Bob Marley - Biography, Photos, Songs, Personal Life, Family and Latest News



Bob Marley is a famous composer, an extraordinary musician, the legendary artist in the style of reggae. His songs love and know all the fans of this musical direction. Marley became a peculiar investigator of this musical genre, and now, over the years after his death, he remains the most popular and famous performer of such songs.

His image as a musician - Men with long dreadlines, be sure to "Rastaman" hat, with a constant wide smile on his face and with a guitar in his hands - became the personification of reggae as it is.

Bob Marley in childhood

Bob come from Jamaica. Born in the family of the workers of the European-Military, who arrived from the mainland, and the young indigenous inhabitant of the island. Little Marley almost did not see dad, because he was constantly on the tasks and worked a lot. Father Bob died when the child was 10 years old.

The boy studied at an ordinary local school, after completing it began to work as a handyman. In adolescence, Bob joined the subculture of ore-fighting, putting aggressiveness in the head of the corner and romanticized crime. External distinctive features in such young people - necessarily a short haircut or profound head, fitted in the figure of things from costume fabric.

Bob Marley in youth

The musical component of this movement was also available - the youth of this wave "broke out" on discos under SKA (the direction of Jamaican music). It is in this subculture and at this age, young bob begins to try himself in music and is trying to uncover and develop his creative potential.


The first musical experiments of Bob Marley put on their own, however they were not too successful. In his youth, he became a member of the musical team, with whom she achieved first recognition. His group "The Wairers", created together with friends and like-minded people, passed a long way and was transformed many times, changing the composition and positioning on the musical arena, but in the end brought its creators first the national, and then world fame.

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Bob released singles and albums first as part of the group, and then transformed it into its own author's project "Bob Marley and The Wairers". Together they came with touring in the United States of America, and then for the rest of the worlds in Europe (in Europe, Africa, Asia).

In the USSR, Marli became popular already at the sunset of his life - songs of the freedom-loving unusual singer, who became a voice of a whole generation in his homeland, still passed through the Iron Curtain and made an indelible impression on the residents of the Union.

Bob Marley on stage

Creativity Marley and his groups receive recognition among musical critics - their albums and singles receive awards, and Marley repeatedly becomes the winner of the title "best singer."

Marley's songs united the most different people - and residents of disadvantaged areas of Jamaica cities, and "golden youth". His creativity, he gave people hope for the best, faith and all-friendly and comprehensive love.

His cult song "One love" turned into a unapproved national anthem of Jamaica residents, she literally united politicians and groupings that were turned into a time of Maril Jamaica in the battlefield for their interests. I wrote this song after the attempt was made on him - it was focused on it.

Marley performed on stage and pleased their work of fans to death.


In the last years of the life of Bob suffered from a malignant disease - tumors on the finger of the foot, which appeared as a result of injury while playing the favorite game of the singer - Football. The composer refused to "disassemble himself into parts" and amputate the finger-embedded disease, because he, as a real Rastaman, should have died "whole". As a result, a long-term persistent struggle with cancer singer lost - he dies right during the tour, and did not have time to return to his homeland.

Bob Marley loved football

The last months of the singer's life were extremely severe - prescribed treatment had serious consequences in the form of hair loss and imminent immunity. The irony of fate lies in the fact that the leader of African Americans Marley actually died of a disease, which is characteristic of the population with light skin. Marley was susceptible to the disease due to the fact that his father had white-skinned.

Personal life

Football really occupied a special place in the heart of the singer. The love of this sport at Bob was so huge that the point of compulsory access to the football field and the ball at any time was registered in his rider. And he was really good in this sport: playing on the position of the desire in the center of the field, he literally "glued" the ball to his feet, no one and nothing could take away the ball from Marlly. He had many years of practice - love, even passion, Marli appeared to this sport in distant childhood.

Bob Marley with Rita Rita

All his life with gauze hand in hand was held by his wife Rita, who worked at Bob on a singing at the beginning of his career. A very young bob once met a girl on the street, who was walking and sang with friends. Her talent and appearance attracted a twenty-year-old Bob, and he began to care for her. A rapid novel twisted, young lovers decided to get married.

At the beginning of the career, Bob couple lived in love and harmony, however, with the arrival of incredible popularity, the husband began to make at home and more and more often to start random novels.

Bob Marley with children

Rita and Bob Marley had a big and friendly family - the wife gave the singer sons and daughters. All children - and four of them are four of them four - now or otherwise connected with music and other types of creativity. In total, Maril is eleven children, not counting one adoptive son.

Rita showed heroic features, often raising and native children, and gone siblings from intrigues with other women. According to Rita, at the beginning of Bob relations were a caring and loving approximate husband, but over time he began to change the legitimate wife. In his excuse, he said that he wants a lot of children and simply does not want to bother with numerous pregnancies. By the way, my most popular song "No, a woman, not crying" Marley dedicated to his only legitimate wife. A woman admits that at least her relationship with Bob can be called normal with great difficulty, she former former husband former husband and keeps the gentle memory about him.

Numerous children of Marley give tribute to the talent of the Father, continuing his work. They act, sing, create author's musical projects or are engaged in other creative professions. In other words, they all try to leave a mark in history and make this world a little better.

Children and grandchildren Bob Marley

Not so long ago, in one of the glossy magazines, the United States came out with a photo on the cover, which gathered all children and grandchildren in one frame. The snapshot became very popular on social networks, he scattered across the Internet. This was a decade meeting for descendants of Marli.


There are a number of specific areas of life and general images, which will forever be associated exclusively with Bob Marley. For example, it is his name for millions of adolescents and students justify their desire to smoke light narcotic herbs. After all, Marley himself frankly recognized that he did it regularly. He could allow himself to even go on the stage, holding a "jamb" in the lips.

Bob Marley

Invaluable the role that Marli played in the spread of rastafarine. His songs were praised by this faith on the quotes, and the singer himself considered the Messenger of their true faith. The influence of gauze on the development of the philosophy of PanForkanism among a certain category of people. His contribution is incredible, he became a ambassador of this idea and his actions and creativity really changed the course of history. For this, he was awarded several prizes and awards.

Bob Marley

Despite the fact that gone died in the past century, his work and life philosophy acquire all new and new fans so far. His photos are printed on the masters of the mass market and on things that are included in the collection of the first lines of world fashion brands. Lovers in the songs of Marley a lot and in modern Hollywood - Singer Rihanna and Beyonce, actress Eliza Taylor and many others.

The statements of Bob Marley became covered phrases and expressions, and his last words - that it is impossible to buy a life for a coin - became aphorism.

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