Valentina Titova - biography, personal life, photos, news, actress, Vladimir Basov, Georgy Rerberg 2021



Titova Valentine Antipovna - actress theater and cinema, won popularity after the release of the Dilogy "Shield and Sword". Starting a career in the USSR, the artist continued to work by profession and after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the future star began on February 6, 1942 (Zodiac-Aquarius sign) in the city of Kaliningrad, which in 1996 was renamed Korolev. It is important not to be confused with another Kaliningrad, Titov's homeland is located in the Moscow region. Valentine's childhood spent in another city. They became Sverdlovsk. It was there that the girl with his parents was evacuated because of the Great Patriotic War.

The acting debut Titov occurred in the local DC. Then the girl still studied at school. Next, she continued to perform in the Sverdlovsk theater of the young viewer and only after that he became a dramatic actress. After graduating from school, the future star entered the theater school. Two years later, the applicant was taken to the studio at the BDT named after Maxim Gorky. In 1964, she fully completed his studies.


The debut of Titov in the cinema was the episodic character of the stewardess in the tape "Everything goes to people", in which the actress appeared even while studying. The main role of Valentina Antipovna did not have to wait long. In 1964, she played one of the main characters in the film "Misel" directed by Vladimir Basova, the main for which was the work of Alexander Pushkin.

The next noticeable appearance of the actress was Nina in the 4-serial artistic picture "Shield and Sword". The tape quickly gained popularity, so Titov has already gained great fame in his youth.

1970 For Valentina, Antipovna was marked by an accession to the Corde Actraketer's theater-studio troupe in Moscow. The work in Titov was quite a lot, but there was a problem: she was offered only the characters of the second plan. However, the actress itself is nothing bad in secondary and episodic roles did not see. According to her, such works allowed to disclose acting potential from all sides.

Valentina Antipovna believed that 2-3 main roles could serve poor service for the actor, and its judgments are close to the truth. Artists who became hostages of their amplua were enough in the USSR, and abroad.

Pictures in which a young star in secondary roles were shot, and to this day. These include "TASS is authorized to declare ...", "Turbine Days" and "Testament of Professor Dowel".

Perestroika and the 90s affected the career of the actress. The number of projects in a difficult period for the country has greatly decreased. The artist did not disappear from the screens, but began to appear much less often. The most noticeable projects with the participation of Titov Steel "women offend are not recommended" and both parts of "love in Russian".

Valentina Titova - biography, personal life, photos, news, actress, Vladimir Basov, Georgy Rerberg 2021 17791_1

The number of projects in which Valentine Antipovna participated continued to decrease. Titova did not lose and pleased his fans noteworthy, although rare appearances on the screens. They include roles in the Amazon Detective and TV series "Evlampia Romanova 2", "invaluable love."

The famous actress often appeared on television on gears. In 2016, the perfect repair and "While all at home" program visited the artist. Valentina Antipovna became Guest at Julia Little on the project "alone with everyone".

In 2017, one of the series "My Hero" Tatyana Ustinova dedicated to the fate of Titov.

In 2018, the documentary film "Valentina Titova. In the shadow of great men, "in which the actress told about his novels, children and career in the cinema.

Personal life

Relationships and personal life Titov could be a good basis for the plot of melodrama or even tragedy. Although the actress itself also claims that there were many happy moments in her life, it may seem to be exaggerated. Of the 3 serious relations, no one ended with a happy finale.

The first serious love in the actor Vyacheslav Shalevich could not only become an obstacle in the career of the actress, but also put on her fate in the theater and cinema cross. First, the beloved Valentina Antipovna was married. Secondly, he lived in Moscow, and the young actress studied in Leningrad. Because of his love, Titov barely lost its place in the prestigious acting studio.

What saved the actress from not the best solution - it is unknown, but during the filming in the "blizzard" the director of the film is extremely persistently cared for a girl. Titov's heart could not answer the courtship of Vladimir Basova. The first husband was 18 years older than the chosen. Pretty soon the relationship received a logical conclusion - the lovers got married.

In marriage, the star gave birth to 2 children. Alexander appeared first in 1965, and in 1971 the daughter of Elizabeth was born. Unfortunately, a married couple could not be called happy. The heavy character of Basova affected, which at that time was divorced twice.

The result was the divorce of spouses, who was accompanied by a rather loud scandal. The decision of the court did not add situations of pleasant paints. Alexander and Elizaveta remained with the Father, and Titov left the family.

It was rumored that she was then a relationship with her future second husband - the famous Soviet operator George Rerberg. Valentine's Antipovna herself denies this and claims that after the divorce left for a removable apartment. The second wedding did not have to wait long. She married Rerberg. This period can be called the happiest for the actress. But 20 years of ride ended the tragedy. In 1999, Titov became a widow.

Today, the stars, in addition to children, there is a grandson and granddaughter - from the son and daughter, respectively. The actress did not get married for the third time, and nothing is known about less serious relationship.

The actress lives alone. As for his creative career, she did not deserve any titles from the state, it gets a meager retirement. Titovov has no accounts in social networks, but its photos can be found in the media.

Valentina Titova now

Now the actress is already in old age and almost stopped playing movies. The last project in the filmography of the artist was the 2-serial detective "Makarov", the premiere of which took place in 2020.

The plot of the project tells about the summer intrigue, which turns into Mikhail into a huge problem. The girl with whom the Hero has a bad novel, took advantage of the support of Rodney and presented a guy with rape prosecution. Misha's parents come into account who are willing to unleash a merciless war with adventurist Stella and her relatives to save the Son.

Artem Vershin, Marina Volkova, Mikhail Kremer, Svetlana Chuikin became Titov on the set.

In November 2020, Valentine Antipovna visited the program Boris Korchevnikov "The Fate of Man" and in an interview told about the hard peripeties of his life.

The first marriage with the director Vladimir Basov, according to the artist, was not happy. Tipposted novels with well-known people, for example, with Saveli Kramarov. The spouse was joined, but at the same time he cheated, began to abuse alcohol, he could hit. Also, the actress shared memories of how her colleague Natalia Fateeva, the former wife Basova, tried to return it.

The official cause of the death of the second husband of the artist, the cameraman Georgy Rerberg, - the gap of the heart. But Titova is sure that it is a murder, she knows the name of this woman, but it is publicly afraid.


  • 1963 - "Everything remains people"
  • 1964 - "Misel"
  • 1967 - "Shield and Sword"
  • 1967 - "Focuscript"
  • 1977 - Mimino
  • 1980 - "Once twenty years later"
  • 1981 - "Carnival"
  • 1984 - "TASS is authorized to declare ..."
  • 1985 - "Trees grow on the stones"
  • 1995 - "Love in Russian"
  • 1996 - "Love in Russian 2"
  • 2004 - "Evlampia Romanova 2. Constellation of greedy dogs"
  • 2011 - "Amazon"
  • 2013 - "invaluable love"
  • 2020 - "Makarov"

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