Alexander Malinin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Thanks to the efforts of Alexander Malinina, the lyrical romance is still alive, he was not lost in the host of drive melodies, recitatives and electronic combustion. The People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine always sings live, without discounts for age, it chases around the cities and the weighs, collecting all-flags. Singing for him, like training for an athlete, is the ability to maintain a physical and soul tone.

Childhood and youth

Estrada Star was born on November 16, 1957 in the capital of the Middle Urals. Zodiac sign, patronizing singer, - Scorpio, nationality - Russian. Parents Nikolai Stepanovich Viguzzi and Angelina Anatolyevna Malinova were simple railway workers. Alexandra has a younger brother Oleg.

The family swallowed when the boys were still small, and the children stayed with her mother. Later, Alexander Malinina had a stretched relationship with the Father, who re-married after the divorce. Since childhood, the movable Sasha lungs visited a large number of circles and studios, he was fond of hockey, skates, music.

Thanks to the activities of the teacher of Nikolai Petrovich Sidorov, who organized a detachment "Young Lazarevian" in the House of Railway, Alexander joined the speeches on stage. The team of young musicians was named after Lazarev's pilot-astronaut, who was from Sverdlovsk. The lowned brothers took the cubs in the creative team. Together with the mentor, the group of guys traveled with concerts almost the entire Soviet Union. Each time, coming to Moscow, the team members visited the Museum of Cosmonautics and the family of Yuri Gagarin.

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In addition to Horny, Alexander mastered the game on the horn, which was useful to him in the army. After the 9th grade, the young man decided to go in the footsteps of his father and entered the railway technical school, but the study lasted only 4 days. During this time, Sasha realized that music would be a matter of life.

Not without the help of Sidorov, at the age of 16, the lungs entered the Studio of the pop execution, which operated under the Sverdlovsk Philharmonic. There he studied the classic and folk manner of singing. After 4 years of study, he was taken by a soloist in the Ural academic choir, but Alexander worked for a long time: it was time to go to the army.

In the military registration and enlistment office, a talented guy was determined in the regiment formed for army musical events. After returning to the Cituit, the indignant Alexander decided to move to Moscow.

Personal life

In his youth, Alexander was popular with the girls, so he could never complain about the unpleasurness in his personal life. High (singer's growth is 177 cm), sports physique, a charming young man impressed on the fellow students and the first fans of his talent.

Immediately after the army, the lodges married a young instrumentalist from VIA "singing guitars" Inna Kurochny. Soon the couple appeared the son, which was called Nikita.

The man continues the dynasty, in the early 2000s, became the winner of the rating project "Star Factory - 3". As the father told in an interview, Nikita survived a difficult period, deliberately after the competition went to the shadow, "he was not ready for such attention. I decided to pause, but it turned out to be too long, and no longer returning a lot. "

Now Nikita Malinin writes music for Russian representatives of show business and argues that everything has achieved himself. Alexander agrees - if he helped, only by the Council. On numerous photos it is clear that the eldest son looks like him in his youth.

Soon, loving Malinin left his wife and met a new chief - a talented singer Olga Zarubin. The second marriage lasted 2 years. Kira's daughter was born after a divorce. Then the artist went to the USA along with the new chief of Vladimir Evdokimov. Accompanic and art director of Olga has fallen a girl, and she has not communicated with his own father for a long time.

In third marriage, Alexander consists of 1990. Emma Malinina, the owner of the gynecological clinic and pharmacy network, managed to create the necessary family comfort for the singer than he really values.

10 years after the wedding, the twins Frol and Ustiny appeared at the pair. Children get an education abroad: the Son in the Art Academy in Munich, daughter in the London Royal Conservatory. The girl also writes poems in English and German.

The family lives on three houses: Malinin bought a mansion in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region, real estate in Germany and in Italy.

Alexander four times grandfather. Three grandchildren presented Anton, the son of Emma from the first marriage, one - Nikita.

Artist's spouse is a candidate of medical sciences, so it knows exactly what to drink vitamins and when to go to surveys. In this regard, Malinin says, he was lucky. The physical shape and the ideal weight (70 kg), Alexander supports thanks to cycling, running and yoga, it was time - rode skiing and practiced in the gym.

In addition, the singer believes that a public person should not forget about proper nutrition and male cosmetics.

"Some stars do not pay due attention. You look - like young guys, and already, sorry, hurt these muzzles! It's amazing that people start relaxing from a good life. And it is necessary, on the contrary, to gather, concentrate, so as not to be worse. "

And Alexander Malinin remains an avid collector. The walls of his house decorate the collection of beetles and butterflies of rare species.


In the first years of stay in the capital of the Vigules appeared as part of VIA "sing guitars", "fantasy", "metronome," worked in the Moscow Regional Philharmonic. 4 years after arrival, he became an artist of the StateConcert, as well as the musician of the Stas Namina group. Alexander did not forget and about professional growth and in parallel with work in popular groups studied at the Music School of Ippolitov-Ivanov.

1986 became a turning point in the biography of the singer: he fell into a terrible accident and miraculously stayed alive. Dr. Deli did everything that could, but the forecast sounded disappointing. Alexander, according to physicians, now "shining" only a wheelchair, and there could not be a speech about singing. At the age of 28, the artist seemed to have lost everything - work, wife, friends, talent. He appealed to God and baptized in the Orthodox Church. Creativity of Vladimir Vysotsky helped, whose songs he listened to the day. And a miracle happened: Alexander began to go again, and most importantly - sing.

During the year, the observed spirit of the artist received a proposal from an American friend, Composer David Pomerana, to come to the United States to record a solo album. Alexander changed the name of the Vigules to Malinin and acted as "Rock Panorama" with the songs of "Black Raven" and "Ranger, do not drive horses", who performed solo under the accompaniment of his own guitar.

A year later, the young man produced a furyor among the public: "Corrida" songs, "Love and separation", "Carefully, the doors are closed" by the opening of the year, and Alexander Malinina was awarded the main prize of the festival. The artist was distinguished by a special style of execution: he rejoiced folk music on the manner of Rock ballad, which came together with the songs a new unique sound appeared. The repertoire of the singer was enriched with romance, ballads for Nikolai Gumileev's poetry, Sergey Yesenin, as well as popular folk songs.

Now he had the opportunity to fulfill the dream of a solo program, which he called "Alexander Malinina Balls." The new producer of singer Sergei Lisovsky helped to implement this idea. During the first concerts in the Olympic, Malinin broke all attendance records: 350 thousand spectators visited the show for 3 weeks.

The original format of the speeches has become a singer's business card, and after the first concert, he gave more than 10 such. Among them are the most popular "Easter Ball of My Soul", "The Christmas Ball of Alexander Malinina", "Ninth Ball", "Star Ball" and "The Bank of My Life".

In the late 1990s, the general producer of Alexander became his spouse Emma.

For 30 years of solo career, Alexander Nikolaevich created vocal masterpieces, which were especially remembered by listeners. These are "vain words", "Lieutenant Golitsyn", "Iceedor", "Lady Hamilton", "Berega".

With tourists, Malinin traveled not only the whole of Russia, but also to the neighbor and far abroad. In its discography, over 20 solo albums that have come out of large circulations. Popular with the public was used by the "Love Designer", "Wedding", "Nights", "" I still love you. "

On speeches, the artist sings without a phonogram. He prefers to support fame with new hits, and not gossip and constant participation in the talk show.

In 2016, a grandiose concert "Silver Ball" was held for the fans of Malinina's creativity, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of his marriage with Emma. He began with a beautiful spectacular imitation of blizzards. The silhouettes of churches, noble places, ladies and cavaliers, dancing wals were guessed through the lace.

At the concert, hits "in the Cape Town Port" sounded, "if not for you", "fun", "white horse" and musical compositions from the disk "I choose you." Executed Alexander Malinin in a duet with Gregory Leps Song "Koni". The new concert program "St. Petersburg Ball" appeared in the musician tour in the first half of 2017.

Alexander Malinin is glad that the musical career is developing at the daughter. The girl has already presented the first video for the song "Lion Tolstoy", who was filmed in Amsterdam. The singer himself released the program of the jubilee ball, for which he used forgotten musical works from his repertoire. At the Gala concert of the Music Festival "Slavic Bazaar", Alexander spoke with Elena Vaengoy, fulfilled the het "Two Souls" by Duet.

Among the projects of 2018 - a concert performance in Jurmala with the songs "Vain words", "Love and separation", the new album "Love Live", shooting a clip on a hat "On Love sometimes". " The video was created in the interiors of the worldly castle. Embosimed frames of the Backstead of the film process in "Instagram", Alexander Malinin received a lot of positive responses. Some fans called a "future classic" video.

Another significant event of the year for the star family is the participation of Alexander and Ustigny in the record of the Russian-speaking version of Hit Moskau composer and producer Ralph Siegel for the World Cup. Malinin wrote text on the road to the airport. Briton Jay Khan, and Mexican Tenor Jorge Himenes and his partner on Duet Marifer, worked on the English-speaking and German versions of Singla.

In the network clip, alas, rigidly criticized. Alexandra compared with Carlisil Cullen, the head of the Vampire family from the famous Saga "Twilight", and Ustinyu - from Barbie. And the authors of the idea of ​​feeding the song of the Dschinghis Khan group were accused of a mediocre plagiarism.

Conflicts with relatives

In 2009, Olga Zarubina returned to Russia, Cyrus remained in America. After the time, the singer decided to arrange a meeting of his daughter and Alexander Malinina on the ether of the program "Let them talk." The singer initially denied paternity, but the DNA test came across and only in 2011 admitted to Kiru Evdokimov his child, and even then in words.

The first meeting of relatives disappointed both sides. The girl told that Emma did not let her in the house, and took off the hotel room. Malinin paid Ey studies, but Kira threw classes, although, according to Mother, she is also a certified social worker.

Zarubina has repeatedly shone in the numerous television show, where the ex-husband criticized, he stated that because of him, the daughter stopped communicating with her and thought about suicide. In response, Alexander filed a lawsuit on the protection of honor and dignity.

The artist hoped for monetary compensation in 1 million rubles. Olga did not pass, but hired lawyers and attended every court hearing. As a result, the judge rejected the lawsuit of the singer.

After years, passion did not fit at all. In the 2020th, Kira, herself went to the attack on the artist, saying he wants to get 3 million rubles from his father. In the compensation of moral damage for insulting them in the press. Subsequently, the amount increased to 10 million.

Zarubina supported the daughter and rejected the accusations of Internet users in the fact that EE attacks led Alexander to the hospital bed (in March, the singer interrupted tour from the hypertension). The actress was outraged that Malinin still puts sticks in the wheels in the plan of creativity. For example, allegedly, at his request, Olga was forbidden to perform at the concert of the memory of Vladimir Shainsky.

In defense of the famous artist, a colleague was spoken on the shop of Mila Romanidi. The singer is confident that in Russia due to mentality, when parents respect, and not driving, Zarubina will lose. And Kire, if she fell into depression, advised to find a job. In this situation, Alexander's decision will be logical to sue, so that his name stops mentioning in scandalous stories.

The lawyer who already represented the interests of Malinin also adheres to the same opinion. Maria Yarmush believes that Kira would not remember the Father, do not be celebrity. And the girl knows that the singer is able to pay the amount twice as much, so why not try.

The bowl of discord was not passed by Alexander and in relations with his father. In 2017, Tatiana, Nikolai Viguzova, spouse, spoke to the reporters of the Talk Show "Direct Ether" with accusations against Malinina. The woman assured that the artist never asked the state of the health of Nikolai Stepanovich, who fell into the hospital with a stroke.

In addition, Tatiana voiced the idea that in the limitations of Alexander's communication with the relatives of Emma's fault. Say, living in a sufficient wife of the singer, considers members of the family of his father "Nishchebods", which only money needs. But Nikolai at one time sent a considerable amount to his son when he lived in Moscow and interrupted temporary earnings.

Emma allowed himself a rough to speak in the address of Schurkra. According to her, no question of any disease did not go, all this fiction, "a whole brigade" negotiates Alexander. ON, helping someone else's people, does not quit close. And it would be nice to the second son of Oleg to take care of the father.

After such words, Emma was on the Internet. Malinina had to appeal to the fans in which he assured that he paid for the treatment of Pope, and asked to leave his wife alone. Tatyana said that Maxim Fadeev produced much more support.

At the end of 2018, Nikolai Viguzzi died. According to media reports, the widow had to call on television to find out the phone number of the star son. Alexander took over the cost of the funeral, but I did not come to say goodbye to my native person.

Alexander Malinin now

In February 2020, the artist continued his favorite "ballroom history" - gave a concert "Love Ball" in VEGAS CITY. Then, on the stage of the State Kremlin Palace, he congratulated Dmitry Kharatyan on the anniversary. In the "Lenkom Mark Zakharov" at the evening of memory of Nikolai Karachentsov Malinin sang "Lady Hamilton", a song that was performed and a famous actor.

Alexander, hitting the hospital, adjusted the touring schedule, concerts in four cities were postponed to a later date. In April, the speech of the star took place in the hall of the Church Cathedrals of the Church of Christ the Savior.


  • 1990 - "Unqualified"
  • 1991 - "Alexander Malinin"
  • 1991 - "Ball"
  • 1994 - "Love desired time"
  • 1996 - "I still love you"
  • 1998 - "Wedding"
  • 2000 - "Nights" "
  • 2001 - "Coast"
  • 2003 - "Vintage Russian Romances"
  • 2004 - "If not you"
  • 2008 - "Eh, my soul"
  • 2010 - "I declare love you"
  • 2014 - "I choose you"
  • 2018 - "Love Live"

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