Alena Gavrilova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Emin Agalarov 2021



Alena Gavrilova is a Russian model and beauty queen from Mordovia, whose biography interested in the public in connection with novels with famous people. Its personal life is regularly discussed in the press, which does not give a woman any pleasure. It has its own achievements not only as a model: Alena also took place as a business woman, but this fact concerns reporters much less than her novels.

Childhood and youth

Alena Gavrilova was born on August 7, 1987 in Saransk, the capital of Mordovia. According to the sign of the zodiac, she lion.

Ambolism plans and thrust for beautiful steel for a girl with a traveling star in the life path. Alena received secondary education in an ordinary school until a bright event happened to her fate. At the age of 17, she fell to Miss Mordovia - 2004 and won him, taking 1st place.

Personal life

At the beauty contest, Gavrilov met his co-founder - the Russian billionaire Rustam Tariko, Tatarin by nationality, the owner of the vodka concern "Russian Standard".

The model did not embarrass the difference in age: the businessman was older than the young beauty on a quarter of a century. Surprisingly, this Mesallians turned out to be a strong alliance. For the sake of Alena Rustam left the family. In the youth, Gavrilova did not think about what was the cause of the collapse of the family. Like any other young girl, she thought about the device of his own personal life.

A businessman spread with the official wife of Tatiana Osipova. Divorce came out noisy and scandalous, because Tatiana filed to the court on the former husband. Rustam won this process, he was awarded guardianship over two common daughters, and forced Osipov to pay alimony.

Soon the former spouses decided to conclude a truce - the children returned to the mother, and Rustam agreed to allocate the round sum on their content. In 2007, Alena and Rustam became parents. They had the only son. Meanwhile, the businessman was in a hurry to relent himself with the Uzami marriage. Gavrilova remained in the status of his civil wife. Vodka magnate allocated a large amount for the content of the son born in the Union with the model.

Alena and Rustam appeared everywhere together, it seemed about family happiness testify their numerous joint photos. However, in the summer of 2016, rumors were leaked to the press that the billionaire and the model broke up, living in a civil marriage of 9 years. This information turned out to be reliable.

Alena did not disappear, her personal life continued to beat the key, as clearly indicated pictures and posts in "Instagram". In 2016, Gavrilova began to meet with Eminem Agalarov, singer and the richest heir to the Crocus Empire. Before, a man was married to the daughter of President of Azerbaijan Leyla Aliyeva, but in 2015 the spouses divorced. As Emin reporters told, they met with Gavrilova randomly. The girl from the first moments liked the singer, and he just approached her and began the conversation. At the time of dating both did not know anything about each other.

Couple held a shared vacation in Italy, then went to the Saint-Tropez. Officially, the audience met a new lover musician at a solemn event held in Crocus City Hall in honor of the birthday of Emin. Later, the artist arranged a journey with Alena and Sons Ali and Mikail. The boys managed to make friends with the elected father and warmly talked with her.

In many photos from the rest, which the model placed in "Instagram", she looked still more painted and more naturally than at the 2004 competition in a swimsuit. Perhaps the reason was walking in mutual love. About plastic and cosmetology procedures Alena does not mention.

In August 2017, Agalarov arranged a penny celebration of her 30th anniversary. At the celebration of Gavrilov appeared in a lighted dress of lilac colors, the photo session spent in this outfit opposite the stand decorated with roses. Guests gladly posted near the birthday girl. After the official part of the evening, Alena changed the outfit on a slight dress of golden tones. The culmination of the evening was a festive firework. No dinner and without a multi-tiered cake.

In 2018, a wedding ring appeared on the nameless finger of the woman. The wedding was played in summer, the reception on this occasion was arranged in the Golf Golf Club of the Emina Agalarov Estate. They say that a decent amount of money was spent on the holiday, the famous TV presenter Andrei Malakhov was invited to carry out the event.

At the same time, rumors began to be seeded in the press that the ambulance wedding was not just like that. Allegedly Gavrilov was already pregnant at that time, and therefore the lovers had a common marriage. Soon this information was confirmed. In January 2019, Gavrilova gave birth to a daughter called Athena.

Despite the difficulties of maternity and sleepless nights with the baby, a woman all this time continued to delight "Instagram" subscribers with personal pictures from everyday life. Then Gavrilov, together with her husband, went to the Maldives, as joyfully informed fans, demonstrating an impeccable figure on the pictures, which for the decade did not change at all. It was not shy to publish photos without makeup, as fans say, Alena from nature is attractive, and the absence of cosmetics does not make it worse.

Already after the birth of a common daughter in an interview, Emin told that this event brought together a couple. According to him, small quarrels and misunderstanding disappeared in the family. Therefore, when in the spring of 2020, a man reported on a divorce with Alena, for fans it became a big surprise.

The singer decided to notify this subscribers through "Instagram". The touching post with gratitude to Gavrilova and the words of farewell, he supported the wedding photo. When this fact became public domain, everyone turned to the abrasions to Alena. Woman painfully perceived the pitch of the spouse, answering all the Follovers at once. She asked to give time to come to himself, because she was very painful and hard.

The questions of reporters about the cause of divorce, Emin answered simply, which is not experiencing the previous feelings for the spouse, and therefore no longer sees the point of continuing.

It seems that the fans of Gavrilova have not yet bored with the thought of the collapse of the couple. On the Fan page of Alena, the photos are still dominated by the model is captured with Emine.


The bright start at the beauty contest immediately opened the girl the way to the model business, nature endowed it with the appropriate data: beautiful forms and slender figure. With a height of 180 cm, the weight of Gavrilova did not exceed 57 kg (it retains these parameters now). Alena, not thinking short, I went to conquer the capital, deciding to start a new page of the biography with a career of a professional model.

In Moscow, the next stage of the All-Russian Competition "Miss Russia" took place. The main title of native of Saratov was not conquered, but it entered the top ten most beautiful finalists and attracted the attention of possible employers.

In the capital, the girl immediately loaded the work. Let her and failed to get out of the top models, however, natural data and charm noted many agencies.

Alena participated in regular photo shoots, starred in commercials and marched on the podium on the fashion shows of the collections of Valentina Yudashkin and other famous designers.

In 2017, Gavrilova starred in Agalair's clip on his hit Good Love. On the Alena screen appeared in the usual role of a fatal beauty, which can eliminate all obstacles on the way to reunion with her beloved.

And in March 2018, Alena Gavrilova launched its own project - a multidiscipline Beauty laboratory BeautyLab No. 7 in the Moscow shopping center Vegas Kuntsevo. The discovery was held in a solemn atmosphere in the presence of eminent guests. The first visitors of the beauty salon of Yasmin Muratovich, Tatiana Navka, Angelica Agurbash, Evelyna Bledans and Son Semen, Natalia Bardo.

Alena Gavrilova now

Beauty Laboratory Alena Beautylab number 7 and today continues to function. The model offers professional cosmetics of global brands and products unknown in Russia, but in great demand in narrow circles. Clients in its salon are provided by manicure, pedicure, microblading, hair styling, and so on. Among the visitors of the salon Gavrilova a lot of stars of modern show business.

In "Instagram" Alena continues to delight subscribers with fresh photos, there are touching pictures with her daughter. She also regularly advertises its own beauty salon to attract new customers, promising them qualitative procedures from their masters.

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