Mikhail Scriskin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Songs, Poems, Actor, Films 2021



Mikhail Szekin - Soviet actor and movie actor, poet, public figure. With his participation live was broadcast the first "blue light". Fisons of cinema remember him according to the main roles in the cult art films. And his best poems laid on the music became legendary hairs.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Ivanovich Scriskin was born in Moscow on January 19, 1937. Early years of the biography of the future artist fell on difficult times. Mikhail Ivan Petrovich's father went to the front, in the Rzhev district after heavily injured, became prisoner of Buchenwald and Dakhau, but returned alive.

During the war, a little Misha together with Mom Claudia Gavrilovna and his brother stayed in Moscow, the family lived in the yaiz hospital courtyard, where for another 10 years after the war there was a hospital for the military. Mom Mikhail got to work as an operating sister, went to work in three shifts. The older brother of the future actor has already stood up to the machine at the age of 13. And Misha from 5 years old has learned homemade duties. He topped the oven, prepared, went to the store, where I put up in many hours.

After the completion of school training, Scrisen entered the construction technique of the Mossovet. As a result, he received three working professions at once: a milling machine, a mechanic for the processing of wood and the reinforcement. Mikhail Ivanovich received the experience of the master, the engineer of PTO and the Proba in the construction site, but in the heart I was languishing a dream to be on the scene.

In the early 60s, these dreams were fulfilled. Strorly Student Scrisen combined working responsibilities with regular studies in the theater studio at the Moskovsky pop theater. As early as the studies, Mikhail Ivanovich repeatedly went to the stage of this institution as an artist of diverse roles and invariably hit the public with his talent.


When the study was finished, snag was happily accepted into the main body of the theater. Allowing it to work with creativity, he was not content with one only theatrical stage - Mikhail Ivanovich also engaged in writing songs, pop drama. Many of the compositions written by him performed the famous singer Vladimir Vysotsky. Other became popular soundtracks to the Soviet films of those years.

Since 1964, Mikhail Ivanovich worked in Moskoncert, and since 1967 he stopped working in a particular troupe of a particular theater, preferring such a format of work under contracts. In part, it was due to the fact that since 1968, Scriskin began to conquer the cinema.

His debut on the big screen was the role of Counterintelligence Paul Sinitsin in a dramatic detective "Resident Error", which was removed by Veniamin Dorman. Here, in all beauty, the talent of the singer was manifested, when the artist performed a song on the verses of Evgeny Agranovich "I saw birch juice in the spring forest."

Removing the film on the reconnaissance, the actor experienced a lies detector. It is noteworthy that the device itself did not hit the screens. According to the unlawful rules, films about secret agents are necessarily watching and analyzing the intelligence officers of other countries, therefore, with a demonstration of scientific achievements on the screen, they did not risk in Soviet times.

A year later, Mikhail Ivanovich received a major role in the romantic melodrame called "every evening at eleven". His character, a biophysicist named Stas, once a joke called the invented number and suddenly fell in love with his voice that answered him at the other end of the wire. The main female role in the project was played by Margarita Volodin. Critics met the melodrama cool, but the grateful spectators sent the letters to the actors.

Also Sokhn played Lieutenant Yartseva in the filmmaker "Liberation", Vasily Tsvetkov in the Rent "Earth, to demand", Vadim Roshchina in the picture "Walking on the flour", where the partner was Svetlana Penkina, and a number of other characters. In the mid-1980s, he stopped being removed by deciding to devote himself to social activities and literature.

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The last work in his filmography was the role of Major Shatokhin in the militant "single swimming". Scriskan's character manages to prevent a catastrophe, provoked by American intelligence services. A courageous, sports physique, high growth hero was remembered by the public. The game of the Soviet artist noted even American critics. After this project, Mikhail Ivanovich's character got into the top ten kinheroev who saved the world. Mikhail Szekina also called - "Russian Rembo".

Many poems Mikhail Ivanovich are widely known, predominantly laid on music and have become songs. These are musical compositions "And again choices", "I'm in the spring forest", "Last train", "We honestly want you", "I love you, Russia", "under the city of Rzhev", "And in the cemetery is still calm" And other works of a talented poet. These works became favorite hits in the repertoire of Lyudmila Zykina, Eduard Hil, Yuri Glyaeva, the leader of the group "Flowers" Stas Namina.

Some of these compositions became soundtracks to the same films in which she was shot. So, his creation "Last Fight" sounded in film "Liberation". The artist gained a whole discography, which included albums with similar songs.

In 1991, Mikhail Scriskin wrote a work "How so, gentlemen officers?". Poems were addressed to representatives of Russia's power structures, which the poet requested to deal with the "Bardak" in the country. In 1997, fans rated the political song "From the dirt in Prince", and in 1998 - "Time Rus to collect".

In the XXI century, Mikhail Ivanovich no longer appeared in new filmmakers, but continued his literary creativity. Publishing House "Veche" released 2 books of the poet with selected works - "Be Man" and the "Point of Support".

In 2017, Mikhail Scriskin celebrated a solid birthday (80 years) anniversary concert. The solemn evening was held in the hall of the church cathedrals of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The event was attended by Gennady Zyuganov, Yuri Solomin, Alexander Mikhailov. In honor of the festive date, the broadcast of the "Culture" channel was published from the "Life Line" cycle dedicated to her legs.

Personal life

The only love and faithful wife of Schuchen - Larisa Golubin-Scriskina, crevil the Estrada Theater. Larisa Lavrentievna is known for being non-partisan, answered musical accompaniment at the funeral of Joseph Stalin.

Galube was born in Tashkent in the house of the ideological Bolshevik who fought with Basmachi. In his youth, he was fond of tennis, gymnastics, graduated from school with honors, then reassured in Moscow State University. It was settled to work as a trainee director to the Bolshoy Theater, later he fell into the Ministry of Culture, where he was heading the repertoire policy. Together with Nikolai Pavlovich Smirnov-Sokolsky founded the stage theater.

Mikhail Ivanovich's family and Larisa Lavrenting was warm and loving, on any sharing photo you can see how gently spouses look at each other. His Mousse Schlyan dedicated the song "Beregin". They lived a soul in the soul of about 45 years. As I told Mikhail Ivanovich later in an interview, one colleagues, such constancy in his personal life was irritated, others, on the contrary, respect.

In 2004, Larisa Lavrentievna, who was older than his spouse for 17 years, died. Children from this couple did not appear, but Scrisan raised the adoptive son of Dmitry Golubin, who also became an actor.

Shortly before the meeting with the life companion, during the filming of the film "Walking on the Flocks", the artist had a fleeting novel with a Valentine's partner partner. According to rumors, there is an extramarital son from these relationships, which is also called Mikhail.

In 2019, the alleged heir gave an interview with Express Gazeta:

"Mom has never told me the details of relationships with the Father. But the fact that it was Sokhin my dad, how much I remember I knew. He was constantly at a distance of an elongated hand. Tried to help. Let in small money, but always, even if it was tight ... "

A man told journalists that Mikhail Ivanovich appointed his illegitimate son's secret meetings in the subway, and after the death of Larisa Golubina began to invite home to her. Mikhail Kolosov went in the footsteps of the parents and dedicated his life to creativity.

Music, acting and literature is not all that is occupied by Mikhail Ivanovich. He also participates in society's life and is not shy to criticize literary and political figures.

So, at the same time, he sharply spoke about the works of Evgenia Yevtushenko and Andrey Voznesensky, and also not once remembered the unkind Word of reform Mikhail Gorbachev. Since the organization of the movement of the "immortal regiment of Russia", Mikhail Scriskin became a member of his central headquarters. The actor even devoted a song to his beloved brain, to which the clip was created.

With the action, the poem "Vladimir Putin" is connected. In the work of Scrisen called the President "The most important ordinary immortal regiment of Russia."

Mikhail Scriskin now

Now the artist continues to concert and political activities, speaking at patriotic events and celebrations. Mikhail Ivanovich does not sit in social networks, and its thoughts shall be divided into the pages of the newspaper "Prognosis of Development" and in the broadcasts of the "Word" radio ingazets. In these projects, Scrisen is not only the author, but also a member of the editorial board.

In 2020, the poet songwriter entered a new era and received a responsible post of the First Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Union of Writers of Russia.

January 18, 2021 - on the eve of his birthday - visited the program "Good morning", on the air that gave a small concert. Cheerful, despite the solid age, the birthday boy thanked the leadership and TV presenter of the channel and shared with the TV viewers of creative plans.


  • 1967 - "Two hours earlier"
  • 1968 - "Resident Error"
  • 1968-1971 - "Liberation"
  • 1969 - "Every evening at eleven"
  • 1970 - "Fate of Resident"
  • 1972 - "Earth, to demand"
  • 1977 - "Walking on the flour"
  • 1980 - "Peter's Youth"
  • 1980 - "At the beginning of glorious affairs"
  • 1985 - "Single Swimming"
  • 1985 - "Zombie"


  • 1971 - "Mikhail Scriskin - the last fight"
  • 1986 - "Mikhail Scriskin - songs of different years"
  • 1998 - "Time Russia Collect!"
  • 1999 - "Good People"
  • 2000 - "Strange Sleep"

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