Alexander Buynov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Daughter Julia, Age, Illness, Singer, Children 2021



Alexander Buynov is a famous Russian musician who managed to show the multi-facetedness of his talent as a performer, composer and showman. A series of immortal hits of the singer made him an idol for pop music lovers and paved the way to find the army of fans.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Buynin's biography began in Moscow on March 24, 1950. His father Nikolai Aleksandrovich Bushern was a pilot, as well as a master of sports at once on ski and parachute, football and struggle.

The mother of the future singer Claudia Mikhailovna Buynova was engaged in music. To marriage, she graduated with honors from the conservatory, choosing a game on the piano. It was she who instilled in children - and in the family, in addition to Alexander, there were three more sons: Vladimir, Arkady and Andrey - love for music.

Parents insisted that all the boys get a musical education and behave like small gentlemen. However, the family lived in the Big Tishinsky Lane, and the attention of the adhet Alexander soonly attracted local splits.

Folder for notes, perfectly rejuvenated pants and elegant bale - so went out of the house. But after a couple of minutes, the bale was sent to his pocket, the folder was under the mouse, and Sasha himself was to the company of local hooligans. The guys have fun, despite their young age or, on the contrary, thanks to him.

Musical collectives

In the 60s of the 20th century, Alexander graduated from a music school, after studying 7 years, and immediately began his creative career. At first, he played in local rock bands, and in school years even created a team with classmates called "Antichrist".

The sign for Alexander was 1966. Then he met with composer Alexander Gradsky, who appreciated the musical potential of a new acquaintance and invited him to join his group on tour. Then the artist's career was briefly interrupted due to service in the army.

Returning to civil life, Alexander decided to continue to play music and began to speak with other teams: at first it was the team "Araks", then the "Flowers" ensemble, and in the period from 1973 to 1989 - the group "Merry Guys" is extremely popular at the time . In this, Via Buynov still played by keyboards, writing with famous musicians not one song. Sometimes he participated in the record and as a vocalist, for example, in the song "Bologoye".

Solo creativity

The peak period of the artist's creative career, when Alexander Buynin's clips were broadcast on popular channels, and his speeches met stormy ovations, the 1990s became. Thinging in youth not only the USSR, but also Slovakia, Germany, Finland, Hungary and other countries together with the "cheerful guys", the artist gained experience both in the music plan and in the competent organization of concerts and speeches.

Several years speaking in other teams already as a soloist vocalist, the Contractor founded a group of musicians and ballet "Rio" and became its artistic director. The team's artists became its faithful companions on tour, while Alexander Nikolaevich himself acted as the author of the songs, and as a performer, and as a director-director of concert programs.

To this day, in the post-Soviet space, they know and love the songs of Buynov "Dance as Petya", "leaves fall", "do not interrupt", "my finances sing romances", "in Paris Night", "Captain Catalkin" and others.

It is noteworthy that already at the time when Buyunov was popular among Russian-speaking listeners, he decided to enter Gitis to the Directory Faculty. In 1992, the singer successfully graduated from the institute, and as a thesis introduced a solo concert with the Program "Captain Catalkin" in the Oktyabrsky Hall in St. Petersburg.

Subsequently, he repeatedly arranged touring tours, which directed and put on his own: "In, I brought life!" In 1994, "I knew love!" In 1995, etc.

In 1996, the artist took part in a concert tour in support of Boris Yeltsin. Gradually, the buinuses acquired useful dating in the music environment and in 1997 he prepared the program of the Islands of Love in cooperation with the composer Igor Cool. And in 2000 he recorded the song "Chancelt" in conjunction with Irina Allegrova.

Many tracks singer recorded in the company of other famous artists. So, by his nippers on the stage at different times were Yulia Savicheva, Alika Szekhova, Angelica Agurbash, Anita Tsoi, Tatiana Bogacheva.

The new millennium, the artist noted the release of the album "Love for Two". The bright beginning was a great start: in the period from 2003 to 2006, Buynov released new collections annually, the "catch" discs, "adult songs" and "in the clouds" appeared on the court of the listener. Not all the songs became popular, but atmospheric "Crystal and Champagne" liked fans and in love and often stared at the bonfire. And the Track "Gorky Honey" has become unconditional hit for many years ahead.

In 2010, the buynes after the presentation of the album "P.R.O. Love "held a concert in the Kremlin, who visited a huge number of fans of his work.

A small contribution to Alexander Nikolaevich introduced to the development of the film industry. So, he voiced Rasputin in the famous Hollywood cartoon "Anastasia" and adequately showed himself as an actor, playing episodic roles in the films "Bad and good" and "Primorsky Boulevard". Another picture appeared in his filmography in 2013 - it was the series "Shopping Center".

In 2012, the release of a video clip on the composition "Two lives" took place. In the same year, in the Crocus City Hall, he performed at the anniversary concert of Lion Leshchenko. Together with the culprit of the celebration and Alexander Marshal, the artist performed the composition "Do not cry, girl!" And "There is a soldier in the city."

In November 2013, an official clip appeared on the Yutiub-Channel Channel to the composition "Airborne - from Hello!". It was not less popular with his track "I came to you at all", however, there is only a live version of the video from concerts, an artist did not create a video on it. In early 2014, Alexander spoke with Stas Mikhailov, fulfilling the composition I let go.

In March 2015, the musician held an anniversary concert "Two Life", which was broadcast on NTV. In November, together with Viktor Drobysh, Oleg Gazmanov and Vladimir Matsky Buynov became a guest at the presentation of the Philip Kirkorov video and Victoria Lopierva "Indigo".

In 2017, the singer presented the release of the album "One hundred weeks", consisting of 13 compositions, each of which won an equal share of love and attention of listeners.

On January 1, 2018, Alexander Nikolaevich spoke at the "All Star in the New Year" concert with her hit "Empty Bamboo", the concert was broadcast on NTV. At the end of the year, Yuri Nikolaev appeared at the anniversary evening, as a congratulation, the singer performed the track "I came to you at all."

At the same time, new songs from the 18th solo album "drowned sky" appeared in his repertoire. In addition, a performance of Buynis was held at the Soldering Ceremony of the Chanson Year Prize.

2019 also did not leave the artist without work. With the song "I live in Russian" he performed on a grand holiday of music in Sochi. In general, the International Competition "New Wave" is designed to perform young performers, and according to the results of the voting, only a small part of them takes place in the final. But the loving figures are published between the rooms of the contestants on the stage, among them Alexander Buynov. The concert was broadcast on the "Russia-1" channel.

In March 2020, the artist became the guest of the Studio of the Russia-1 channel and spoke on the broadcast of the "Fate of Man" with Boris Korchevnikov, the history of the creative way and interesting facts from life.

Personal life

Static and tall man (its growth is 180 cm) was popular with representatives of the opposite sex. It is widely known for numerous love adventures, as well as the fact that only officially managed to change the three wives.

The first wife of the artist was the love of widow, he met her during the service in the army. Although the part in which Alexander served, was located in the steppe, and 11 km had to go to the nearest settlement, the buynes ran on dates to the 17-year-old beloved. Love and Alexander children were not, their marriage lasted 2 years.

The second wife became Lyudmila, on which a man married, because she became pregnant. Subsequently, the singer confessed that he regretste about the family created only because of the interesting position of the girlfriend. Nevertheless, the wife gave birth to Alexander Nikolayevich daughter Julia, and she later presented the father of his grandcheck Sophia and Daria, as well as the grandson of Alexander. This marriage has been launched from 1972 to 1985. Julia Buynova, who at that time was 14 years old, it was difficult to survive the divorce of the parents.

In 1985, Alexander Buyunov married Elena Gutman, producer and cosmetologist, which became the greatest love in his life. The children did not appear in the pair.

In 2000, Busynov found out about his extramarital son. The boy was born in 1987 after the fleet of artist's fleeting novel at the festival in Sochi with a girl, Hungarian by nationality. The son has no surname and patronymic, but the artist is not offended for it to the mother of the child, since he did not accept participation in his upbringing.

Find out more about the personal life of the singer fans were able to in November 2017 after his participation in the "Secret per million" transmission on NTV. People's artist told about two unsuccessful marriages and about life with the third spouse, told about a difficult relationship with his daughter and led to the studio of his grandchildren. Alla Pugacheva came to support him, honestly told about their official novel, as well as having told the audience, why did not communicate with a colleague on the stage of long 6 years. The husband of Primateonna Philip Kirkorov was like that at that time.

Bushinov never spoke in an interview about plastic operations, but in 2017 news began to appear in the network that Alexander's face was raving. Most internet users confidently stated that such a transformation occurred after the face of the face lifting.

Alexander leads a page in "Instagram", where regularly publishes photos from life, pictures from events and congratulates colleagues on the stage with the holidays.

Health status

In 2011, it became known that the performer fell ill with prostate cancer. When the news spread over the Internet, rumors appeared in the media that Alexander died, but the man quickly made itself felt, calming fans.

As the buyns later noted, the terrible disease did not feel the reason to regret: the celebrity believes that if God punishes him for something physically, it means that he deserves it. The singers made an operation, and soon its health has improved significantly.

Earlings oncology, buyns tried to lead a healthy lifestyle, often be in the fresh air and stick to the right nutrition.

In March 2021, in order not to risk health, the performer decided to make a vaccination against coronavirus. However, in June, the singer was hospitalized with suspicion of this disease, which confirmed the results of the tests. In social networks, Buynov told fans that he had sought Otitis, against whom she picked up an infection, and in one hospital, another celebrity was the musician Vladimir Kuzmin.

Alexander Buynov now

Now Alexander Busynov is still considered to be a classic of domestic pop and the desired guest at any event, the singer regularly appears at different concerts and broadcasts.

The start of 2021 in the career of the artist was marked by the premiere of the single "everything is just begins." In the spring, Alexander Nikolaevich joined one of the two jury compositions, evaluating the participants of the "Children's New Wave - 2021", held at the Ark International Center.

In the summer, Buyunov presented the exit of a positive dance single "I - Artist", the record of which was held with the participation of the actress of Oleces Suzilovsky.


  • 1991 - "Copenhagen ticket"
  • 1992 - "E-Mo"
  • 1994 - "In, I brought life!"
  • 1996 - "I am Moscow!"
  • 1997 - "Islands of Love"
  • 2000 - "Love for Two"
  • 2003 - "Catch"
  • 2005 - "Adult Songs"
  • 2006 - "In the clouds"
  • 2010 - "P.R.O. love"
  • 2012 - "Two Life"
  • 2017 - "One hundred weeks"
  • 2018 - "Drown Sky"

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