film "8 first dates".

In 2011, the second Plate of Rapper was published, called the "Association Set". It also includes seventeen tracks, and many of them were also executed in collaboration with other performers. The company Kravtsu was as already familiar to his fans on the first album of Mamedov and Panayotov, and the underground performers like Zagi side and 5 plums. On the hits "close", "endorphin" and "sea" from this album were removed record-wide clips.

Oddly enough, Paul Kravtsov did not have to spend the years to conquer the audience, and after the release of two albums of the young guy, it was already quite possible to call a successful rap performer.

Singer Kravts.

In 2012, he recorded the third record - "Boomerang". In addition, he entered the song "Zero", recorded by the performer under his own guitar accompaniment and became one of the most popular compositions of Paul. On the video hosting youtube, the track collected about 3 million views.

At the end of 2012, the Raper acted as the founder of the Creative Association "PRESNYA FAMILY", which he himself and his friends call the "fraternal connector of talented artists." Association is intended to work on diverse cinema and telemodes, as well as to help young talents. The first artist, with whom the "PRESNYA FAMILY" began working, became Zhenya Didur (Paramoldah).

Kravts writes bold texts in which public stereotypes ridicules. However, despite the fact that the guy in the tracks is trying to teach people life, many noted the absence of pathos in his lyrics.

In 2014, Rapper recorded the fourth plate of "Fresh Relax", which included popular songs "No conflict", "penetrated by me", "The World of Banal Truths", "And I" and others. The album is notable for a large number of joint work with other musicians. So, in the record records, Ivan Dorn, Alexander Panayotov, GUF, Hamil from the Qasta group, Andrei Averin, Slovensky from the Constanta group and others.

The fifth plate received the name "bad romantic" and came out in 2015. As you can guess from the name, most tracks for this album Kravts decided to devote to relationships in various manifestations. The most popular compositions from the "bad romance" again became creative duets with other performers: the song "Do not know them", written together with the Caspian cargo group, the track "elusive", the company for which Kravtsu has amounted to Isa, the composition "Problem" recorded with Alexander Panikeyotov.

In 2016, Pavel Kravtsov expanded the number of music buddies by two more famous performers: along with Tony Tonite he performed the song "I would like to know," and, together with AllJ (Eldj), he recorded the "disconnect" track.

Personal life

Although Rapper has its own page in "Instagram" with a large number of subscribers, and journalists are not lynching to ask him about personal life, it is known about it quite a bit. Somehow Paul was mentioned that he had a girl, but she never became his wife. Now looking for a real soulam.

At one time, the young man was attributed to the novel with a friend of childhood Ayza, with which he recorded a joint track, but the girl was already married to his comrades - Rapper Guf - and went to him. And on the misfortune of close people Kravts, our own happiness is not used to building. In the future, the girl was safely married to the businessman and professional surfer Dmitry Anokhin, and this topic exhausted himself.

Since the photo, where Kravts with a loving look hugs some kind of beauty until it appeared, it can be assumed that "the only" rapper has not yet found. This state of affairs encourages his fans, because each of these girls in the depths of the soul dreams to be near the high, charismatic musician (the growth of the Kravtsa is 179 cm, the weight is 63 kg).

Kravts with mom

Of great importance for a young man has a family. Mom strongly supports his son and even periodically goes to his concerts. As Paul himself notes, she is his only close relative, and he is very grateful to Mom for everything. Paul also does not forget the small homeland. In his free time, the musician visits Grandpa Larisa in Tula and Grandpa Volodya, and reporters every time proudly reports that he is Tulyak. In their hometown, too, do not forget the famous compatriot, the full rooms are going to concerts and villains of Rapper in Tula.

Interestingly, Kravtsa has complete intolerance to coffee. In early childhood, a boy became bad from the accidentally tastened drink. After that case, Paul avoids invigorating coffee.

Kravts now

Kravts does not cease to surprise fans with original musical compositions, which are distinguished by wit and high professionalism. Such a song has become "publishing for me", recorded in the ensemble with Duet "Degrees".

The popularity of RPPER is confirmed not only by the ratings of his prime minister, but also participation in popular TV projects. At the end of 2017, the singer became a guest of the entertainment transmission "Where is the logic?". Kravts together with a colleague - hip-hop performer Jah Khalib - played against Tandem Vadim Galygina and Natalia Oreva.

In March 2018, the release of the Kravtsi clip was held on the Tango Hugovo Track, created in humorous style. Horeographer setting for the video became Anton Panun, and the director - Tair Mamedov. The main female role was performed by the dancer Julia Samoilenko. Clip on YouTube scored over 2.5 million views.

In the summer, the creative life of Kravts was extremely saturated. Among the concerts of Rapper - performances at the fever festivals in Sochi, as well as at the annual Music Festival "Heat" in Baku. On June 15, the release of the next album of the rap artist "What else to explain", which was released on the label "First Music Publishing" (PM). Tony Tonite, Feduk, Degrees and Musicians from St. Petersburg "Greenwich" participated in the songs. Now they are shooting clips on the tracks "Scooby Doo" and "Alien".


  • 2009 - "Puff Naughty"
  • 2011 - "Association Set"
  • 2012 - "Boomerang"
  • 2014 - "Fresh Relax"
  • 2015 - "Bad Romantic"
  • 2016 - "On the same street"
  • 2018 - "What else to explain"

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