Vladimir Mayakovsky - biography, photo, personal life, poems, works, death



The brilliant works of Vladimir Mayakovsky cause a true admiration of the millions of his admirers. He deservedly refers to the number of the greatest feturist poets of the 20th century. In addition, Mayakovsky showed himself an extraordinary playwright, satyrik, film director, a screenwriter, an artist, as well as the editor of several magazines. His life, multifaceted creativity, as well as complete love and experiences of personal relationships and today remain not until the end of the solid secret.

A talented poet was born in the small Georgian village of Bagdati (Russian Empire). His mother Alexander Alekseevna belonged to the Cossack clan from Kuban, and Father Vladimir Konstantinovich worked with simple forester. Vladimir had two brothers - Kostya and Sasha, who died back in childhood, as well as two sisters - Olya and Luda.

Vladimir Mayakovsky in childhood

Mayakovsky perfectly knew the Georgian language and since 1902 he studied at the gymnasium of Kutaisi. Already in his youth, he was captured by revolutionary ideas, and, while studying in the gymnasium, he participated in the revolutionary demonstration.

In 1906, the father died suddenly. The cause of death was to infect blood, which occurred as a result of a finger thumb with an ordinary needle. This event was so shocked by Mayakovsky that in the future he completely avoided the hairpins and pins, fearing the fate of his father.

Vladimir Mayakovsky in his youth

In the same 1906, Alexander Alekseevna moved to Moscow with children. Vladimir continued his training in the fifth classical gymnasium, where he visited classes together with the brother of the poet B. Pasternak - Alexander. However, with the death of the father, the financial situation of the family deteriorated significantly. As a result, in 1908, Vladimir could not pay for his training, and expelled it from the fifth grade of the gymnasium.


In Moscow, a young guy began to communicate with students who are fond of revolutionary ideas. In 1908, Mayakovsky decided to become a member of the RSDLP and often promoted among the population. During the 1908-1909, Vladimir were arrested three times, but due to the minority and the lack of evidence were forced to let go of freedom.

During investigations, Mayakovsky could not calmly be in four walls. Through constant scandals, it was often translated into different places of detention. As a result, he was in a Butyrsa prison, where he held eleven months and began to write poems.

Vladimir Mayakovsky in youth

In 1910, the young poet came out of the conclusion and immediately left the party. The following year, the artist Yevgeny Lang, with which Vladimir was in friendly relations, recommended that he was painting. During training in the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, he met the founders of the group of futurists "Gilea" and joined the Cubefuturists.

The first work of Mayakovsky, which was printed, was the poem "Night" (1912). At the same time, the young poet first publicly performed in the artistic basement, which was called the "stray dog."

Vladimir, together with the members of the group of Cubefuturists, participated in the tour in Russia, where he lectured and his poems. Soon there were positive reviews about Mayakovsky, but he was often considered out of futurists. M. Gorky believed that among Futurists Mayakovsky was the only real poet.

Vladimir Mayakovsky

The first compilation of the young poet "I" was published in 1913 and consisted of only four poems. This year also accounts for writing the Bunlet poem "NATE!", In which the author challenges the entire bourgeois society. Next year, Vladimir has created a touching poem "Listen", struck readers with your painfulness and sensitivity.

Attracted a brilliant poet and dramaturgy. 1914 was marked by the creation of a tragedy "Vladimir Mayakovsky", submitted to the public on the stage of the St. Petersburg Theater "Luna Park". At the same time, Vladimir spoke her director, as well as the leading role. The main motive of the work was the rebellion of things that connected the tragedy with the work of futurists.

In 1914, the young poet firmly decided to voluntarily sign up to the army, but his political unreliability frightened government representatives. He did not hit the front and in response to neglect wrote a poem "to you", in which he gave his assessment of the royal army. In addition, the brilliant works of Mayakovsky - "Cloud in the pants" and "War declared" appeared soon.

The following year, a fateful meeting of Mayakovsky Vladimir Vladimirovich and his family briquette took place. From now on, his life was one of the whole with Lily and Osip. From 1915 to 1917, thanks to the protection of M. Gorky poet served in the automotive school. And although he, being a soldier, did not have the right to be printed, Osip Bric came to his aid. He acquired two poems of Vladimir and soon published them.

At the same time, Mayakovsky plunged into the world of satire and in 1915 printed a cycle of "Hymn" in the "New Satirone". Soon there are two major collections of works - "simple as a washed" (1916) and "Revolution. Pootakhronik "(1917).

The Oktyabrskaya Revolution The Great Poet met at the headquarters of the uprising in Smolny. He immediately began to cooperate with the new government and participated in the first collections of cultural figures. It should be noted that Mayakovsky was headed by a squad of a soldier who arrested General P. Secretayev who headed the automotive school, although earlier from his hands received the medal "For diligence".

1917-1918 were noted by the release of several works of Mayakovsky dedicated to revolutionary events (for example, "Ode Revolution", "Our March"). The first anniversary of the revolution was presented with a play Miscellaneous Buff.

Vladimir Mayakovsky

He was fond of Mayakovsky and a film. In 1919, three film vehicles were published in the world, in which Vladimir made an actor, screenwriter and director. At the same time, the poet began to cooperate with growth and worked on agitational and satirical posters. Parallel Mayakovsky worked in the newspaper "The Art of the Commune".

In addition, in 1918, the poet created the group "Compt", the direction of which can be described as communist futurism. But in 1923, Vladimir organizes another group - "Left Front of Arts", as well as the corresponding Log "Lef".

At this time, there is a creation of several bright and memorable works of the genius poet: "About it" (1923), "Sevastopol - Yalta" (1924), "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin" (1924). We emphasize that while reading the last poem, I. Stalin himself was present in the Bolshoi Theater. After the performance of Mayakovsky, the ovation was followed, which lasted 20 minutes. In general, it was all years of civil war for Vladimir the best time, what he mentioned in the poem "Good!" (1927).

Vladimir Mayakovsky

No less important and saturated was for the Mayakovsky period of frequent travel. During 1922-1924, he visited France, Latvia and Germany, which devoted several works. In 1925, Vladimir went to America, visiting Mexico City, Havana and many US cities.

The beginning of the 20s was noted by a stormy controversy between Vladimir Mayakovsky and Sergey Yesenin. The latter at that time joined the immudyists - the irreconcilable opponents of futurists. In addition, Mayakovsky was a poet of revolution and the city, and Yesenin in his work exceeded the village.

However, Vladimir could not not recognize the unconditional talent of his opponent, although it criticized him for conservatism and addiction to alcohol. In a sense, they were relative souls - quick-tempered, wounded, in constant search and despair. They were united even the topic of suicide, which was present in the work of both poets.

Vladimir Mayakovsky and Sergey Yesenin

During the 1926-1927, Mayakovsky created 9 kinoszenarians. In addition, in 1927 the poet resumed the activities of the LEF magazine. But a year later he left the magazine and the relevant organization, finally disappointed in them. In 1929, Vladimir bases the Ref Group, but next year it comes out of her and becomes a member of the "RAPP".

At the end of the 20s, Mayakovsky appeals to the drama. He prepares two plays: "Klop" (1928) and "Banya" (1929), designed specifically for the theater scene of Meyerhold. They produced a satirical supply of reality of the 20s with a look into the future.

Meyerhold compared Mayakovsky talent with the genius of Moliere, but critics met his new works crushing comments. In the "bedpie" they found only artistic flaws, but even accusations of ideological character were nominated to Bana. In many newspapers, extremely offensive articles were posted, and some of them had headlines "Down Lightovo!"

Vladimir Mayakovsky

The fateful 1930 began for the greatest poet with numerous accusations of colleagues. Mayakovsky stated that he was not a true "proletarian writer", and just a "companion". But despite criticism, in the spring of that year, Vladimir decided to summarize his activities, for which he organized an exhibition called "20 years of work".

The exhibition displaced all the multifaceted achievements of Mayakovsky, but brought solid disappointment. She was not visited by the former colleagues of the poet on LEFU, nor the Higher Party Guide. It was a cruel blow, after which a deep wound remained in the soul of the poet.


In 1930, Vladimir sick a lot and even feared to lose his voice, which would put an end to his speeches on stage. Personal life of the poet has become unsuccessful struggle for happiness. He was very alone, because Brick is his constant support and consolation, left abroad.

Attacks from all sides lay on Mayakovsky severe moral cargo, and the wounding soul of the poet could not stand. On April 14, Vladimir Mayakovsky fired himself in the chest, which was the cause of his death.

Mogila Mayakovsky

After the death of Mayakovsky, his work fell under the unlawful ban and almost not published. In 1936, Lilya BRIC wrote a letter to I. Stalin with a request to assist in keeping the memory of a great poet. In his resolution, Stalin highly appreciated the achievements of the deceased and gave permission to publish the works of Mayakovsky and the creation of the museum.

Personal life

Lyukovsky's love of the whole life was Lily Bric, the meeting was held in 1915. At that time, the young poet met with her sister - Elsa Treole, and once the girl led Vladimir in the brik apartment. There Mayakovsky first read the poem "Cloud in pants", and then solemnly dedicated her lile. It is not surprising, but the sample of the heroine of this poem was the sculptor Maria Denisov, in which the poet fell in love with 1914.

Vladimir Mayakovsky and Lily Bric

Soon the novel broke out between Vladimir and Lily, while Osip BRIC closed his eyes to passing his wife. Lilya became the Mayakovsky Museum, it was she devoted to almost all his verses of love. He expressed the boundless depth of his feelings to Bric in the following works: "Flute-spine", "Man", "To All", "Lelichka!" and etc.

Loves together participated in the filming films "Charked by the film" (1918). Moreover, since 1918, Brick and the Great Poet began to live together, which fully fit into an existing marriage-love concept at that time. They changed their place of residence several times, but each time they settled together. Often, Mayakovsky even contained a family of briks, and from all trips abroad necessarily brought lily luxury gifts (for example, the Renault car).

Vladimir Mayakovsky and Ellie Jones

Despite the infinite attachment of the poet to Lelichk, there were other beloved in his life, even the children gave him. In 1920, Mayakovsky had a close relationship with the artist Lily Lavinskaya, who presented him with the son of Gleb-Nikitu (1921-1986).

1926 marked another fateful meeting. Vladimir met Ellie Jones - an emigrant from Russia, who gave him the daughter of Elena-Patricia (1926-2016). Also, a mimoletic relationship was associated with the poet with Sofia Shamardina and Natalia Brojanhenko.

Vladimir Mayakovsky and Tatyana Yakovlev

In addition, in Paris, an outstanding poet met with an emigration of Tatiana Yakovleva. The feelings broke out between them gradually fastened and promised to turn into something serious and long. Mayakovsky wanted Yakovleva to come to Moscow, but she refused. Then in 1929, Vladimir decided to go to Tatiana, however, problems with obtaining a visa became an irresistible obstacle.

Last love Vladimir Mayakovsky was a young and married actress Veronica Polonskaya. The poet demanded from a 21-year-old girl to quit her husband, but Veronica was not solved on such serious changes in life, because the 36-year-old Mayakovsky seemed to be contradictory, impulsive and non-permanent.

Vladimir Mayakovsky and Veronica Polonskaya

Difficulties in relationships with a young beloved pushed Mayakovsky to the fatal step. She was the last one who saw Vladimir before his death and gladly asked her not to go to the planned rehearsal. Did not have time to close the girl's door, as the fatal shot sounded. Polonskaya did not dare to come to the funeral, because the relatives of the poet considered it a guilty in the death of a native person.

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