Dmitry Brusnikin - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, actor, films, wife, son Philip



Dmitry Vladimirovich Brusnikin - Artist Theater and Cinema, who showed his talents as a screenwriter, director and theatrical teacher, raising a new change of actors.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Vladimirovich was born on November 17, 1957. The boy was born in the family of Vladimir Mikhailovich and Alexandra Dmitrievna Strubnikov in the German town of Potsdame, where his father was held military service. The child was called in honor of the grandfather on the mother's line. Dima was the youngest son in the family, his brother Mikhail was also called the name of the grandfather, but from the father's side.

The childhood of the boy passed in the roads between different cities. In the first class, Dmitry went to the village of Malinniki. Since the child was brought up in the Military Family, during High School's Tutorial, he managed to change about a dozen educational institutions. The school teen graduated at 15 years old. Like the elder brother, Brusnikin entered the Institute of Electronic Technology in Zelenograd. In this city, the brothers lived several years.

In 1975, Mikhail introduced Dmitry with the director of the People's Theater in Zelenograd. This meeting attracted the attention of the younger Barberry to the profession of artist. He had many new acquaintances in the ranks of actors, and he first tried himself in the theater.

In 1978, Brusnikin was already firmly decided to master the acting profession. At the beginning of the school year, he was credited to the MCAT Studio School. The young man came on the course to the outstanding teacher Oleg Nikolaevich Efremov. Dmitry's classmates were Alexander Feklish, Roman Kozak, Vera Sotnikova, Polina Medvedev, Sergey Varchuk and other students who became famous actors.


In his youth, Brystnikin played a lot in the theater. The Studio School has become a place where Dmitry Vladimirovich met his future spouse and performed many interesting roles. After the actor graduated from his studies, he was accepted into Mkat's troupe.

In 1982, Brusnikin took up teaching activities in an educational institution, which graduated. Initially, he was an assistant on acting skills, and in 1993 he was able to gain his first course as a teacher.

In the period from 1986 to 1988, Dmitry Vladimirovich showed a serious creative growth. He worked at the studio theater "Man", on the stage of which as the director put his first play "Waiting for Godo."

After the division of the native Studio Studio, Brusnikin became the actor of the MCAT troupe named after Anton Chekhov under the leadership of Oleg Efremov. In 1991, the artist showed himself and as a director and on a small scene, Mkat put the play "Platonov" - he also played a major role in setting.

In 2006, Dmitry Vladimirovich received the scientist of the Professor. Together with Roman Kozak released several courses of actors, many of whom have loud names. Among the students of Brusnikna Sergey Lazarev, Alexey Black, Daria Moroz, Alexander Ursulak, Paulina Andreeva.

Years of teaching and diligent work led to the fact that in 2015 the graduation rate of the Studio Studio MHAT became the basis of the independent theater "Workshop Dmitry Barniknikna". Dmitry Vladimirovich became the director of 6 performances for this collective: "demons", "nation", "Transsib", etc. Also, the teacher stood at the origins of the annual project "Culmination", which unites all the current Russian competitions and presents all the hits in one performance.

In 2015, the collaboration of the artist with the "Practice" theater began, which was the result of Black & Simpson, based on the 15-year-old correspondence of two American - life sentenced and the Father killed. Brusnikin played one of the main roles from the premiere until the last days on the stage. Even after the death of the actor, the setting remained in the repertoire, and Dmitry Vladimirovich replaced his friend and classmate Alexander Furclists on the scene.

In May 2018, Brusnikin became the leader of the "Practice", and for 2 days to death he was appointed with the artistic director of the theater.


In 1984, Dmitry Vladimirovich his debut in the movies. He got the role of Krasnoarmeyman Nikitina in the Film "Detachment". Together with the Barberry in the film, his classmates Alexander Feklishtists and Sergey Garmash starred.

The first prominent role in the movie Brusnikin received in 1994. He became one of the actors of the series "Petersburg Secrets" and its continuation "Junction of St. Petersburg secrets." The 60-serial television project, created based on the Bestseller "Petersburg slums" of Vsevolod of the Cross, at the time of filming was the largest in Russia. The series passed with a deafening success, and the image of Prince Dmitry Platonovich Shadursky made an artist known to the whole country.

This role has become the starting point in the cinematic career of Brusnikna, although at the very beginning of the shooting Dmitry Vladimirovich was not delighted with his character. On the scene of Mkhat, the heroes of classical works got the actor, it was not easy for another quality of the material. The situation was saved by a talented director and a magnificent acting project.

In 2006, Dmitry Brusnikin and Evgenia Dobrovolskaya played together in the film "Happiness by Recipe". The acting tandem was so organic that the audience decided that the heroes of the film and in real life were in a relationship.

Another significant role in the creative biography of the artist was the image of Colonel Anatoly Sedoy, who the actor embodied on the screen from 2007 to 2010 in 4 seasons of the series "Law and Order. Department of operational investigations. " This tape is a Russian version of one of the most successful projects of American television "Law and Order: Specotel", which has adapted for Russian realities and laws.

In the series "unequal marriage", the premiere of which took place in 2012 on the first channel, Dmitry Vladimirovich performed the main male role. The project brought the act a lot of popularity and nationwide love. Anna Antonelli, who remembered the audience on the role of Michelina in this project, was a partner Barrynikna in this project. Continuation of the legend. "

In the period from 2013 to 2016, Dmitry Vladimirovich was occupied by directing projects and productions in the theater and in film projects appeared in episodic roles. The last ribbon in his filmography was the comedy melodrama "Play with Me", published in 2021. In the film dedicated to the acting kitchen, Andrei Nazimov, Maria Akhmetzyanova, Gosh Kutsenko, etc., were also starred.


The serial "Chekhov and Ko" (1998), created by the 100th anniversary of Mkat, became the first director's work of Brusnikna in the cinema. In the same project, Dmitry Vladimirovich acted as a screenwriter, and the roles played by Mkhat's actors.

In 2002, Brusnikin as director filmed the series "Detectives 2", on this project there was a team that accompanied many subsequent projects of Dmitry Vladimirovich. After 2 years, he engaged in the filming of the series "Moore there is Moore", in the 3rd part of the tape, the acting debut of Philippe Brusnikovna took place.

The director's biography of Brusnikovna entered the 4th seasons of the detective series "Law and Order: Department of Operational Investigations", and later - the series "Iskanka", which also enjoyed the audience and stretched for 6 seasons. After the death of Dmitry Vladimirovich, as director of him changed Andrei Heads.

Personal life

The actor met the future wife while studying at the MCAT Studio School. The spouse of the artist was the fellowship Marina Sychev. After the wedding, held on May 25, 1979, Brusnikna's wife took his last name.

Marina Stanislavovna from his youth was a very talented person, which helped her to make a successful career in theatrical circles. The artist became a father aged 26 years. On June 21, 1983, his wife gave him his son. Philippe went in the footsteps of Dmitry Vladimirovich - starting a career from the position of the administrator at the father on the set, the Brusnikan Jr. became a successful executive producer.

Brusnikin was a rare example of an example of a family man, for which the main priorities in personal life are family and children.


On August 9, 2018, Dmitry Vladimirovich died at the age of 60. A tragic event was told in the press service of the "Practice" theater.

The last few months, Brusniknon was treated in the Botkin hospital. At first, the doctors noted the progress in his treatment, which he himself confirmed. The director did not take his vacation, because he hoped for a quick recovery, but on August 9, his well-being sharply deteriorated. The cause of death was heart failure.

On August 13, after the civilian memorialist in the Moscow Art Theater named after Anton Chekhov and the funeral in the temple of Sofia, the funeral of God was held at the Trocerovsky cemetery. At first, the Orthodox Cross and the photo was installed on the grave, and later the granite monument appeared there.


In 2018, the dedication of the memory of Dmitry Vladimirovich was the audio spectacle "Time that, which took place in the framework of the Festival of the young director" Artmigration ". The artist voiced one of the roles. He did not live to the premiere, but his voice remained in the record.

40 days after the death of the artist, his widow and colleagues across the theater were shared by the memories of Brusnikin in the "Observer" program on the TV channel "Culture".

In 2019, in memory of the departed actor and director, the Moscow Museum of Contemporary Art, the Festival-School "Territory" and "Workshop Brusnikna" prepared an exhibition called "Man in size with a house". The event was held in the Educational Center MMOMA.

The memory of the artist was devoted to the 2nd International Theater Festival "School. Studio. Workshop "and performances-Performance called" Forest "at the XX International Festival of Modern Dance in St. Petersburg.

The name Dmitry Vladimirovich received the annual international theater festival Brousfest. The workshop festival includes not only the show of performances, but also master classes on modern theater technologies from leading masters.


  • 1984 - "Detachment"
  • 1994 - "Prokhindiada 2"
  • 1994 - "Petersburg Secrets"
  • 1998 - "Chekhov and Co."
  • 1999 - "D.D.D. Dossier detective Dubrovsky "
  • 2001 - "Stop on demand 2"
  • 2003 - "Instructor"
  • 2004 - "Jack Pot for Cinderella"
  • 2005 - "Sadrod"
  • 2006 - "Recipe Happiness"
  • 2007 - "Love on the tip of a knife"
  • 2010 - "Frozen Dependes"
  • 2012 - "unequal marriage"
  • 2013 - "whirlpool of foreign desires"
  • 2016 - "Drub"
  • 2020 - "Play with me"

Awards and titles

  • 1993 - Honorary title "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation" - for merits in the field of theatrical art
  • 1998 - Order of Friendship - For many years of fruitful activities in the field of theatrical art and in connection with the 100th anniversary of the Moscow Art Academic Theater
  • 2007 - Silver memorable sign "Seagull" of the Moscow Art Theater (MHT) named after A. P. Chekhov in honor of the 109th anniversary of the opening of the theater - "For 25 years of serving the theater"
  • 2009 - Honorary title "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation" - for merits in the field of art
  • 2013 - Oleg Tabakov Prize winner - "For returning to the scene of the artistic theater of the art of one of the deepest and original playwrights of our time - Lyudmila Petrushevskaya (" He's in Argentina ")"
  • 2015 - the winner of the city of Moscow 2015 in the field of literature and art in the Nomination "Theater Art" - "For many years of fruitful activities for the preparation of actors - Masters of Scenic Art"
  • 2015 - Winner of the Prize of the Journal "Snob" "Made in Russia - 2015" in the "Theater" nomination - "For successes in the education and issuance of the course at the Studio School of MCAT"
  • 2017 - Golden memorable sign "Seagull" of the Moscow Art Theater (MHT) named after A. P. Chekhov in honor of the 119th anniversary of the opening of the theater - "For 35 years of serving the theater"
  • 2018 - Gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation - For merits in the development of domestic culture and art, many years of fruitful activities
  • 2019 - Laureate (posthumously) of the international award of Stanislavsky in the field of theatrical pedagogy - "For invaluable contribution to the development of the Russian acting school and the development of the modern theater, as well as the upbringing of the whole Pleiads of young talented actors"

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