Dzhango (freed) - Biography Slave, Actors and Roles, Interesting Facts


Character History

Dzhango - a slave that miraculously managed to get freedom is the creation of a brilliant Quentin Tarantino. The history of rescue of the Black "Princess Bruunhild" Master of Cinema, as always, turned into a bloody action. For the cover of the classical European western, the director hid the beautiful history of love, the dream of freedom and equality. The film "Dzhango liberated" was awarded the placer awards and two Oscars. One statuette was received by Tarantino himself for the scenario, the other turned out to be in the hands of Christof Valts, who performed the role of the second plan.

History of creation

Rumors that Quentin Tarantino is going to look into the most shameful pages of the history of America - during the times of a slave-ownership system, crawled in a cinema event for five years before the world met the fearless liberated slave Dzhango. From the very beginning, the director wondered the black slave as a hunter for heads that turned into avenger.

Director Quentin Tarantino

Quentin has long dreamed of creating a film in the genre of Spaghetti-Western, even the name of the main character chose no accident. Dzhango - so named almost all the key heroes of European Westerns, the name has become nominative and is identified with the genre as a whole. For the first time, a character with such a name appeared in the Italian picture of "Dzhango", shot in 1966 (in the late 80s, Sequel "Return of Dzhango") was released. By the way, on this film and relied when creating a Tarantino script.

The development of the plot gradually endowed the hero with new qualities, as a result, the idea resulted in the story of the sign of the sign of the beloved woman. And film critics are ranked next to the fruit of Quentin Tarantino to melodramas, which look at one breath and force to empathize with separation spouses.

Franco Nero as Dzhango

Christopher Valts, who received later than one of the main roles, the author of Django Liberated devoted to the details of the work. The actor later confessed in an interview that the nature and dynamics of what was happening, which developed on paper, shook him and then they were forced to fall in love with the hero and the future film.

The finished scenario conquered with his truthfulness and realism: the cruelty of the slave owners was intertwined with the tragedy of two loving hearts. The first readers were surprised that Tarantino did a hero married, and this in those days was taboo - marriages between slaves were not encouraged. In the head of the corner, he nominated not a current struggle with slavery, but the loyalty to the woman and the desire to go ahead for the sake of personal feelings.

Dzhango and Bruunhilda

The decoration of the film was a parallel conducted by Quentin with German-Scandinavian mythology. The author gave the beloved woman of Django symbolic name - Bruunhild. So in Saga about Nibelungah, the name of the princess, which waits for his beloved and Siegfried Savior on a mountain surrounded by fire. Save the girl was not easy, but perhaps. And Dzhango repeated the feat of the German hero. The case remained for small - to shift the script for the film so as to convince the viewer in eternal love, even if she was born in an atmosphere of violence and evil. However, Tarantino did not doubt success.

Film and actors

The film crew began to prepare for another six months before the end of the script. Pilor Savon, Tharantino Producer, told:

"When we heard that Quentin had a printed machine at home, already knew that there were several months to collect the film crew. And then the machine began to print, "hence, it's time to cause all the guys. We called and warned: "Friends, do not plan anything at the near future."

The dot in the manuscript, the director put at the end of April 2011 and immediately hit the search for actors. The role of Django first offered Will Smith, but, oddly enough, the actor refused such honor. The fact is that he considered the image is not entirely key - in the scenario, Dr. King Schulz, who freed and took the partner of Django, dragged. The actor and director did not come together who would kill Candidi's slave owner.

Jamie Fox as Dzhango

The first believed that this was the task of the former slave. But the director insisted on the death of "white from white": such a turn will be the symbol of the upcoming civil war and the liberation of blacks from slavery (the events in the scenario of Tarantino unfold in 1858, three years before the civil war). However, after the enchanting release of the film, Smith regretted about the refusal of the role.

Christopher Valts as King Schulz

After many searches, Quentin Tarnatino met with Jamie Fox, who had already read the script. The legendary director then noted that after a conversation with the actor, I understood - it is Django, because Fox to the little things in the inner and understood the details of historical events and the importance of the upcoming tape. And also conquered the "pure cowboy" type Jamie.

Christopher Valtsu was to show the difficult character of the hunter's head of King Schulz. It would not be possible to get into the image of such a colorful character, but the actor coped brilliantly. The role of Beauty Brunchilde Bunchilde Background Shaft, Slave and Spouse Dzhango, departed Kerry Washington. The actress recognized that he agreed to the role due to the courage of the director show the terrible truth of the distant past.

Leonardo di Caprio as Calvina Candy

The zaminka happened with the approval of the role of the owner of the "Candilagend" estate - the slave owner of Calvina Candy. This image very much wanted to embody Leonardo Da Caprio, so he himself called Tarantino. However, a mature of cinema has doubts about the candidacy - confused age, because the author of the tape saw an older actor as Candidy. DiCaprio was miraculously received approval, but the hopes justified in full: it is now difficult to present another actor in its place, the unpleasant features of the painting protagonist increase its charming. By the way, this character opened a list of the villainaries of Leonardo.

Biography and plot

The plot of the film is preceded by sad events that happened on one of the American farms. Dzhango and Bruunhilda - a married couple in slavery - after unsuccessful escape separated and sent for sale. However, the usual phenomenon in the biographies of black slaves.

Slave Dzhango

Dzhango bought the worker from the far south, where they were in the bundle with four more slaves on foot. On the road leading through the forest, the travelers met the German, dentist and head hunter in one person King Schulz. The doctor wished to buy Django, but ran into the rudeness of the convoy. I had to kill one, and another to shoot my legs. But the hero was honest - the purchase paid for the current tariff.

Having stopped at the bar of the first town that went, Schulz told Django that he was engaged in the wanish and murder of dangerous criminals of all the masters, and today the plan is to find three brothers on the name Brittle. A young man can help him, because Trinity worked for supervisors on the plantation, where Dzhango lived before, and, it means, the slave knows gangsters in the face. For assistance in the identification of the Schulz brothers, he promised to give Django freedom and a good remuneration.

The proposal is assumed also because it fell out a chance to take revenge, because Brittles beat Bruunhild after escaled. And Dzhango agreed. After finding and murdering the brothers, the doctor kept the word, wrote by yesterday's slave "free". And at the same time he invited Django to draw up a company as a hunter for his heads for the winter, and with the arrival of Spring promised to help find Brunchild.

Django opened a rifle talent that has achieved perfection after training at Schulz. For long winter months, men managed to earn a fabulous amount of money, as well as to find out where Bruunhild lives now. The new owner is a cruel, cynical, but incredibly charming Calvin Candy, who is fond of fatal battles of slaves passing right in the guest room of his mansion.

Dzhango and Calvin Candy

Dzhango first wanted to paint his wife, but the new friend convinced that this was a stupid undertaking, leading straight to the gallows. The cunning doctor has developed the perfect plan: he will catch up by the buyer of black fighters, and Django will act as an adviser. As a result, for the best wrestler will offer 12 thousand dollars, which at that time was considered huge money, and immediately, for a small amount, Bruunhild will be bought. The idea looked brilliant, and everything went like on the oil while the cunning plan did not solve the supervisory butler Calvina Candy.

The angry owner of the house promised to kill the slave if the guests would not give 12 thousand for it. Schulz without a revelation of conscience paid. And already when the transaction was completed and the paper was signed, a bloody slaughter broke out. The reason was the requirement of Candidi to shake his hand, but the doctor did not cross the humiliation, shot at the slave owner and he died himself from the bullet assistant to the owner at home.


Django almost to the end surrendered a shootout, but the young man had to surrender when a wife fell in the hostage. The main character again turned into a slave and went on a lifetime cortiary on a quarry. Fortunately by the viewers, Quentin Tarantino decided to finish his brainchild Heppi End: On the road, Dzhango managed to circle a convoy, select the weapon and free the spouse. He fully enjoyed the revenge - interrupted all the households Candy and blew up the house.

Interesting Facts

  • The creators of the paintings have made a bunch of errors. Historical inconsistencies viewers see the naked eye. For example, a copy of the Bust of Nefertiti is worth a copy of the Bust of Nefertiti, while the archaeologist Ludwig Borhardt discovered the relic at the beginning of the 20th century. The same with dynamite - this invention appeared 10 years after the start of the film events. And quite flattened the authors of the film, showing the beer installation, from which Schulz pours the drink: such an unit decorated the bars not earlier than the middle of the next century.
Jamie Fox and his horse Chita
  • Jamie Fox cut in the film on his own horse nicknamed Chita.
  • The role of Django Tarantino wrote for Michael K. Williams, who refused to participate in the tape in favor of the "Underground Empire" series.
  • Quentin Tarantino spent 130 days at the shooting "Django", putting his own record on the duration of work. And Leonardo di Caprio for the first time in the 15th year career was not headed by the list of actors on the posters.

Quotes from the film

King Schulz:

"Life, freedom and a little revenge. They took his freedom. He will take them all. "" The gracious sovereign, did you from the excitement made this full drama gesture or you instruct weapons on me with the goal of killing? "" This is my valet. My valet does not walk on foot. "" When the German meets Siegfried in real life - this is a sign. As a German, I must help you in search and salvation of your beloved Bruunhilda. "Cying Schulz:" Oh, what happened to Mr. "I want to kill whites for money?"

Dzhango: "With him his son."

King Schulz: "And good. There will be a loving person, maybe he will hear his last word. Not everyone is so lucky at the time of death. "


"I have to play a black worker? This is the most despicable person. Черный работорговец хуже ниггера-управляющего! There is no place to fall further. "" Every word said by Calvin Candy was Chuchye. Но в одном он был прав: я один ниггер из десяти тысяч».

Calvin Candy:

"I spent my life here. Here, in Candidalend, surrounded by black faces. And now, when I see them around every day, I wonder - why they ... do not kill us? "" Sold! Man with an extraordinary beard and the most ordinary nigga. "

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