Jack Reacher (Character) - Photo, Biography, Actor, Tom Cruise, Author, Description


Character History

Jack Reacher is the hero of numerous detective narches written by British Lee Child. This is a single hero, a leaving from a police station, cynical and a lot of people who have ever been in his century. Reacher, an experienced fighter, combining a positive hero and a ruthless killer, is a favorite type of public, preferring militants, detectives and thrillers. Fans of cinema know the hero due to the screen embodiment created by Tom Cruise.

History of character creation

This Writer's name is Jim Grant. The biography of the Creator of a series of books about the adventures of the former policeman is not impressive with a variety: Child received an education and learned to a lawyer. To work with the laws of the young man did not lie the soul, and the training attracted him only to the opportunity to play in the theater. During this period, the future writer showed a tendency to creating images.

The first stage of Career Lee Childe was working in the television company Granada Television. He organized copyright projects and participated in the filming of telecast, commercials and promotional video. After the restructuring of the company, there was no place for Childhood, and he had to change the scope of activity. The imagination helped the writer to find himself and relevant niche. He published the first book about Jack Reacher in 1997, and she immediately became a bestseller.

The following followed by this step, and after some time the cycle of detectives of the authorship of Lee Childe appeared. The plot talked about the adventures of the retired police officer who decided to abandon the settled lifestyle. It falls into the various provincial cities of the United States and faces crimes who have to investigate, decaying intruders.

Lee Child is included in the list of popular and demanded authors in the genre of detective. Listing his books in order, it is worth mentioning the most popular works of Belletrist: "Floor of Death", "Bloody Echo", "The price of your own life", "without the right to error." The author wrote 22 books. In 2017, the light saw the "midnight line".

In the books about the Reacher, there are many references to Russia, however, the author demonstrates the weak knowledge of the history of the country and is often confused in the chronology of events, facts and evaluations.

Biography and image of Jack Rcher

Jack Rcher's biography is uncomplicated. He was born in Germany, on the Berlin military base. Father was a military man who served in American infantry, and the mother is a housewife. Boy's grandfather restored furniture. In his youth, he also fought, on the basis of which it is easy to understand the origin of the militant nature of Racher-Jr.. The older brother of the hero was killed in adulthood, and almost nothing about the sister is known.

Having finished the Military Academy, Jack served in the military police and investigated particularly serious crimes. For merit before the Fatherland, Reacher was repeatedly awarded. The author describes the hero as a tightly folded blue-eyed blond high growth, which has excellent physical training and endurance. His body decorate the scars obtained in numerous alterations. A former police officer is a few, principled, has developed intuition and self-confidence.

Reacher Cool and rarely happens emotional. He without a shadow of doubt spreads with enemies. His trial is equal to justice. The only shortcoming hero is agoraphobia - the fear of the crowd, which explains his Maneru of communication. Jack has curious abilities. It easily defines the time, focusing on the biological clock, and is able to predict the opponent's response through this talent. He is calculating and able to calculate the steps that the opponent will take. Excellent feeling space, Reacher is ahead of rivals.

Army experience helps the hero to deal with weapons and demonstrate the skills of the exact shooting. At the same time, he is not alien to human weaknesses, including blues. Jack has its own collection of plates. According to the novels of Childe Lee, curious details characterizing the hero and his life are scattered. As the works are familiar with the works, the reader learns that Skeptic Jack Reacher despises religious beliefs. He is easy to rise and travels light, changing clothes for the new one a couple of days. Jack has no rights, and in his pocket there is a passport and a bank card, whose account has been transferred by customers. The noble hero often helps former soldiers affected during the fighting. A full-fledged portrait of the hero help to create quotes from the dialogues in which he expresses contempt for war and faith, demonstrates the ability to calculate the situation a few steps forward, composure and fearlessness in the face of danger.

The first book - "Floor of Death" - combines gothic motifs with features of the adventure novel. The story introduces the reader with the hero who lives in the provincial town of Margrave, and opens the veil of secrecy over his past. The book "Attached of his own life" describes the stay of the Rcher in Chicago and interaction with the FBI agent. The hero helps the special services to overcome local criminal authority with mental disorders and neo-Nazi views. In the novel, the "trap" Reacher enters the confrontation with the character causing associations with the captain by the hook.

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The fourth novel, "Guest", publishers found fantastic and released him called "Run blindly". This is a story about a serial killer, interpreting a love leitmotif. "Bloody Echo" many critics consider the most successful in the cycle. In Texas, a woman becomes the customer of Rycher, pleading to protect her daughter from the spouse bandit. The situation is complicated by interference in the form of professional killers. In the "convincing argument", a former American police officer becomes a mercenary of the Ministry of Justice.

Retrospective called "Case" throws the reader in the period before the hero from the police. The storyline of the book "In the wanted" continues the storyline of the book "For which it costs," the heroes known to the reader on the book "61 hours" appear in the novel "Never return". Roman "Personal" links Rycher with the US Army and from the CIA, and the twenty-first Book "Evening School" intrigues to the public investigating the terrorists.

Jack Reacher in films

The main creator of the screen image of a militant hero was Tom Cruise. The actor fell on the choice of director Christopher McQorery, who decided to make a film on the book of Lee Child "One Shot". The premiere of the tape took place in 2012. The movie turned out to be in demand among the public and received the approval of critics.

In the filming of the first film, or Child was involved. He portrayed a policeman in the frame. Brad Pitt, Hugh Jackman, Vince Von and Will Smith also tasted for the role of Rcher.

The fans of the book saga perceived cruise in the role of Rcher is ambiguous. No one tried to challenge his acting talent, but the physical form of the actor seemed to the fans of too far from canonical. In the on-screen embodiment, Jack Reacher is noticeably lower than in the original: according to the book description, the character's growth was 1.95 m, while the growth of the Cruise Tom is 1.7 m. Many considered that the cinematic jack did not have enough impressivity.

The premiere of the first film in the United States was to take place on December 15, 2012, but was postponed after the tragic incident - mass murder at Sandy Hook School, which happened during the day before in the city of Newtown.

In 2016, the audience saw Sikvel, based on the book "Never return." The projects were attended by actors Gay Courtney, Werner Herzog, Richard Jenkins, David Oleouo. The main role was again the Cruise, who independently fulfilled most of the tricks; The main female role, Helen Rodin, played the British actress Rosamund Pike.

In November 2018, Lee Child announced the prepared shooting of the series based on his works. For the development of the script and the selection of the actors, the AMAZon Stregnation Service team took, and the director became the author of the "Kings of Escape" Nick Santor. The writer himself also entered the team as one of the executive producers. Who will play Rcher, is not yet known, but Child has already announced that he will not continue cooperation with Cruise.

Interesting Facts

  • Jack Reacher has become a popular characters of world literature. This is evidenced by the mention of the hero in the novel of Stephen King "under the dome".
  • The premiere of the first tape coincided with the fiftieth anniversary of the artist's leading role, which was symbolic for him.
  • All tricks associated with driving and partly with fights, Cruz fulfilled in the film on his own, without the participation of Dupler.


Do you think I am a hero? I'm not at all a hero. I am a tramp, and I have nothing to lose. All who go to serve in the army are divided into four groups: for some - this is a family tradition; Others - patriots, want to serve; There are those who just need work; And there are also those who are looking for legitimate grounds to kill. I was born in October, so I take up to 10 and shoot. Thekin is a great medicine from all diseases.


  • 1997 - "Floor of Death"
  • 1998 - "The price of her life"
  • 1999 - "Trap"
  • 2000 - "Guest"
  • 2002 - "Accurate Calculation"
  • 2005 - "Shot"
  • 2007 - "Solid problems and troubles"
  • 2008 - "nothing to lose"
  • 2009 - "I'll leave tomorrow"
  • 2010 - "It is worth the death"
  • 2011 - "Case"
  • 2012 - "wanted"
  • 2015 - "Make me"
  • 2017 - "midnight border"
  • 2018 - "Past time"


  • 2012 - "Jack Reacher"
  • 2016 - "Jack Reacher 2: Never come back"

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