Alexey Petrenko - biography, photos, personal life, movies and the cause of death



The legendary actor, the People's Artist of the RSFSR, the winner of the Russian State Prize, Alexey Petrenko, became famous for talented reincarnations and surprisingly realistic images in the theater and cinema. It is from the few cohort of domestic stars of cinema, which is by force in various genres and roles. Peter First, Joseph Stalin, Abbot Fariaa, Grigory Rasputin, a merchant Money Parmechnich Knurov - every role of this wonderful actor was accurate in the goal and forever I remember the audience.

Alexey Petrenko

Alexey Vasilyevich Petrenko was born on March 26, 1938 in the Ukrainian SSR, in the village of Cheyber Chernigov region. For not confirmed data, there is a different date in his passport - April 1, 1938. It happened because parents' birth record was able to make only a few days after his appearance on the light, because there was no village council, and had to get to the neighboring village.

Alexey Petrenko in youth

How and where the rural guy got a dream to go on stage - a story is silent. But after graduation, Alexei Petrenko went to the theater university. He chose the Kharkov Theater Institute, but he managed to become his student a guy with a third time.

After each failure, Alexey went to work to "not sit on the neck" from his parents. For almost three years he worked in the forge in Chernigov. And if the third attempt was not crowned with success, Petrenko would probably go to the army. And since he turned out to be a gigantic - 190 centimeters - then the guy would certainly take on the fleet, delaying the beginning of his acting biography for many four years.


In 1961, Alexey Petrenko received a diploma of the Kharkov theater university, successfully studied at the course of the national artist of the USSR Ivan Maryanenko. By distribution, the novice actor fell into the Zaporizhia Music and Drama Theater named after Nicholas Shchors. On this scene, he played his first roles.

Alexey Petrenko in the theater

Two years later, the stage of the Zaporizhia Theater was changed on the stage of the Donetsk Russian Dramaater. But it was here only for a year: a promising and very bright young artist noted the chief director and the artistic director of the Lensovet's Leningrad Theater Igor Vladimirov and put every effort to remove a young man to himself.

After several successful years of service in the theater named after Lensovet, Alexey Petrenko went to "in free swimming": he often changed the stage, choosing only the roles that he liked. The artist once admitted that he always adhered to the principle "Better a little and intelligent than omnivo."

Alexey Petrenko in the theater

Soon Alexei Petrenko appears on the scenes of the most famous Moscow theaters: since 1977 he played in a dramatic theater on a small armor, since 1978, four years old shone on MCAT layouts. Later, the audience was observed for a talented artist game in the metropolitan theater "School of Modern Plays" and the theater on Taganka.

Theatrians aged and today remember his brilliageous role of Coca in the formulation of the "Serrso" director Anatoly Vasilyeva. The performance had a stunning success and went four years in a row, until the middle of the 80s.

Later, Petrenko brilliantly reincarnated in the desperate satin from the play "at the bottom." In total, Alexey Petrenko played about 100 roles in the theater and cinema.


Since 1991, Alexey Vasilyevich Petrenko - Maxim Gorky's regular actor of the film studio. Its cinematic biography is no less rich and saturated than theatrical. But such is the magic of television, which is after the appearance on the screen the artist becomes widely known.

Alexey Petrenko as Stalin

Debut Petrenko on the screen took place in 1967. Alexey Vasilyevich offered a small role in the melodrama Viktor Sokolov "Day of the Sun and Rain": he played the waiter-fankener. The debut turned out to be successful, and at the beginning of the 70s, the actor was offered the first major roles. In the Black and White Twistered Film of Director Grigory Kozintseva "King Lire" according to the famous Shakespeare tragedy, Alexey Petrenko reincarnated in Oswald.

Petrenko's first role was the great role in the cult painting Alexander Mitti "Tale about how Tsar Peter Arape was married." In the performance of the actor, the autocrats turned out to be as described by most of the historians: harsh, but fair. In this picture, Alexey Petrenko played in a successful duet with Vladimir Vysotsky, who appeared in the form of Arape Ibrahim Hannibal.

Alexey Petrenko as Peter I

Another star role was played by Alexei Petrenko in 1981 in the historical drama element of Klimov "Agony". The artist entrusted the main character - Grigory Rasputin. The rights to the film were sold abroad: they saw the picture in France, Italy and America, he received many awards, including the Golden Eagle Grand Prix.

On the Soviet screen "Agony" came out only in 1985. In addition to Petrenko in it, they played key characters Anatoly Romashin, Alice Freundlich and Leonid Armored. Alexey Vasilyevich managed incredibly accurately transfer the hot, unbridled temple of Rasputin.

Alexey Petrenko as Gregory Rasputin

Later, Alexey Petrenko was repeatedly attracted by directory directories on the role where strong personalities were to play. Several times he played Stalin, reincarnated in Ivan the Terrible and Ataman Platov. But also the weak, desperate people, the actor played no worse: in this you can make sure, looking at the social drama Dinar asian "trouble", where he played the rustic alcoholic Kuligin.

Later, Alexey Petrenko repeatedly proved his incredible talent for reincarnation, playing a variety of heroes. He put that frisky Swiderigaylov in "Crime and Punishment", then a merchant by Mokayu Parmerych Knurov in the "cruel romance", then the pilot Stroganov in the drama Alexei German "twenty days without war."

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In the new century, Alexey Petrenko also did not lose and was one of the most sought-after artists of domestic cinema. In 2003, a new screen version of the novel Fedor Dostoevsky "Idiot" was released on the screens. In the eponymous TV series Vladimir Bortko, Alexei Petrenko got the image of General Ivigin, a semi-dishwashad man, whose character's artist handed over with stunning realism. Evgeny Mironov, Vladimir Mashkov and Lydia Vellezhev played the main characters of the drama.

Fans again saw a favorite actor in 2006: Alexey Petrenko appeared in the film entertainment Boris Pasternak "Dr. Zhivago". In the eponymous series of director Alexander Pokhina, Alexey Vasilyevich played Faddeya Kazimirovich, who once again proves to the audience and film crimits that the true talent before them.

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In 2007, Petrenko brilliantly played a fifth jury, a pensioner and a former employee of the metrostroy in a rather legal legal detective Nikita Mikhalkov "12". In this film, the constellation of artists was collected: Sergey Makovetsky, Valentin Gaft, Nikita Mikhalkov, Sergey Garmash and many others, whose names have long been known to lovers of cinema.

The new surprise from the talented actor spectators received in 2009, when the psychological drama "Bury me for the plinth" was released on the screens, filmed by Pavel Sanaeva's story. Alexey Petrenko played Sasha's grandfather.

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In the same year, the premiere of the historical series "Wolf Messing: saw through time took place on the TV channel" Russia ". The dramatic tape was warmly met as spectators and film critics and gained high ratings. Alexey Petrenko once again reincarnated in the Almighty Joseph Stalin.

The 2010 was marked by the premiere of a military drama, Nikita Mikhalkov's dilogy "Tired by the Sun-2: the upcoming", but the most expensive Russian film with a budget from 40 to 55 million dollars waited for a cash register. In December 2011, the audience looked at the 13-serial television of the painting, in which they saw Alexei Petrenko as an elderly lieutenant accountant. The work of the artist, as expected, there was not a single claim: on a well-established habit, he "laid out" on a filming area for full force.

Alexey Petrenko with a film

Alexey Petrenko starred and in the New Year's Cinema Comedy "Yolki-2", which appeared in the middle of December 2011. In this melodrama, he reincarnated in Grigoria Pavlovich Zemlyann, pilot and beloved Yulia Snegirevoy. In 2012 and 2014, the actor beloved by millions appeared in the TV shows "Petrovich" and "Leaving Nature".

Critics and viewers, except for these roles, as the best performed by Alexei Petrenko, there are images of a podium in the "marriage", a journalist of Paul Dick in "Tass is authorized to declare" and Abbot Faria in the "Prisoner of the IF Castle". Artist's filmography is more than 80 paintings and serials.

In addition to acting artist, the artist was often attracted to the sounding of films and audiobooks. Especially Alexey Petrenko loved to voice Russian fairy tales and in his time recorded a 24-serial "fabulous" cycle. Once he admitted that when he retired would be free to walk for kindergartens and read fairy tales to children. In 2016, Petrenko's voice spoke to the Hero Koppelius in the doll cartoon "Gofmaniada".

Alexey Petrenko in recent years

One of the latest artist filmmakers was the French-Russian picture "Victor", published on the screens in 2014. The key roles in the thriller went to Gerard Depardieu and Elizabeth Hurly. The premiere of the film in Moscow took place in early September 2014, and in October it was seen in New York.

Alexey Petrenko was a man Orthodox and deeply believes. It is known that in July 2010 he was elected a member of the Patriarchal Council for Culture from the Russian Orthodox Church.

Personal life

The artist was married three times. Alexei Petrenko's first spouse was the singer Alla Petrenko, together with which he lived 19 years old. For a long time, the wife was a real support for her husband who made his career on stage and in the cinema. The daughter of Polina was born in this marriage, but in 1979, the spouse broke up.

Alexey Petrenko with his daughter

Soon Alexei Petrenko married a second time: his wife became a famous journalist, in the past theatrical observer Galina Kujukhova-Petrenko. There was no general children in this marriage, but Alexei Vasilyevich had a great relationship with Pasynik Mikhail Kubukhov, like Mom, a journalist and TV presenter. For a while, the 15-year-old Polina lived with his father and his new family, but after the quarrels of relations, Alexey Petrenko with his daughter spoiled. Polina went to the mother and today lives in Germany.

Alexey Petrenko with the last wife

In 2009, Galina Kujukhova died. The artist for a short time remained alone: ​​a year later his personal life was improving, he married a journalist Azima Rasulovna Abdumiminova, ethnic Uzbek. She moved to his beloved man from Bishkek with two younger daughters (all of her four children). A significant difference in age - 32 years - did not become a barrier for the happy life of the spouses. They often appeared together at public events and premieres of films in which the artist played.


Alexey Petrenko, despite his strong physique and impressive growth, did not shine good health. During the removal of the drama "Agony" in the early 70s, he was first hospitalized with an attack of angina. Heart attacks with whom he hit the hospital happened in 2006 and 2011. In 2012, he broke an ankle, but then everything went around - the actor quickly recovered and again with his head plunged into the work.

Alexey Petrenko

Alexey Petrenko died sustained: death fell on February 22, 2017, a few weeks before the 79th day of birth. The cause of death has not yet been established, it is known only that the actor died, without coming into consciousness.

The death of the great artist turned out to be unexpected for everyone, because he was a boodra and full of plans, two weeks before the death took place to the center of the training of astronauts in the star town, where the video was shot on the song of the Motor-Roller group of Ilyasa Outowa, "you remember, brother like this It was?". Alexey Petrenko in this clip received the role of astronaut who flew to orbit with oranges.


  • 1981 - "Agony"
  • 1976 - "Tale about how King Peter Arape married"
  • 1978 - "Bed"
  • 1984 - "TASS is authorized to declare ..."
  • 1984 - "Cruel Romance"
  • 1989 - "Prisoner of the castle of IF"
  • 1989 - "Art of living in Odessa"
  • 1998 - "Siberian Barber"
  • 2001 - "Collector"
  • 2003 - "Idiot"
  • 2009 - "Wolf Messing"
  • 2014 - "Victor"

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