Asya Dubrovskaya - biography, personal life, photos, movies and last news 2021



Asya Dubrovskaya - the rising star of domestic cinema. Today, the actress is two dozen movies of films, in which she got predominantly the role of the second plan and episodes. Nevertheless, the girl has a considerable army of fans who carefully follow the development of her creative biography and are looking forward to every new appearance of their favorite on the screen.

Asya Dubrovskaya

Asya Dubrovskaya was born on October 22, 1986 in Moscow. Unfortunately, this information about the early years of life actresses is exhausted. The fact that the girl grew up an artistic and creative person was left. After graduating from school, Dubrovskaya did not think for a long time: the dream of becoming an actress led Asya to the famous theatrical university - a school-studio MCAT. A talented Muscovite came from the first attempt and was enrolled in the course of famous actors and remarkable mentors Igor Zolotovitsky and Sergey Zemtsov.

In 2006, Ace was awarded a diploma of higher theatrical education, and a beginner artist continued his creative way, the first steps for which she did, being a student.


ASI Dubrovskaya debut on the theater scene took place in student years: a beginner actress came to the MHT layout, playing his first role in the play of Kirill Serebrennikov. The famous director immediately asked a young artist to the highest skill bar, which for Asi became a kind of beacon, indicating how and where to move.

Asya Dubrovskaya in the theater

After the end of the theater university, Asya Dubrovskaya was accepted in the troupe of the Moscow Art Theater, whose scene went out until 2010. And from 2011, the artist passed into a small theater, but today Dubrovskaya appears on other stage. It is known that it takes part in the activities of the creative association "Duet".

Asya Dubrovskaya in the theater

In the baggage Asi Dubrovskaya not one dozen played theatrical roles. In MHT, she was entrusted with the roles in the performances of "Oblomov", "Last Sacrifice", "Do not part with your loved ones" and "Undina". But in the Small Theater, the actress's talent revealed more fully: in many productions she played key heroines. In the play "Last victim", Asya Dubrovskaya reincarnated in Irina Lavrovna, in the "efforts of love" on the work of William Shakespeare - in Rosalin. Then there were the production "His people to tear up!", "Children Vanyushina" and "eight loving women."

In a new way, to reveal his creative abilities asya Dubrovskaya was able to in the bright performances of Nyura Chapai and the "abduction of Sabinhininov", which were set by the creative association "Duet".


The cinematic biography of Asi Dubrovskaya began in student years. In 2004, the girl first appeared on the screen - she was invited to the role of the second plan in the popular TV series "Always say always." The actress was involved in the second season of the project and played the heroine, which was also called asya. In the same year, Dubrovskaya appeared in the episode of the mini-series "Women in the game without rules".

Asya Dubrovskaya in the film

In 2006, Cinematic Career Asi Dubrovskaya develops. The artist was involved in four new films. She again was invited to continue the series "Always say always", and also played bright roles in the sensational tapes "Paparaza" and "Captive children".

Named filmmakers gave a lot of actress in terms of acquiring skills, but did not bring wide fame.

The taste of Glory Asya Dubrovskaya felt a little later, in 2008, when the audience saw the criminal adventure drama Vyacheslav Nikiforova "Zakha,". An even greater recognition came to the young artist after the release of the wonderful comedy melodrama Vladimir Krasnopolsky and Valery Uskov "Love is not potato." The heroine of Migunov's countertility performed by Anastasia was inimitable and perfectly remembered to the audience.

Another vivid role, played by Dubrovskaya in 2008 - Ali in the TV series "Palach".

Asya Dubrovskaya in the film

In 2016, the first season of the comedy series "Marry Pushkin" came out on the first channel. His creators became all the same Vladimir Krasnopolsky and Valery Uskov, who removed the comedy "Love is not potato." Directors again called in their project to the audience asya Dubrovskaya. And this time, Anastasia again justified the expectations of the creators of the tape and their fans and played the heroine perfectly by the name Katya Gonzales.

In this project, Asya Dubrovskaya played with such stars of domestic cinema, like Roman Magyanov and Vsevolod Shilovsky. In addition to Anastasia, several more young actors appeared in the project, whose names today are heard: Alexander Bortich, Dmitry Hudochkin and Ivan Dobronravov.

In February 2017, Asya Dubrovskaya brought his new pleasant surprise to his fans: she appeared on the TNT channel in the comedy TV series "Adaptation" of Fedor Stukov, the creator of the well-known projects "Fizruk" and "Eighties". In this spy Sitkom, Anastasia played Svetlana, a girlfriend of Marina, and the role of Marina went to Evgenia Bric. And the audience saw in this tape already well-known Leonid Bichevin and Arthur dustless.

He starred in Sitkom and Alexey Dubrovsky. With him, Asya operates on the filming area not the first time: the actors met in the projects "Love - not potato" and "get married to Pushkin". Asya and Alexey - Namesakes.

Personal life

About the personal life of Asi Dubrovskaya information is not so much. According to unconfirmed information, the actress is not yet married, the family, her husband and children have no yet. But in social networks they say that the artist has a young man whose name is Alexander.

Asya Dubrovskaya

Photo with Sasha fans of Anastasia found on her page in Instagram, from which they concluded that the heart of his beloved actress is busy. But the silence itself keeps silence and seems to be in a hurry to open all their secrets fans.


  • 2004 - "Women in the game without rules"
  • 2004 - "Always say" always ""
  • 2006 - "Lord Golovy"
  • 2007 - "Law and Order"
  • 2007 - "Turkish March"
  • 2008 - "Narchar"
  • 2013 - "Love is not potato"
  • 2014 - "Palace"
  • 2016 - "Get married Pushkin"
  • 2017 - "Adaptation

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